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Vol 3 Chapter 1265: The strongest disarmament program in history (2 in 1)

A rumor storm, pushing Ashoka to the edge of the cliff.

Under this kind of public opinion atmosphere, Ayuwang can not only withdraw from the Tubo, but also find ways to hold the Tubo. At the very least, he must reach an agreement with Daxia to give his country a confession.

Otherwise, the storm will never calm down.

The initiator of this rumor storm is the peacock king and the king of the princes. They have been planning in the dark. When the war of Tubo is over, they will attack the Ashoka dynasty.

In this way, how can the Ayu Dynasty easily withdraw from the Tubo.

Only the Ashoka dynasty will be defeated in Tubo, and they will have a chance to win.

In the process, the secret agent of the Black Snake Asia Division in Tianzhu also followed the push, and with the joint efforts of the three parties, the rumors were quickly fermented in the shortest time.

Thinking over and over again, Ashoka gnawed his teeth and decided to send another 500,000 troops to Tubo. At the same time, he ordered the garrison of some cities to stay in the army.

It is best to be able to hold these cities. Even if they can’t keep it, Ashoka hopes to withdraw most of the troops to the country through the support of the 500,000-strong army.

As long as the army is there, Ashoka is fearless.

At the same time, in order to minimize the expectations of the people, Ashoka ordered that the 500,000 troops who had gone out to disguise themselves, mixed with the team that transported grain and grass, and quietly entered Tubo.

Ashoka is worried that once he is known by the people, the dynasty will invest two million troops and still cannot protect a Tubo. It is really detrimental to the dynasty prestige, so it is low-key marching.


October 5th, the capital.

Ayuwang first implemented a brutal military management in Tubo, and regarded the Tubo people as arrogant and arbitrarily crushed; followed by the domestic storm, and the difficulty of riding the tiger, showing the undercurrent of the scorpio.

Ouyang Yu can only feel that it is really helping the summer.

With these two points, the "meat grinder plan" formulated by Jia Wei can basically be realized. Even because of the "positive" cooperation between the Peacock Dynasty and the dynasty, it may still receive miraculous effects.

There is a good news on the front line, and there has been progress on the disarmament program on the court side.

The military plane, the Privy Council and the Zizheng Court jointly formulated the largest disarmament plan in the history of the great summer, and it is also the most thorough military reform program.

Only after Ouyang Yi has passed the audit, it can be opened.

The biggest feature of this disarmament is that it does not reduce the level of the formation of the legion. Instead, it will abolish the army from the scale of 70,000 to 50,000 and reduce the number of employees by 20,000.

This is very powerful.

Including the Guards, the Daxia Army has a total of 19 group army, each group army has five legions, plus the Pazhou Corps and the South American Corps, a total of ninety-nine legions.

The reduction of 20,000 in each legion means that a total of 1.9 million troops will be abolished at one time, with a disarmament ratio of 28.6% and more than a quarter.

This means that one out of every four soldiers will retire.

After the disarmament, the Daxia Army will be downsized from 693,300 people at the peak to 4.95 million.

Of course, disarmament is not a simple reduction of staff. It is necessary to realize the transformation of the army from 70,000 to 50,000. The reform is the entire military structure and a thorough reshaping.

Before the disarmament, the Da Xiajun fired ten people, ten fires for the team, five teams for the camp, five camps for the brigade; five brigades for the division, with thousands of people directly under the brigade;

After the disarmament, the Daxia Army still used ten people as fires and set fire to the fire. The difference was changed from a team of ten fires to a team of five fires, a total of fifty people, and the team was set up.

This is a scientific basis.

The team is serving as a grassroots officer in the military. It has a one-time jurisdiction over ten fires, which is a bit overrun, and it is easy to cause the imbalance between the team and the camp, and form a light and heavy pattern.

In addition, it is a scientific subdivision of the functions at the team level, which is divided into infantry teams (Pikemen, Knife, and Epee), Cavalry, and Musketeers according to tasks, equipment, and composition. Team, artillery team, warplane team, engineering team, reconnaissance team, repair team, squadron, squadron and medical team.

In short, at the team level, it basically covers all the combat units and auxiliary units of the Daxia Army. The level of completeness is almost the same as that of the modern army.

So prepared, there are two benefits.

First, it provides greater possibilities for joint operations of multiple arms.

For example, after the military reform, at the level of the battalion, the Daxia Army can achieve joint operations between the three different arms of the pikemen, cavalry and musketeers, making the combat mode more flexible and efficient.

Each type of arms has advantages and disadvantages. Joint operations are to complement each other. The more the joint combat mode is sunk, the more it can enhance the combat effectiveness of the army.

In the past, the entire division, and even the entire legion, was a mode of preparation for a single unit. Today, as new units continue to emerge, it is clearly becoming less and less suitable for war needs and is destined to be eliminated.

