The World Online

Vol 3 Chapter 872: On the African continent, the wolf is coming!

When Ouyang Yu was meditating, there was a burst of world announcements in his ear.

"World Announcement: Congratulations to the players in China who have no clothes, and the rate has been captured in Morocco. The statement is far-reaching, and the battle is unparalleled. The special reward is 100,000 points, and the reputation is 200,000 points. Encourage and congratulate the players!"


After attacking Morocco, Ouyang Yu won a merit of 70,000 points on the battlefield. Together with the reward of 100,000 points, Ouyang Yu’s total merits have reached 1.9 million points.

From the next level of the king, only 100,000 points of merit, that is, a battle. The next battle of drowning is the opportunity for Ouyang Yu to be promoted to Wang Jue.


"World Announcement: Congratulations to the players in China who have no clothes, and they have captured Morocco and become the world's second lord to complete the "killing the country" achievements, giving special rewards to encourage and congratulate the players!"


Compared to the hidden buildings of Gaia when the Star State was destroyed, the reward for the second place was already a little worse. Ouyang Yu was thinking, he would not take the top three, let other lords have no way to go.

"Well, this is not impossible."

At the end of the announcement, Ouyang’s ear heard a burst of system sounds.

"System Tip: Congratulations to the player for getting a special reward for no clothes, is it now?"


"System prompt: start drawing special rewards..."

"System Tip: Congratulations to the player for picking up special rewards without clothes. You can pay one million gold coins to recover the Moroccan kingdom Rabat 100%. Is it restored?"

Ouyang Yiyi is really happy with what he wants.

Rabat City has been completely caught in the sea of ​​fire. Even if Ouyang Yu has the heart to extinguish the fire, it is powerless. The fate of Rabat City seems to be only a way to rebuild.

After the system was updated, Gaia greatly delayed the construction speed of the building, and did not say that it took a huge amount of people and property to rebuild a king city, but the construction period was not less than one year.

Now I can recover with a million gold coins, how can Ouyang Yu hesitate?


"System prompt: recovery request confirmation, Wangcheng Rabat recovered..."

Accompanied by the system prompts, but seeing the burning fire in Rabat City extinguished at a speed visible to the naked eye, in an instant, no longer see a Mars, it is even more fierce than a heavy rain.

The fire went out, and the thick smoke followed, and a burnt city was seen. There were broken walls and ruins everywhere. There were scorched earth everywhere, and there were innocent people burned to death by the fire.

At this time, the entire city was shrouded in white light, just like time back, the burned palaces, houses, gardens were all restored, neat and tidy.

The most amazing thing is that even the people who were burned by the fire were resurrected one by one, looking at the city where the original state was restored. These people are like a world, as if they were in a dream.

When Gaia resurrected these people, he naturally infused Ouyang's kindness into their brains.

"The king is kind!"

The people stood on the street and bowed to the east. Although Ouyang Yu is the culprit of arson, in the end everyone has nothing to do, naturally become a "big benefactor", ordinary people are always the easiest to satisfy.

The world is changing and it is impermanent.

Ouyang Yu learned that the people were also resurrected, and felt that this million gold coins would not be lost. In the wilderness, the population is the cornerstone of the territory. He was still worried about losing the hearts of the people. How could he not stay back?

Now, all the hidden dangers have vanished.

Morocco will soon be on the right track again, even stronger with the support of the dynasty.

Of course, the flames burning the city is only the best policy, and must not be used. This time Rabat City was escaping from the special rewards of Igaia, but I was not so lucky next time. Even Jia Wei, who was the initiator, did not expect the final fire to be so fierce.

The fact that Rabat City really turned into ashes was also a big trouble for the dynasty.


"World Announcement: Morocco is destroyed, all game achievements of all players in Morocco, such as grades, skills, exercises, etc., are all cleared and will be collectively transmitted to the [sea of ​​seals] to show disciplinary action!"


With the announcement, all players in Morocco, whether they are fighting professions or life professions, regardless of men, women and children, or whether they are still in the reincarnation hall, the game data is all zero, and then transmitted.

I saw the white light flashing outside Rabat, and millions of Moroccan players who fled outside the city were immediately transported away, and the wilderness of Noda became empty.

The same white light flashed over the city, and the fighting professional players were unable to return to the sky. They could only watch the new city sink into the enemy's hands and do nothing.

The pain of this kind of refusal is really beyond the understanding of outsiders.

However, the Moroccan Guards were ecstatic, seeing their loved ones innocent, and the last thorn in their hearts was also removed. The last batch of garrisons that did not surrender immediately surrendered.

At this point, there is no resistance force in the Wangcheng area.

At the same time, the underground world.

