The World Online

Vol 2 Chapter 810: Gift from Jack

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After listening to the description of Feng Pian Huang, Ouyang Yu has returned to calm. Www.しwxs520. Com

"The hand of silver? It's getting more and more interesting!"

Ouyang Yu actually smiled and his eyes filled with fighting spirit.

Ouyang Yu was still worried that if Shan Haicheng had a big noise in the game, after arriving at Hope Planet, his achievement value would exceed the limit of "some people".

In that way, will anyone swindle and directly declare that the earth's online achievement value is invalid.

This is not impossible.

Just like a person running to the casino to gamble, if he wins more than the casino to bear the limit, then it is necessary to consider whether to leave the casino decently, rather than want to make more money.

After all, money has to be spent more.

"What are you going to do?" asked Feng Pian Huang.

Ouyang Yu smiled slightly, as if looking up inadvertently, if he pointed out, "What can I do? Naturally, I am going to the college camp, looking for a big tree to shelter the wind and rain."

As soon as the voice fell, Ouyang Yu was keenly aware that there was a white light in the air. Feng Pian Huang met, and the same flash of light in his eyes, thoughtful.

Since Gaia is on the side of the academy, Ouyang Wei believes that the words he would only mean will be understood by Gaia and conveyed to the academic leaders.

Everyone in the game can't escape Gaia's eyes. It’s just that Gaia wants to follow the “three laws of robots”. Without authorization, players can’t be leaked.

The action of Ouyang Wei’s talent is an authorization. Since he can’t contact the academic school and let Gaia transfer it, it’s natural.

It seems that the silver hand can't cover the sky with one hand. It also has a strong opponent - the academic school. Ouyang Yu did not mind temporarily belonging to the academic school as a pawn.

When your own strength is not really strong, it is tantamount to smashing the stone. Ouyang Yu has been tempered by the wilderness and has never been a childish idealist.

With a college behind the back, Ouyang Yi can safely fight with the silver hand.

The future hope of the planet is the opportunity for Ouyang Yi to truly get rid of the shackles of the two major factions and to grow freely. Only on the planet, Ouyang Yu can really lay the foundation.

Focusing only on the game, it is destined to be a rootless wood.

Who knows, at this moment, Ouyang Yu’s vision has risen to a new height. He not only makes layouts in the game, but also prepares for the future planet of hope.

The game is not affecting reality.

What you can play is a living person. Since it is a person, it can affect the reality.

"Feng dance, I really want to thank you this time." Ouyang Yu really thanked.

Feng Pianhuang smiled and said: "We are friends."

Ouyang Yu nodded and smiled.

The next two people talked for more than an hour, and Feng Pianhuang got up and said goodbye.

When Feng Pianhuang was about to enter the transmission array, Ouyang Yu suddenly said: "Feng dance, don't be afraid, you are not alone."

This time I saw Phoenix Prison Phoenix, Ouyang Yi clearly felt that she had something to worry about. Just in the chat, Feng Pian Huang always wants to say and stop, I do not know where to start.

Ouyang Yu thinks that Feng Pianhuang may encounter the same predicament as him.

The road was dark and cold.

Ouyang Yu couldn't bear to let such a strange woman go alone.

Feng Pianhuang's body was obviously trembled, and he turned around for a long time, giving Ouyang Yi a bright smile.

"I won't be afraid!"

Ouyang Yi also smiled and thought: "Bless you, my friend!"


Just as Ouyang Yu met with Feng Pian Huang, a big net had been quietly launched.

Pacific Ocean, Hawaiian Islands.

On the vast sea, a second-class sail battleship just ended its vacation on the island of Hawaii, once again set foot on the voyage, riding the wind and breaking the waves, heading east.

The fourth system update just after the end not only improved the speed of the army, but also achieved the same speed of the warships, making the ocean navigation easier.

The battleship departed from the western coast of the United States and arrived in Hawaii in the heart of the Pacific Ocean in just five days. In another week, the battleship will arrive at Dongpu.

The Statue of Liberty, which was hung on the battleship, said it was a warship belonging to the US Liberty City.

On the deck stood two middle-aged people, one and one, watching the manners, which is the core figure of the battleship.

"The clerk, why do we want to send a precious technical manual to the Dongpu people?" The military officer, who is also the captain of the battleship, wears a standard Western military uniform and has a duel for the waist. Long sword, still don't have a Western-style pistol.

"Don't ask, don't ask." The civil servant is the clerk of Liberty City. He is a high-ranking person. Therefore, he is also much calmer. He has a double-cornered hat on his head and a delicate cane in his hand.

With a slightly splayed splayed huh, it is very chic.

This time they took the life of the Lord, and sent the three most precious technical manuals of Freedom City to Dongpu and several lords in China at a low price of only one million gold coins.

The products served include steam engines, looms and manufacturing technologies for sail battleships. The only thing left in Liberty City is their core gun manufacturing technology.

The clerk did not understand the inside story of the matter. When the lord of the lord handed over the matter, he was as full of doubts as the captain. Just in front of the military officer, he naturally has to show a look of insider.

Otherwise, how does it show that he is intimate with the lord? !

The captain really thought that there was any insider, and he did not dare to inquire, and smiled and shifted the topic. Speaking of this, this is the first time that the Liberty City Fleet crossed the Pacific Ocean, which is of great significance.

Dongpu, Sanchacheng.

Honda Keisuke read the secret letter that Jack Dawson gave him, and he smiled and was very happy.

As a traditional ally of the United States in Asia, even after the formation of the Federation, within the hands of the silver ~ ~ Dongpu people are also following the pace of the Americans, all the way to the front of the saddle.

Of course, Dongpu people are not without return.

Just like this technology license, San Francisco has just three technical manuals, just like the Yucheng in China. In the dark, there is another mystery.

Jack not only sent more than 100 related technical talents to San Francisco, but also prepared a thousand guns in the cabin and gave it to San Francisco.

In this way, San Francisco can lead the Yanhuang League.

Honda Keisuke is already thinking about it, leading the fleet to rob the beauty of the coastal areas of China.

France, Vic City.

Henry sat in the office and read a letter word by word.

The letter was sent by the hand of silver.

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