The World Online

Vol 3 Chapter 1096: Big or no

In the past month, in addition to civilian officials, Da Xia also came to a group of military commanders.

The biggest surprise is to attract an amazing family - the loyalty Yang family. You know, given the existence of Mu Guiying, the Yang family set by Gaia will be set according to the Romance.

The Yang family in the Romance will be a large and warlike family after several generations.

The public Yangye, a palm of the nine ring Jinfeng set Song knife, swept Yanmen, Weizheng Northland, each will be the red flag before the front, the military known as "Golden knife to make Gong Yang invincible."

The old lady, the prince, and the flower in the palm of the hand, a nine-ring Zezhou flower knife, every time before the battle, he must play the white squad flag, and they all call her "the golden knife makes the mother-in-law Taijun."

Downward is the seven Langs and eight tigers, except for Liulang Yang Yanzhao, both of whom are at the Golden Beach.

Dalang Yangtai, the word Yanping, good to make a shot of Lu Lu Jinquan, his wife and daughter, the second wife Zhou Yunjing. The Golden Beach Double Dragon will die on behalf of the Song King, and once shot an arrow to death Tianqing Liang Wang.

Erlang Yang Yong, the word Yanding, good to make a shot of eight treasures red gold gun, wife and wife Jinhua, second wife Zou Lanxiu. In the first battle of Jinsha Beach, when the squadron was heavy, the brothers were forced to lift the jacks and hacked to death by the Liao soldiers.

Saburo Yang Xun, the word Yanguang, good to make a shot through the armored gold gun, his wife Dong Yuexi, Jinsha Beach, was killed by the horse into the mud.

Shiro Yanggui, the word Yanhui, good to make a shot of chrysanthemum gold gun, married his wife Meng Jinbang, Jinsha was captured in the First World War, Yang surnamed Mu Yi, matching the couple with the Princess of Iron Mirror, 15 years later to pass the test Helping Song to break through Liao, and having many meritorious deeds, and being able to reunite with the family, is the only long-lived person among the seven Langs and eight tigers.

Wulang Yang Chun, the word Yande, good to make a one-pointed soap gold gun, married his wife Ma Saiying, Jinsha Beach after the injury was smashed to the Buddha Gate, Wutai Mountain as the shackles, and later for the big broken Tianmen out of the mountains.

Liulang Yangjing, the word Yanzhao, good to make a shot of the golden gun, the wife of the eight-king king of the sorcerer of the county, Chaimei, the only one in the seven horses and eight tigers who returned to the country in the Golden Beach, died of illness .

Qilang Yang Xi, the word Yan Yan, good to make a tiger head Wujin gun, his wife Hu Yan Chi Jin. Hachiro Yang Shun, the word Yanshun, is the righteous son, good for a shot of a golden gun, his wife Cai Xiuying.

The next generation is Yang Zonglang, the eldest son of Yang Liulang, and his wife, Mu Guiying. Even said that even Mu Guiying and Yang Zongbao, the son of Yang Zongbao, are also famous.

In order to follow the Yang family, Ouyang Yu deliberately decreed, in Tianhai City, a Tianbo House, the Gong Yang industry and the old Taijun Junhua flower, and the same son-in-law, live in Tianbo.

Qilangbahu and Yang Zongbao and others, then placed in the military to serve, one by one to become the head of the division.

With the arrival of Yang Jiacheng, the more enthusiastic the Shanhai City has become, the more players who come to watch it, the [mountain and sea entertainment holding group] is ready to shoot a movie for the Yang family.

In addition to the Yang family, this month, Shanhai City has returned a group of leeches.

The first one is "Jade Kirin" Lu Junyi, this person witnessed the double eyes, the eyebrows are divided into eight characters, the body is nine feet like silver, the prestige is sturdy, the instrument is like the god. Accustomed to a stick, the body of the dragon is unbeatable, and it is the first fierce battle.

With Lu Junyi's vote, there is also his servant "Prodigal Son" Yan Qing.

Then Huarong, a silver gun, gave birth to a pair of handsome eyes, teeth white lips red, eyebrows fly into the shackles, thin waist arm, silver helmet silver armor, good riding horse, can open hard bow, known as "Xiao Liguang ".

All three were placed in the military, either as a division chief or as a vanguard.

In addition, there are also Xiao Xiao Er, Xiao Xiao Wu, Xiao Xiao Qi San brothers, who were assigned to the Navy Fleet. Shenxing Taibao Daizong was arranged to work in Shanhaiwei.

The otters have their own housekeeping skills, but they do not have to be placed in the army.

According to the news that Shan Haiwei inquired, in addition to the above, there are many Liangshan heroes who live in the territory of Daxia, including the flower monk and Wu Song, who just did not choose to go out.

Ouyang Yi is not reluctant to let him live freely.

Just a little, since they are not willing to play for the summer, they don’t expect Ouyang to lead them into the planet of hope. There is a reward for paying, and there is a free banquet in the world.

The above list is just a representative of the big summer.

Not only this month, as the summer is booming, it is now the name of the Chinese orthodox. In the future, there will be more and more historical talents in the summer, such as Baichuan Huihai.

At this point, it is not a big summer, but talent is not invited.

At this point, the bottleneck of talents that have been plaguing Daxia has basically been solved. Even if the future of the summer is expanding, there is a huge talent pool of China, which is inexhaustible.

However, with the arrival of these talents, the system of Daxia has become more and more complicated.

No one is perfect, every historical talent has both advantages and disadvantages. They are either self-sufficient, or greedy for money, or self-respecting, or placing family interests above the interests of the dynasty...

Coupled with the fact that these talented people from different dynasties have different historical limitations, now they are like a pot of hodgepodge, mixed together.

It is also a big problem how these talents should be properly tempered.

Even if Ouyang Yu did not prevent micro-duration, how to carefully design the system of the big summer, the interior will inevitably breed a new class, and there will be hierarchical differentiation.

This is the general trend, even if the emperor's respect of Ouyang Yi is irreversible.

If Ouyang Yu uses brute force or force to forcefully suppress and dismantle this class, it will eventually end up with a losing end and dragging the big summer into the abyss.

On the contrary, Ouyang Yu can only follow the trend, with the help of this torrent, push the big wheel of the big summer to keep moving forward. Most, most, Ouyang Yi can only guarantee that Daxia does not deviate from the main channel.

If you compare the big summer to a fleet that breaks the waves, Ouyang is only the flagship. Around the flagship, with the big summer as the core, it is adorned with large and small tens of thousands of ships.

They are both the protection of the flagship and the protection of the flagship.

The two are interdependent.

Such a huge system, even if Ouyang Yi has absolute authority, can not pay attention to everything.

Fortunately, there is a powerful imperial institution in Daxia. There is one of the most luxurious cabinets in history. There is an unparalleled army in the world, which is enough to meet any challenge.

Ouyang Yu needs only a little patience and patience.

Laozi has a cloud: "Take a big country, if you cook a small fresh."

For Ouyang Yi, he has entered a new stage of growth, and he needs to continue to move forward with a broader mind, a more far-sighted vision, a stronger courage, and a more calming force.

After this hurdle, Ouyang Yi will be very different.

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