The World Online

Vol 2 Chapter 821: Soothing allies

Ouyang Yu is still not at ease. Ask Meng Zhida: "[Heard Rain House] and other guilds will withdraw the savings at the same time, will it have an impact on the business of Sihai Qianzhuang?"

Meng Zhida said: "There will be some impact, but the relationship is not big.????? After a year of development, Sihai Qianzhuang's savings source is very rich, no longer relying on large savings ""

"If there are more than a hundred large and medium-sized guilds, will they withdraw the savings together?"

Ouyang Yu was the coach of the influence of [The Hand of Silver]. [Silver Hand] Since it can affect these guilds, it is natural to let them withdraw.

Meng Zhida listened and his face became dignified. He said: "If this is the case, the four seas will surely experience a period of turmoil. If it is prepared in advance, it should not hurt the foundation."

Ouyang Yu nodded, finally a little peace of mind, said: "In the future, the four seas of money should still focus on retail investors, only in the grass roots to lay the foundation, in order to be invincible."

"Jun Shang said."

Sihai Qianzhuang, it is time to change.

Ouyang Yu waved his hand and said: "Let's go ahead and prepare for the precaution. It is estimated that when the satellite city battles for the dust settles, they should act."

"Understand. Wei Chen retired!" Meng Zhida turned and left.

Ouyang Yu continued to stay in the study, waiting for the final result of the battle for the satellite city.

February 26, 3 pm.

The siege war has hit the present, and the situation has gradually become clear.

The huge sacrifice finally made the small and medium-sized guild wake up. The first round of the ring, there are not a few brothers around, it is really chilling.

After the player is killed, the fallen equipment is laid down at the foot of the city wall.

A lot of equipment was too late to get back, and all were brushed away by Gaia, so that the fallen players wanted to cry.

The only ones in the Nine Kings are still fighting, only Dali, Jianye and Xianyang. Even Kyoto’s [One Dream House] and [Shadow League] have given up after paying a heavy price.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, [the hand of silver] was finally frustrated.

Under the heavy siege, Jianye’s [殇雪玫瑰 Mercenary Corps] and Xianyang’s [Blood Mercenary Mercenary Group] still stand still, so that [the silver hand] can see what the giants are.

In desperation, [the hand of silver] can only give up. Don't give up, even if the leader of the guild they are in control is willing to attack, the following members are not willing to die. ??壹 The head of the guild in the game, especially the game of "Earth Online" involving real interests, can not be said to the life and death of the members of the guild.

No one is a fool.

The only thing that is still struggling to support is Dali’s [Qingfeng Pavilion].

The first phase of the war [Qingfeng Pavilion] was even more devastating, and it was even worse when it was betrayed by allies. The siege will see hope, and the teeth will continue to fight.

Seeing [Qingfeng Pavilion] will not be able to support it.

Ouyang Yan met, and his expression was distressed. Many things could not be changed even if he was.

At 6:00, a Wangcheng announcement sounded.

"Wangcheng Announcement: Congratulations to Xiao Nianying for leading [Xiao Meng] to break through the "Qingfeng Pavilion" guarded satellite city, and obtain the permanent punctuality of Dali Wangcheng Satellite City, congratulations to the players!"


As soon as the announcement came out, the world was in vain.

[Xiao Meng] This originally inconspicuous guild jumped up and became the biggest black horse in the battle for the satellite city, famous for its wilderness.

At this point, the purpose of [Silver Hand] Dismemberment [Shan Haimeng - Guild Union] is basically achieved.

The guild coalition, which originally occupied the absolute dominance in China, left only [殇雪玫瑰] to retain the dominance of Wangcheng. Even if it is counted as a **** mercenary group, it is only two.

[Hand of Silver]?

It’s a good time.

In the evening, the satellite towns and guards of the Nine Kings were all set, and there was no accident. Gaia is also efficient, and immediately announced the satellite city operating rules and the underground world opening rules.

According to regulations, although the Guardian Guild has the right to use the satellite city, it has no right to shut the players out. In other words, players are free to enter and exit the satellite city.

Just can you rent a house or a shop in the city, and Gaia will not care. The Guardian Guild can make a fuss about this, further consolidate the alliance relationship and solidify its dominance in Wangcheng.

The entrance to the underground world belongs to the physical entrance and is located in the central square. Through a step down the ground, you can enter the mysterious underground world.

The entrance is open to all players and the defensive guild has no right to block.

Gaia's stipulation is that it is necessary to put an end to the stipulation of the guild to form a monopoly, infringing the interests of ordinary players, which is inconsistent with the fairness of the game, and also does not coincide with the original intention of the game.

The entrance to the underground world is two-way. An important duty of the defensive guild is to guard the entrance and prevent the underground world creatures from rushing into the satellite city.

February 27, Shanhai City.

Invited by Ouyang Yu, [Shadow League] Meng host fox, [Yimeng Building] the landlord dreams of the cloud, and the [Qingfeng Pavilion] who was just released by the Ministry of Justice, the moonlight shines on the river and gathers in Shanhaicheng.

