The World Online

Chapter 25: Basic welfare

Gaia was sunny on the 24th of January.

Ouyang Yu rides a black whirlwind and gallops in the wilderness. Since getting this horse, he has been riding it in the territory every morning. Compared to the narrow stables, the black cyclone obviously prefers the vast expanse of wilderness. Spread the hooves and run in the morning sun.

On the edge of the Friendship River, two thousand acres of farmland have been completed, and the rules and regulations are neat and square. The river water in the Friendship River is led to the farmland through ditches to form a simple and practical irrigation system. The farmers are burying the seedlings of the potatoes one by one in the ground, looking forward to a bumper harvest.

Ouyang Yu Zema walked through the farmland, watching the rolling farmland, and the farmers who worked hard in the farmland. What he seems to see is hope, hope of harvest. The grain in the first half of this year can be solved by these potatoes. He looked at it roughly. According to the current progress, it is expected that all the potatoes will be finished tomorrow.

He is very satisfied with the efficiency of the Agricultural Reclamation Division. Zhao Dexian really is a personal talent, whether it is the construction team before, or the current farmer. He managed to be well organized and never let the lord of Ouyang Yu disappointed. Ouyang Yu believes that after such experience, Zhao Dexian can still be qualified for more important positions and become his important assistant.

The horse was returned from the farmland and returned to the village in less than half an hour. Two towers have been erected on both sides of the village entrance. Each of the towers has two archers and cavalry in turn, guarding the gates of the village.

Crossing the gate of the village entrance, you will see the commercial street that has already taken shape. The primary grocery store, the intermediate blacksmith shop, the intermediate woodworking workshop, the senior tailor shop, the high-level martial arts building and other buildings are separated on both sides of the street, bringing vitality to the territory.

That's right, it's a senior tailor shop and a senior martial arts house, not a junior tailor shop and a junior martial arts hall. This is related to the setting of the building level in the game. In the game, all buildings can be divided into five categories.

The first category is a building that simply provides living space, such as a simple fence, a small residential building, an arrow tower, a ferry, and a stable. This type of building is not graded. What it is like after it is built can not be upgraded again. If you want to replace it, you can only dismantle it. For example, after the simple fence can be removed, a more solid masonry wall can be built.

The second category is productive buildings such as blacksmith shops, tailor shops, woodworking workshops, martial arts halls, and medical centers. To achieve its function, such buildings rely mainly on the skill level of skilled personnel. For example, the blacksmith shop decides whether it can only build a farm implement or a weapon, not the level of the store itself, but the skill level of the blacksmith in the shop.

The level of this type of building is directly tied to the level of skilled personnel. For example, after the junior blacksmith Li Tiezhu was promoted to an intermediate blacksmith, the junior blacksmith shop was promoted to an intermediate blacksmith shop.

The third category is buildings like shipyards. To achieve its function, such buildings depend on the level of skilled personnel and the facilities of the building itself.

Take the shipyard as an example. Even if there is a senior shipbuilder, the shipyard's level is still primary because the shipyard's own dock and other facilities are still primary. The promotion of such buildings requires the dual requirements of the skill level of the skilled person and the level of the building itself.

The fourth category is buildings such as village temples, ancestral halls, primary markets, and junior military camps. In order to realize its function, such a building does not need skilled personnel at all, but relies on the building itself to realize its function. Therefore, the upgrade of such buildings can only be achieved by relying on a higher level of architectural drawings.

The fifth category is resource harvesting buildings such as primary logging, primary quarries and primary mining. The level of such buildings is related to the amount of resources stored and the number of people mined. If the amount of resources stored is sufficient, then as long as the number of people mined is expanded, they can be promoted directly.

According to the setting of the game, less than one hundred people are junior, one hundred or more and five hundred or less are intermediate, five hundred or more and one thousand are senior, and one thousand or more are special.

Through the commercial street, Ouyang Yu returned to the office. On the desk, there is a document, which is the battle plan for the Beast Siege Territory.

He is not in a hurry to read this document. When I passed the commercial street just now, I saw the worn clothes on the villagers. He suddenly realized what should be done for them. The villagers worked hard every day, and they provided them with a full meal.

He still remembers that when Zhao Dexian and his entourage came to Shanhai Village, he had promised that the villagers should have clothes to wear, food to eat, houses to live, and fields to be ploughed.

The villagers are still wearing their rags and rags, and even the daughters of Cui Yingyou do not have a body-faced dress. Now, there is a senior tailor of Mu Qingsi. Just the funds in the territory are still quite abundant, it is time to improve everyone's wearing conditions.

"Two baby!" Ouyang Yan shouted outside the door.

"Hey!" The second baby was playing in the courtyard, and when he heard Ouyang screaming him, he quickly screamed and ran into the office.

"Go to your sister Cui and Ms. Mu to come to my office and say that I have something to do."

