The World Online

Vol 3 Chapter 888: Insurance industry turned out

In the royal study room, Yan Yun first left, leaving Meng Zhida alone.

Ouyang Yu first mentioned the administrative loan for the Moroccan province to handle one million gold coins. He said: "The matter must be handled specially, and the procedures can be simple. Transfer the money as soon as possible, and rush to use it."

Meng Zhida nodded and said: "Please also ask Wang to rest assured that the minister will personally supervise the matter and dock with the Governor of Morocco, and try to approve the payment within one week."

Ouyang Yu was satisfied with a smile, and he liked Meng Zhida to be so vigorous and popular. Although the historical writers such as Yun Yun are easy to use, the body is carrying the traces of the ancient officialdom, and the work is not good enough.

Unlike players like Meng Zhida, in reality, what is believed in the workplace is efficiency first.

Ouyang Yu summoned Meng Zhida this time, mainly because of this, but he had an idea to meet with Meng Zhida, the money shopkeeper, to see if it is feasible.

This idea was faint when attacking Morocco. When the Friendship City broke out, it became clearer.

Ouyang Shudao: "Do you know the compensation for the merchants in Rabat City and Friendship City?"

"We are slightly aware of one or two."

"what do you think about this matter?"

Meng Zhida’s glimpse, this is not within his powers, but the king asked him, he must say something, think about it, and briefly said: “The short-term interests are damaged and long-term benefits.”

Meng Zhida is analyzing this matter from the perspective of investment, and it is true that the three sentences are not separated from the old one.

Ouyang Yu unveiled the mystery and said: "This king is thinking that if the interests of businessmen are damaged, they will be compensated by the court. In the long run, I am afraid that those businessmen will give birth to dependence, and they will be unscrupulous."

The human heart is the most complicated, especially for businessmen.

In reality, fraudulent government subsidies happen from time to time, not to mention in the game.

The difficulty of governing the country is here. Some of the policies issued by the court may be good, but it will be implemented for a long time.

Therefore, when the court formulates policies, it must be considered in all aspects. It is not a matter of making a head shot. Ouyang Yi does not want this compensation mode to become a practice.

Ouyang Yu is wondering if he can find a more creative solution.

Meng Zhida said, "The king is worried, it is not unreasonable." To the sinisterness of the king to see the problem, Meng Zhida has long since rushed to surprise, but is used to it.

Ouyang Shudao said: "Which is the case, it is possible for Sihai Qianzhuang to use this as an opportunity to start the insurance business and start from the most scarce marine insurance."

The concept of insurance is not unique to modern society.

Two thousand and five hundred years before BC, the kingdom of Babylon ordered monks, judges, village heads, etc. to collect taxes as funds for relief from fire. The ancient Egyptian stonemason set up a funeral and mutual aid organization to solve the problem of collecting and burying funds by means of payment of dues. In the form of fundraising, the soldiers of the ancient Roman Empire provided living expenses for the survivors of the fallen soldiers. All of these are the original prototypes of insurance, and gradually form an insurance system.

With the development of trade, in 1792 BC, the sixth generation of the Babylonian King Hamad Rabbi, the commercial prosperity, in order to aid the commercial and protect the caravan's Hummer and the loss of goods, in the Hammurabi Code, Share the terms of compensation for losses.

This situation is very close to the loss compensation mechanism of the Daxia Dynasty Oceanic Caravan.

In 961 BC, on the Mediterranean island of Rhodes, in order to ensure the normal conduct of maritime trade, the king enacted the Rhodia maritime law, which stipulated that a cargo owner suffered losses, including the owner of the ship and all the cargo of the ship. The beneficiaries share the same, this is the beginning of marine insurance.

The Daxia Dynasty accounted for the advantages of monopoly of world trade and route, the unprecedented prosperity of ocean trade, and the strong financial strength of Sihai Qianzhuang, which provided conditions for the dynasty to carry out worldwide sea insurance business.

Meng Zhida listened, and his eyes blossomed like never before. He said with excitement: "The proposal of Wang Shang is very feasible. With the establishment of the dynasty, the deposits of Sihai Qianzhuang continued to grow and the funds became more abundant. On the contrary, with the merger of domestic territories Intensified, loan customers are gradually shrinking."

“The money deposits in Qianzhuang are facing the embarrassing situation of not spending money. At this time, the insurance business has really solved the dilemma of the bank and provided a new profit growth point. It is feasible and feasible.”

In fact, Meng Zhida also said a little less. Once the insurance business is successfully carried out, it means that the modernization process of the Daxia Dynasty has reached another level, and it is also a great promotion for ocean trade.

With the guarantee of insurance, it will definitely further stimulate the passion and motivation of businessmen to carry out ocean trade.

At this point, Europe, as the origin of the insurance industry, has no unique conditions. In Europe, the number of players is scarce, and the banks opened are unable to absorb such abundant funds as Sihai Qianzhuang.

They are in the ocean trade, and they have long fallen behind the Daxia Dynasty.