Of course, this can't be done overnight.

How to unite between the arms, how to match, how to command, how to solve the logistics support and other practical problems, but also after this round of military reform, the group army in the training and actual exploration.

Once the operation is mature, the Daxia Army will take a new step.

Second, the logistical support has been sunk, greatly improving the military's endurance and flexibility.

Before the military reform, the direct team of thousands of people equipped at the first level of the division, as well as the direct brigade equipped at the level of the regiment, were actually proposed by the white, equipped with engineering, squadrons and medical soldiers.

There is no separate auxiliary unit under the division.

Before this, the Da Xiajun used to fight with the large army, and there was no big problem. With the evolution of the war situation, the expansion of the territory and the battlefield, the brigade, and even the battalion level must have certain independent combat capabilities.

In this way, the auxiliary arms must be in place.

The rebuilding of the army during the White Period was still in the first year of Gaia, six years before. In the past six years, the Great Summer Army has undergone earth-shaking changes, and it is time to update.

With the foundation of Daxia today, it also has the ability to equip all kinds of auxiliary units in one place. While improving the flexibility of the army, it also greatly improves the survival rate of the army and reduces the death rate.

At the team level, the preparation of the team was completely reshaped.

A battalion, six to ten teams, 300-500 people. In addition to the combat team, a battalion needs to be equipped with at least one squadron, and according to the actual situation, equipped with auxiliary units such as anecdotes, medical treatments, and investigations at the fire level.

The battalion is also the basic tactical detachment of the Daxia Army.

Similarly, depending on the task, equipment and composition, it can be divided into infantry battalion (Pikemen battalion, Knife Shield Barracks and Epee Barracks), Cavalry Battalion, Musketeers Battalion, Artillery Battalion, Engineer Barracks, Reconnaissance Camp, and 辎 Heavy Camp.

It can be clearly seen that, except for the warfighting fleet, the repairs, anecdotes, and medical treatments in the auxiliary arms will not be based on the battalion. Basically, the team will be directly equipped to the brigade level.

A brigade, three to five battalions, a number of direct teams, a total of 2,000 people. A number of direct teams refer to the six auxiliary units of the engineering team, the investigation team, the repair team, the squadron team, the squad team and the medical team.

According to the actual situation, it is generally not all.

The brigade preparation is a senior tactical unit of the Daxia Army. It has a brigade and is equipped with operational staff. According to the task, equipment and compilation, it is divided into infantry brigade (long gun brigade brigade, knife shield brigade brigade and epee brigade brigade), cavalry brigade, musketeer brigade, special combat brigade, engineering brigade brigade and stern brigade.

With the current industrialization level of Daxia, it is not possible to equip the artillery brigade. In addition, the investigation is basically at the battalion level and will not rise to the brigade level, which is too exaggerated.

One division, four brigades, several independent battalions and several direct teams, a total of 10,000.

By the same token, the independent camp will perform combat service, technical service and logistics support tasks, including the engineering battalion, the investigation battalion and the battalion battalion.

The direct team is naturally the repair team, the cooking team and the medical team.

The formation of the division is already the basic tactical force of the Daxia Army. It can fight independently and independently guard a defense zone. It is divided into the Shield and Shield Division, the Cavalry Division and the Musketeers Division according to the tasks, equipment and compilation.

It is not difficult to see that at the level of the division, the pikemen and the heavy swordsmen will all withdraw from the historical stage. In front of the musketeers, such a formed infantry division is a live target and is destined to be eliminated. Only the swords and shields wearing heavy armor can compete with the Musketeers on the premise that the individual ability of the individual is greatly improved.

Set up the division, the group army commander awarded the number and the military flag, and some have their own unique logo.

The division has a certain military management authority, and is responsible for military training and administrative management, including the selection and appointment of grassroots officers and soldiers.

Therefore, the head of the division has been regarded as the general's title.

One legion, four divisions, several independent brigades, and several independent battalions, totaling 50,000. The independent brigade at the Legion level includes both auxiliary units such as the Engineering Brigade and the Heavy Crusade, as well as combat units such as the Pikemen Brigade, the Knife and Brigade Brigade, the Epee Brigade, the Cavalry Brigade, the Musketeers Brigade, and the Special Operations Brigade.

The specific configuration is also flexible according to the situation. The overall goal is to achieve coordinated operations between multiple arms and enhance the overall combat effectiveness of the military.

The formation of the Legion is the basic tactical corps of the Daxia Army. It has a military department that can lead the defense of the province. Unless in the war, the five legions of the group army will not be stationed together, they will be stationed separately.

In general, the legion is a composite army of all arms.