"Well!" Erwazi responded with a sigh of relief and ran out of the office.

Taking advantage of this time, Ouyang Yu began to look at the battle plan of the Beast Siege Territory that was established by Shi Long. In this plan, Shi Wansui elaborated on the defense strategy of the territory. Its core content is summed up in eight words: active defense and active attack.

Active defense is to expand the scope of defense to the entire territory. Specifically, it is necessary to arrange multiple trap defense chains outside the village on the basis of doing a good village defense.

After all, the beast is still a beast, unlike the human army, which has advanced wisdom. When a beast attacks a city, it must be in a state of violent and irrational reason. Using this, randomly arrange dark pits in the territory, and insert sharp-cut wooden thorns into the pits, so that the wild beasts can't eat and walk.

Active offensive is to give full play to the advantages of the bow and the cavalry. Can not shrink the passive killing monsters in the village, but use the flexible and fast characteristics of the cavalry team, take the initiative to fight, play guerrilla warfare.

After reading the plan, Ouyang Yu nodded secretly and recognized the strategy of Shi Long.

Ten minutes later, Cui Yingyou and Mu Qingsi came together. After a few days of getting along, the two became sisters who had nothing to say. The feelings are deep, and I am closer to Ouyang Yu’s older brother.

"Big Brother, you are looking for me and my sister to come over. In the end, there is something big to discuss." When Mu Qingsi entered the door, he laughed and teased Ouyang. After getting through these days, I feel the approachable elder brother, who is no longer as shy as she was, and has become generous.

"Nature is an important thing, or else, where can I dare to alarm our young lady?" Ouyang Yu did not want to be outdone, teasing her. This Xiao Nizi has become more and more lawless since he has understood his own nature. Although she has deliberately indulged herself, she can't be too naughty.

"Yeah!" This is a bit of a joke by Ouyang Yu, and this girl is finally a little embarrassed. In fact, this is the nature, secretly swearing: "Hey, bad big brother, will take the children to tease, bad!"

Looking at the temperament of a child like Mu Qingsi, Ouyang Yi could not help but think of her sister, Ouyang Bing. Although the two have some gaps in age, they are the same innocent, sweet and lovely. I want to come, and after Binger enters the game, the two will definitely play.

Ouyang Yi did not pay attention to her embarrassment, turned to look at Cui Yingyou, "Pomelo, this time to find you two to come, is to do a big thing for the territory. This matter needs you and Qinger to complete."

Cui Yingyu looked at Ouyang Yu doubtfully and asked: "I don't know what the big brother is doing?"

"This is the case. Last time, I didn't search for 32 gold coins from the rogue camp. Except for the 10 gold coins used to purchase architectural drawings, there are still more than 20 gold coins. Together with Qinger's tailor shop, it officially opened. I will I wonder if I can buy a batch of linen from the primary market and install a new coat for every villager in the territory. It is also a special reward for the hard work of the territory.

Cui Yingyu smiled and said with sincerity: "Big brother is a good move. Does every villager referred to by the big brother refer to the existing villagers, or does it include the villagers who join in the follow-up?"

"This treatment, I am going to include it in the basic welfare of the territory, so it is a long-term policy. On the day of the village, I have promised the villagers. As the naturally must say Yes. There used to be no conditions. Now that there are conditions, it is natural not to eat."

Mu Qingsi heard this, a pair of big eyes fluttering and watching Ouyang Yi, full of worship, "Wow, big brother, Qing Er found that he is more and more admiring you, what should I do?"

Ouyang Yu coughed, and the wind said lightly: "Don’t worship brother, brother is just a legend!"

"Cut, big brother is so narcissistic, shame~~" This Nizi is really more and more unscrupulous.

Ouyang Yi also ignored her and asked: "Qinger, for the clothes, your senior tailor has the most say. You tell the big brother how much cloth is needed to realize this welfare, which is time-consuming."

Mu Qingsi indulged. "According to the knowledge of Qing Er, usually a piece of cloth is 30 meters. According to the average set of clothes and cloth, two and a half meters can be used to make 12 sets of clothes. According to the calculation of 500 people in the second village, probably It takes 42 pieces of cloth. Qinger now carries four apprentices and can sew twenty sets of clothes every day."

Ouyang Yu nodded and looked at the two. "It seems that this will be a long-term project. In this way, I am doing a division of labor here. The matter of cloth is purchased by me. It is natural for the villagers to tailor the clothes." Responsible for the release of clothes and the arrangement of the sewing clothes, the grapefruit is responsible. In principle, the batch is divided according to the principle of first come and then. In addition, I am going to purchase an additional brocade to sew the two sisters. New clothes. Just as a big brother gave you a meeting, the two sisters should not give up."

The daughter's family is still very concerned about their own image. The two men resigned a bit and accepted the welcome to the readers to read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are available at ~www Mobile users please read.

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