Just lost the satellite city, the three were quite depressed.

Ouyang Yu invited three people, that is, the meaning of appeasement, said: "If I infer that the landlord city is promoted to the capital city, it should also open a similar satellite city."

“Really?” The three men lit up.

Ouyang Shudao said: "The capital city and the system king city is a level of existence, Gaia may not be inferior to this. Shanhaicheng will reach the upper limit of two million people this week, you can apply for promotion to the capital. If you still trust me this lord, Just please don't be embarrassed, first endure a forbearance. Wait until Shanhaicheng is promoted to the capital city, since the meeting will be seen. Even if the city will not open the satellite city, Shanhai City will have the strength to directly win a king city."

The moon shines in the big river, and the eyes are getting brighter.

"Yeah, those little people hiding behind can be fierce. But the wilderness is ultimately based on strength. If you don't say far, if the mountain sea city sends troops to win Dali County, the satellite city will naturally recover."

With such a thought, the mood of Mingyue Zhaojiang immediately calmed down a lot. He never doubted that Shanhai City had the ability to capture Dali, but it was the question of how much sacrifice Shanhaicheng was willing to pay.

The movie fox and the dream cloud swallowed the top two, but also raised hope again. They were defeated by [swords and swords] and can only say that their own strength is not good, and it has nothing to do with Shanhaicheng.

On the contrary, if there is no equipment sold by Shanhai City and the intelligence support provided, they will even lose even worse. For Ouyang Yi, the ally, they can't be more demanding. But it is in this case, Ouyang Yi still made such a commitment, which is really moving.

Machine Shadow Fox said: "You can rest assured that we can wait. Although the guild is now somewhat unstable, it is just a chance to take an internal clean-up, slimming, and lightly on the road."

In the speech, Ouyang Yu has some respect.

Dream Wonton’s top also nodded firmly, what is difficult to see the truth, they are today to understand. "With such a lord, even if you lose, you are not embarrassed."

The four people talked for a while before they dispersed.

Since the beginning of the day, the relationship between Shanhaicheng and the three major guilds has been further. If Ouyang Yi can fulfill his promise today, he will be able to tie the three guilds firmly.


The Jiu Dazhen Guardian Association just took the satellite city, which was extremely busy. The enthusiasm of the players gradually dissipated, thinking that the wilderness should be calm for a while.

When I thought of it, it was just the morning that I had a wave of trouble.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the three major guilds of [Listening to Rain Building], [Liuguang Pavilion] and [Laojun Guan] issued a joint statement, announcing the withdrawal of [Shan Haimeng-guild Alliance] and turning to the "Yinhuang League" camp.

At the same time, the three guilds will also withdraw from Sihai Qianzhuang and transfer to Huitong Qianzhuang. The large amount of savings that existed in Sihai Qianzhuang was naturally taken out and deposited in Huitong Qianzhuang.

Then, more than a hundred large and medium-sized guilds followed the statement and collectively took the funds out of Sihai Qianzhuang and transferred them to Huitong Qianzhuang.

When the news came out, it shocked the entire wilderness.

Everyone realized that a big storm is coming.

At this time, the players were stunned and thoroughly watched the fierceness of the battle for the satellite city. It is an indisputable fact that the [Yanhuang League] camp has won a battle in the satellite city.

This fact is beyond everyone's expectations.

Everyone thought that [Yanhuang Meng] lost in the battlefield in Yunnan, and the backyard followed the fire, and it was awkward I was afraid to crouch for a long time.

I did not expect that the counterattack of [Yinhuang Meng] would be so rapid and so fierce.

"[Yinhuang Meng] If there is such strength in the guild circle, why did it happen now, is it not a brain and a disease?" The clever player saw the stupidity.

Just when everyone was puzzled, Sihai Qianzhuang followed up with an announcement.

According to the announcement, Sihai Qianzhuang is a well-established bank, allowing all divestments under the contractual framework, and all new partners are welcome. The divestment will not cause turmoil in the bank, because the foundation of the bank is deeply buried in the player community. Only when the player still trusts Shanhai City, Qianzhuang is firmly rooted.

Shanhai City, which is about to be established, is the strongest backing of Sihai Qianzhuang.

On the verge, the announcement also sent a blessing to the pledge of the divestment, wishing that these guilds can get a "quality user experience" and "a rich return on investment" in the "new money house".

The embarrassment in the words is that fools can also see it.

In the past year, the two Qianzhuang have already made a high judgment. Huitong Qianzhuang practiced what is called the capital wolf. Under the "assisted" of Black Snake, the scandal was riddled.

Some time ago, Huitong Qianzhuang was even smashed. In the case of the share capital, the members of the [Yanhuang League] and the non-Zhejiang League members adopted double standards, which infringed the shareholders' rights.

That turmoil almost made Huitong Qianzhuang fall into the crowd.

Now these guilds will suddenly turn to Huitong Qianzhuang, and the fools can see that they are tricky. There are other factors behind them, rather than normal investment choices.

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