Looking at the world, in addition to the Panama Canal in the American continent, the Daxia Dynasty has completed the layout of major global keyways. European and American countries can only follow the Daxia Dynasty, eating some wreckage and coldness.

Ouyang Wei did not expect Meng Zhida to be so excited. He said with a smile: "This king is a proposal, and the specific feasibility assessment and implementation plan depends on your professionals."

Meng Zhida was in a hurry and said with excitement: "Please rest assured that Wang Zhuang will conduct a feasibility assessment of the insurance industry in the shortest possible time and come up with a practical implementation plan."

Ouyang Yu nodded and said: "That's good, this king is waiting for your good news."

Who can think of it, just in this room, after the entertainment circle, another line of business under the bold expansion of Ouyang Yi, in the game to spur an unprecedented brilliance, such as the Pearl is generally rising.


After Meng Zhida left, Ouyang Wei asked Tsing Yi, "What is the progress of the agreement with the stone city to negotiate with the affiliated countries?" When Ouyang Wei went to the Friendship City to deal with the unexpected incident, the relevant negotiations had begun, and it has been ten days since.

Before leaving, Ouyang Yu gave a confession to Tsing Yi, and the Secrets Club wanted to follow up on this matter.

Tsing Yi looked up and picked up a document before the case and handed it over. He said: "There have been basically finalized in the first two days. The lord has no objection on it, so I will wait for you to come back and make the final decision."

Ouyang Yu took the file and smiled and said: "The efficiency is quite high."

Tsing Yi explained: "There is some urgency in the lord's side, so the negotiations are much smoother than expected."

Ouyang Yu suddenly disappeared, while reading the documents, he asked casually: "We are not at risk here, do people take advantage of it?" He does not want to be a little cheap because of greed, let the heart feel guilty.

Tsing Yi smiled and said: "You have been confessed before you go, how dare they dare."

"That's good."

Turning over the documents, the terms are basically the same as Ouyang’s ideas.

The hard rock city of the Great Summer Dynasty is the sovereign state, and the following points need to be done.

First, it is called a minister.

He accepted the appointment of the Daxia Dynasty and served as the guardian of Fengtian County. Within the jurisdiction, he enjoyed the autonomy of autonomy under the framework of the Daxia Dynasty Code.

Second, the diplomatic right is turned over.

In the diplomatic field, Hard Rock City needs to be consistent with the Daxia Dynasty, and major diplomacy needs to be reported to the Daxia Dynasty in advance. When necessary, the Da Xia Dynasty Hong Yu Temple can participate.

Third, turn over and offer.

Hard Rock City pays 300,000 gold coins a year and can be used to resist coal with considerable value.

Correspondingly, the Daxia Dynasty also fulfills the following obligations.

First, the prince.

The Daxia Dynasty needs to be awarded the title of Marquis of the Third Order, and the Fengtian County will be sealed as a seal.

Second, military asylum.

In addition to helping the city to build the coastal fleet, the Daxia Dynasty still needs to be stationed in a field army in the city. Of course, the daily military expenses of the legion are borne by the city.

Third, exempt from customs duties.

The entry of the Shishicheng goods, the Daxia Dynasty exempted all tariffs, and truly achieved zero tariffs. Of course, the goods of the Daxia Dynasty entered the stone city, and the tariffs were also exempted.

Fourth, other aid.

The Daxia Dynasty needs to train 100 civil servants, 50 military commanders, 100 medical officers, 50 shipbuilders and 100 blacksmiths each year. In addition, the Daxia Dynasty will be stubborn. Shicheng invested in the construction of industrial projects such as steel mills, arsenals and artillery manufacturing to promote the industrialization of the city.

These are just big terms. There are also rules on political, military, economic, cultural and technological aspects, covering all aspects of territorial construction.

Overall, this is a win-win solution. Hard Rock City sacrificed a little honor and autonomy, in exchange for the support of the Daxia Dynasty and military asylum.

Looking at the document, Ouyang Yu’s mood is complicated. At this moment, he thought of the lively scene at the beginning of [Shan Haimeng]. Only a few years have passed, and all the allies have dissipated one by one.

What is really left is an ally of Fengcheng.

Shiyi Shift, the mountain sea city that needed to unite allies to compete with the "Yanhuang League", has now grown into a giant in China, and it has become a need for taboos and hopes.

Ouyang Yu’s eyes have already turned to the world, and his main competitors have also been replaced by the more incompetent [Silver Hand].

Ouyang Yu’s own thoughts have made the outsiders more and more elusive. From an enthusiastic young man, he became a lonely king step by step, and he was tall and cold, and there was no friend who could speak.

Survival of the fittest, the wilderness is so cruel and so real.

“Wang Shang?” Tsing Yi’s words reminded me of interrupting Ouyang’s contemplation.

Ouyang Yi glimpsed, instantly woke up, put down the documents in his hand, calmly said: "When the document king saw it, he will draw up a formal agreement as follows. At that time, a signing ceremony will be held in the Summer Palace, and all media will be invited to participate. This news is made public."

Since it was done, Ouyang Yu is not prepared to hide.

"it is good!"

Tsing Yi nodded, this is not a difficult thing.

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