The World Online

Vol 2 Chapter 849: Top Gun

The arrival of Wei Zheng, let Ouyang Yu plan to set up the Yushitai has a palm print. Burning novels?`

Yushitai is an inspectorate. It was established in the Han Dynasty and is in charge of supervision. It seems to overlap with the supervision office of the Interior Council. Therefore, Ouyang Yu decided to position Yushitai as the supervisor of the court minister after consulting with Jiang Shang and the two cabinets. The Ombudsman was mainly responsible for the supervision of local officials.

Under the leadership of the Home Office, the Ombudsman has a low rank and cannot effectively supervise the DPRK. The temporary removal of the former Director of Supervision, Jing Jian, by Ouyang Yu was a sign.

At the same time, in order to give full play to the supervision role of Yushitai, Ouyang Yi also stipulated that the Ombudsman was under the dual leadership of Yushitai and the Interior Council. In the monitoring business, Yushitai can directly guide the Ombudsman.

Let Wei Zheng be in charge of Yu Shitai, and it is a great determination for Ouyang Yu. Even if Sheng Ming is like Tang Taizong, he is not happy with Wei Zheng’s "not knowing".

As the saying goes: The dragon has a reverse scale, and it will die.

Is the final desolation of Wei Zheng not a true portrayal? !

Ouyang Yu can't confirm now whether he will be dismissed or simply executed because he can't tolerate the existence of Wei Zheng.

After all, the human heart is the most fickle.

When I returned to the Summer Palace, it was already five o'clock in the evening. Although the night has not yet officially arrived, the inside and outside of Wangcheng was already full of lights and people, and together they celebrated the birth of a dynasty.

In the evening, Ouyang Yu did not entertain anyone, but accompanied Song Jia and Binger to eat. The family sat together, plain and warm, and instantly dispelled the gap in the identity of the time, let Ouyang Yu wash the lead again.

Outsiders can think of this, the most "hot" family in China, and even the world, in such a dull way to spend their most memorable night.

Ouyang Yu’s acting is always so unexpected.

April 19, the Promise Hall.

In the distant sky, a round of fiery red sun rises, and the orange-red light shines on the earth. The warm sun shines through the thin screens and gently shines into the Promise.

In the soft account of Hibiscus, Ouyang Yu opened his eyes on time and did not feel a stretch.

Yangge dances for a night, and when there is a bustling retreat.

Ouyang Yu successfully established the Daxia Dynasty this time, and if no one has laid the foundation of the world in the wilderness, no one can shake his position. Of course, Ouyang Yuyuan did not have the time to slack off.

Domestically, although the "Yanhuang League" has already bowed, it is still not ready to admit defeat. In the future, there will be a turn of the contest; Tubo, Xixia, Western Region, Mongolia and the five major tribes of the Jurchen have not officially debuted. The future will be the enemy of the Daxia Dynasty, waiting Ouyang Yu went to conquer.

At this time, the world is undercurrent.

Among the nine kings, the undead emperor is ready to go, ambitious; the underground world has just opened a corner, and it has already set off waves; the mysterious rivers and lakes have quietly debuted and began to fall in the wilderness.

It is still only Gaia for four years. Who knows that Gaia will set up a ditch in the future to test the lords of the wilderness, to bitter their minds and to be hungry.

The future of China is far more than a battle between the Daxia Dynasty and the Yanhuang League. Many mysterious forces will surely appear on the scene, and it will be a more complicated and more magnificent war epic.

Abroad, [the hand of silver] is just around the corner, and the collision with the Daxia Dynasty seems to be everywhere. The Mediterranean waves are cloudless, the ASEAN countries are unpredictable, and the American continent is full of smoke.

Moreover, the shadow of the national war is gradually approaching, the conflicts and stifles of the Eastern and Western civilizations, the grievances and fates of the problems left over by history, the confrontation between blood and fire, and the intricacies and entanglements of interests are even more difficult to say.

Most importantly, Ouyang’s ambition is far from stopping.

Attacking Morocco, dominate the Mediterranean, operating the African continent, and opening up new great routes; killing Annan, playing with ASEAN, and overcoming the South China Sea; going to Australia, going to Oceania, exploring unknown civilizations...

There are also old rivals, the swaying Goryeo, and the transcendental United States, which are strong opponents of the Great Summer Dynasty. The Daxia Dynasty was also far from the peak, after the dynasty, there was the dynasty, and even the emperor.

Ouyang Yu’s dream of “sweeping the eight wilderness and unifying the inner world” has only just begun.

Even within the Great Summer dynasty, there are still countless things to do. Industrialization has just just got on the right track. The population in the country is thin, the foundations of the counties and counties are weak, and the development of the localities is extremely uneven. It is a thousand things.

If the road to the hegemony does not advance, it will be a long way to go.

At this time, how can Ouyang Yu slack off, how can he slack off? !

The so-called: fighting with the sky, its joy is endless; with the land, its fun is endless; fighting with people, its joy is endless. Ouyang Yu’s heart suddenly burst into an unprecedented ambition.

Men are like this!


At about 6 o'clock in the morning, Ouyang Yu appeared on the martial arts field on time.

Although he has been crowned as the king, Ouyang Yu will not disturb the rhythm of practice, and he will still be diligent in daily practice.