Dida and his party are running in the underground world. They will arrive at the magical platypus lair and get the treasures they have been dreaming of. When the system announcement just started, they immediately turned pale and then forced to leave.

At the end of the day, they still have a basket of water.

Dida and others are smart, but they have forgotten one: the country, the country, the country, and the home. If the country does not report, it is useless to play some small cleverness.


"World Announcement: China's players won the national war with no clothing rate department, China won 10 national honors, and at the same time rewarded all players in China for innate attributes +1, to encourage, congratulations to China!"


This is the second time that Ouyang has won the national honor for the Chinese region. In the four years of Gaia, which has not been popular in the national war, the Chinese region is far ahead of other countries and has won the first opportunity.

It is no wonder that players in China are so optimistic about the Daxia Dynasty.

Although it has long been expected, Chinese players will be ecstatic when they hear this system announcement, which is a real benefit.

"The Great Summer Dynasty, great!"

The players are in the same direction toward the south, with thumbs up and honor.


As soon as the announcement came out, the world was naturally in vain.

The global players can't think of it. The Daxia dynasty just opened its way to the founding of the country. I don't want to have such a big move. When I talked and laughed, I destroyed a country. It was really amazing. The lords only had the envy.

The lords of the Mediterranean even felt the squeaking of their faces, which was very painful. They lost their words in Atlantis, saying that the Great Summer dynasty is not worthy of a foothold in the Mediterranean.

Now, Morocco was taken down by the Great Summer Dynasty in a flash, and the lifeline of the Mediterranean was close to the hands of the Daxia Dynasty. It was really eye-popping and unprepared.

The worst situation they expected was unexpected.

The lords who stayed in Atlantis City heard the announcement of the system, and they were all in a face-to-face. I don’t know what to think. Henry's awkwardness, Caesar's impatience, and Pedro's intriguing smile are foreseeable. The future Mediterranean is afraid that it will continue to undercurrent and not be safe.

The lords couldn’t help but complain: "Morocco is really incompetent. It’s only a few days before it was taken over by others."

The last lord of Morocco who stayed in Atlantis, Andrei, has already been sent to the trial site, but he can't hear the complaint, otherwise he is afraid to vomit blood.

This pot Moroccan player is backed up, and the loser always has no right to speak.

"There was also the Spanish Invincible Fleet, which was so powerful before the departure. As a result, when I was out of the Mediterranean, I was defeated by the Great Summer Dynasty. Even the shadow of Morocco was not seen. It was really shameful."

"That is, it is reported that the Mediterranean Fleet has only dispatched two formations, so that they can still fight more. In my opinion, the so-called maritime powers have already fallen, and there is a virtual record."

Under the instigation of Caesar, there is no shortage of people who have poured water on Spain.

The lords who know the inner feelings are very sympathetic to the Spanish Invincible Fleet. They are indeed awkward to lose this time. Who can think of the change of the Daxia Dynasty? Even the sea warfare weapon of mine is made.

In exchange for the Roman fleet or the Gallic fleet also have to bear.

The so-called: beat the dog.

At present, the Spanish invincible fleet has been hit hard. Looking at the situation, it seems that it is necessary to withdraw from the competition for the Mediterranean sea power. At this time, naturally, the lord will not stand up and argue for Spain.

This dirty water, Spain is set.

Caesar sees this, his face shows a satisfied smile: "This is still a reward after all, isn't it?!" He is most fortunate that he is not as impulsive as Casillas, otherwise he would have to be cheaper than the Gallic Fleet. .

Thinking of this, Caesar looked at Henry not far away, seeing Henry faceless, his heart stunned, this insignificant little man in front of him will be the biggest obstacle to his Caesar system in the Mediterranean.

"It seems to be something to do." Caesar thought, a strange smile on his lips.


The Mediterranean lords are only feeling that the lords of the African continent are unanimously exclaimed: "The wolf is coming!"

Morocco was occupied by the Daxia Dynasty, and the African countries were really unpredictable. This war of extermination was only a case, and it was only the first step of the Daxia Dynasty to attack the African continent.

The history of the African continent has suffered from colonial suffering. It is really being scared, like a bird of surprise.

"No, you must understand the true intentions of the Great Summer Dynasty!"

Some African lords are already preparing to send envoys to Morocco. Without knowing this, they really can't feel at ease and sleep hard.

As for strengthening armaments, it is the meaning of the title.

Morocco is also a strong country in Africa. It was destroyed by the Daxia Dynasty in an instant. African lords are still uneasy at the same time as they strengthen their armaments.

The current summer dynasty is a huge monster, at least for Africa.

"I hope this is not an insatiable wolf." Some people pray like this.

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