Although the first-generation fighters have entered the production stage, the current size of the installation is not enough to set up the Air Force outside the Army. As for the navy, it only fights in wartime and does not mix land and sea.

Before the military reform, when Daxia was engaged in a certain battle, he often used a number of legions from different group armies to reorganize and fight together. It is because of the tactical attributes of the legion that they can completely fight independently.

The Legion is the basis for the formation of strategic battle forces and the basic unit for calculating the comparison of strategic battle forces. The quantity and quality are the main indicators for measuring the combat strength of the military.

In short, looking at the scale of a battle, it depends on how many legions the Great Summer has invested.

Further up is the group army, which is also the highest compilation unit of the army. The five regiments are unchanged, and there is a headquarters command authority, which is the combat unit responsible for a battle direction, that is, the basic battle unit.

Not only that, but the relatively fixed group army of the defense zone also has a headquarters hospital and a logistics support center to provide medical and logistics support services for the entire army.

The above is the core content of this "the largest disarmament program in the history of the great summer". It is not so much disarmament, but rather an outright military restructuring through disarmament.

Ouyang Yu said long ago that the reduction of the soldiers is not the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is to improve the combat capability of the army. Du Ruzhen and Zhang Liang, they clearly understand the intention of Ouyang Yu.

In addition to the adjustments made to the military, the "Program" has made a very detailed plan on how to disarm, which soldiers to abolish, which arms to be abolished, and how to resettle the troops.

In the Daxia Army, the Guards, Yulin Army and the City Guard belong to the direct army, standing at the highest level; down is the dragon, tiger, leopard, eagle, flying bear, greedy wolf and Fengxiang seven field army .

Further down are the North African Army, the West African Army, the East African Army, the Hanoi Army, the Heluo Army, the South Xinjiang Army, the Xiangjiang Army, the Hedong Army, the North Xinjiang Army, the Pazhou Corps, and the South American Corps.

When the border guards go down, they are the provincial guards. The Guards Corps goes further and is the reserve. From top to bottom, the total of five levels, together constitute the perfect system of the Daxia Army.

As the number goes down, the military's combat power is declining.

Therefore, this round of disarmament is impossible to say that all the 100,000 troops that have been abolished by the Guards will be retired, which is too violent.

In principle, the soldiers who have been removed from the previous level are preferentially added to the next level, so that they are degraded in layers, and eventually they are all gathered to the reserve level to form a huge reserve system.

Of course, this is not absolute.

Du Ruzhen, the military affairs minister, drew a red line. In this round of disarmament, all three types of personnel who are "the only sons of the family who have served in military service for more than five years and have physical illnesses" are forced to retire unless the circumstances are special.

Even the birth of the Guards is no exception.

"There are people who have wives and children at home, who have misconduct files in the army, and are wounded by the battle." These three types of personnel are classified as priority abolition targets.

In addition to this, it is the adjustment of the ratio of arms.

In view of the rise of firearms, the "Proposal" clearly stipulates that after this round of disarmament, the number of arms of the gunners, artillery, air force, combat magic couple operators will reach 60% of the total military.

In particular, artillery and the Air Force will be greatly expanded in this round of disarmament ~ ~ archers, pikemen, and even cavalry, are included in the priority abolition. As for the bow and hand, it was already replaced by the gunmen in the adjustment of the army before, and it was basically extinct in the army.

Among the cavalry, a new sub-arm was ushered in. In addition to the light cavalry, heavy cavalry, war elephant cavalry, and armored cavalry, a new musketeer cavalry was added.

While reducing the proportion of infantry units, the "Program" also stipulates that the proportion of auxiliary units should be appropriately increased, especially the proportion of heavy soldiers, engineers and medical personnel.

The "Program" hopes that in the future, the Daxia Army will have the ability to guarantee logistics alone. It is not necessary to collect a large number of labors to be responsible for logistics transportation every time it launches a major war.

Of course, the treatment of the auxiliary arms is different from that of the combat arms, and it can also reduce military spending.

In summary, in this round of disarmament, the object of abolition actually faces four kinds of fates, one is downgrading, such as from the Guards to the Longyan Army; the other is the transfer of arms, such as the transfer from the pikemen to the Musketeers; One is a cross-category transfer, such as from a cavalry to a heavy soldier.

The last one is to switch to reserve service, receive a decommissioning subsidy, and then leave the military.

I can imagine that this will be a huge project.

This project is not only vast, but also consumes astronomical figures. It is only a retired subsidy of 1.98 million people, which is as high as 20 million gold coins.

In principle, retired soldiers can give priority to returning to their home country, and all levels of the door are obliged to arrange a decent and appropriate job for them.

The indirect costs are even more difficult to count.

At the same time, 1.9 million soldiers retired at the same time, which also increased the scale of the summer reserve to a new height. How to effectively manage the reserve has become a problem.

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