When I practiced the "Yellow Emperor's Canon" last night, Ouyang's body was full of gold, and it was like a slap in the face, so I couldn't stop it. Just let him work hard, and the real yuan is no longer growing.

In a perfect way, it is hard to get in.

Ouyang Yi does not take it for granted. If he does not practice as usual, even if he can't grow the real yuan, such work can also be used to refine the real element in the body, so that it can be condensed more and more, so as to lay a solid foundation.

The road to practice is the same as the hegemony.

After a little washing, Ouyang Yu came to the military field, but saw that Xu Wei had led a group of guards to practice.

Ouyang Yu saw this, suddenly came to the interest, took out the magic gun, said to Xu Wei: "Come, play with the king." Ouyang Yu wants to try the "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" after the completion of the practice, the strength in the end into which step.

Xu Wei obviously has this hesitation.

Ouyang Yu is a smile, said: "While you come to fight, this king has a number of hearts."

Xu Wei sees that the push can not be dragged, the long knife goes forward, the next set is stable, first make a defensive, but is unwilling to take the initiative to attack. Ouyang Yu did not take it for granted. He took the lead and launched an attack.

The Tianmo gun has already been connected with Ouyang Yu’s mind. The gun is like a dragon, and it’s a move. It’s a trick to “small winds and willows”.

Xu Wei met, did not dare to neglect, hands crossed, clenched the handle, came a trick "iron lock Hengjiang", squatting in front. In the twinkling of an eye, the long gun collides with the long knife.

The "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" practice is complete, Ouyang Yi's strength is already very horrible, with the help of the devil gun, Rao is such a peerless fierce, under the attack, the arm is also numb.

Xu Wei condensed God, this is serious, the thick hands pushed forward, the long knife rubbed the gun body slanting over it, cleverly unloading the force of the pound, and stand firm again.

Ouyang Yu is not a man of great potential, the rifle changes, one stroke and one move to make a move, a move is like a move, recruiting power is infinite, partial and exquisite, not giving Xu Wei any breathing room.

Xu Wei’s forehead was faintly sweating, and his heart was stunned. I really didn’t know that Wang’s martial arts had gone so far, and almost went on. Fortunately, Xu Wei is also a peerless veteran. He has rich experience in fighting. Although he has eaten the dark losses of the enemy, it is still in the attack of Ouyang Yi as a storm-resistant attack.

Seen around the guards, I have already stopped to practice, surrounded by, not even dare to breathe.

Ouyang Yu is also full of war. It seems that the lofty aspirations of the morning will be swayed through this most primitive battle.

The demon gun was only seen by Ouyang Yu, and he could only see the black mans, and the guns that had already been integrated would be brought out. It is no longer necessary to think about it. As the mind is approaching, the moves are easy to follow, and they are not tied to form.

Xu Wei is also experienced, see Wang Shang martial arts to break through the barriers, where dare to scorn, while running the inner interest, trying to calm the blood, while holding the king's offensive, to be a qualified target.

The two have fought so much, and there has been a hundred times in the blink of an eye.

The "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic", which has been completed in a perfect way, has been so violently consumed by Ouyang Yu. The real yuan is still endless, and it is truly the most popular method of practicing Qi.

Only with the real yuan theory, Xu Wei, whose face is reddish, has gradually fallen, but Xu Xin’s talent is not only born with a divine power, but also with extraordinary physical fitness and strong body.

The two men attacked and defended, and they evenly matched each other. After a full hour of fighting, Ouyang Wei finally made a move to "decoupling the squid" and took the opportunity to leave the battlefield and calm down. Xu Wei met, although he was tired and panting, or kept on one side, not close to people.

Slightly tilted, Ouyang Yan blinked again, and a smile appeared on his face. He did not expect a fight this morning, so that the devil's guns touched the threshold of "out of the world".

In time, you will be able to step into this mysterious sixth realm.

Ouyang Wei looked at Xu Wei, who was guarding the side, and nodded with satisfaction. He said with a smile: "Today is here, and tomorrow will continue."

Xu Wei listened and smiled and nodded.


At 7 o'clock in the morning, simply used breakfast, Ouyang Yu came to the royal study.

In the renewed royal study room, Tsing Yi and Jia Wei both waited early. One of them will soon be appointed as a Bachelor of Secrets, and the secretaries will be secretarial; one will be appointed as a member of the Zizhengge University, who will be involved in the military and political affairs, and will be considered as a close minister of Ouyang Yu.

The two waited in the Imperial Study Room, but they came for three sacred ceremonies. They were all programmatic documents read out in public at the first meeting of the later Summer dynasty.

Among them, there are both the system of the Grand Dynasties and the list of relevant princes, as well as the overall structure of the Daxia Dynasty and the appointment and dismissal of relevant bureaucrats. The last one is about the ruling on the official system of the Daxia Dynasty.

Everything is related to the foundation of the dynasty, and it is sloppy.

When Shanhaicheng was promoted to the capital city, the three documents were already drafted. During the period, the drafts were easily drafted. After the cabinet and the ministers agreed on it, they were drafted by the Secrets.

After the live broadcast of the mixed-race female anchor, I forgot the camera private _ life video was exposed!! Please pay attention to the WeChat public number online: (long press three seconds to copy)! !

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