The World Online

Vol 3 Chapter 895: Enemy attack

In the camp, Ouyang Yu relayed the information provided by Xie Shi.

Listening to everyone here, there is some silence for a while.

Ouyang Yu was calm and said with a smile: "If you have any plans, you can speak freely."

"Without clothes, can you use your flying squad to bomb the enemy's back and destroy their grain roads?" Feng Pianhuang also seized the key point of the enemy's grain road.

Ouyang Yu shook his head and said: "You are too overestimating the mimicry aircraft. It has a flight distance limit. Once the magnetic stone that drives the aircraft is exhausted, it must stop and recharge. There is no aircraft available in the battle map. The airport that is docked, I really have to send the flight squad, but it will never return."


Mimetics as the secret weapon of the Daxia Dynasty, few players in China have a real understanding of the operating principle of the aircraft, as well as Feng Pian Huang and so on.

Feng Pianhuang listened to Ouyang Yu’s explanation, how to feel the mimetic aircraft like a chicken rib.

Ouyang Yi does not explain, in fact, the current mimetic aircraft is similar to the real strategic bomber, and it needs to be used together with the warship to achieve its maximum value.

That's why every time the flying team is parked on the deck of the battleship.

The siege lion said: "Wu has just taken over the Qin army and has a period of adjustment and adjustment. It is better for us to launch an attack tomorrow and launch a fatal blow when the enemy is weakest."

Feng Pianhuang listened and glanced at the siege lion. He said: "You are stupid, they are not stupid. The 400,000 alien army in the former Qin camp must be waiting for it. At this time, the attack is not right."

The siege lion scratched his head and didn't mind.

The phoenix of the phoenix prisoner, even Ouyang Yu sometimes has to avoid.

Everyone said that there was never a good way. Ouyang Yan saw that there was no result in the discussion. Only then did he look at Jia Wei and said: "Wenhe, talk about your views."

"Brush", the eyes of Feng Pian Huang and others are focused on Jia Wei. Since joining the Daxia Dynasty, several poisons against Jia Wei, Feng Pian Huang and others have heard a little, naturally expecting.

Jia Wei said: "Micro-Chen analysis, the key to this war is still behind the enemy. The strength of the enemy and the enemy is still a million Qin army. If Wu Qi successfully integrates this million army, the former Qin is almost invincible; If we can let this million-strong army break down, then the pre-Qin will be in chaos, not defeating itself."

In the words of Jia Yuzhi, Feng Pian Huang and others listened and nodded.

"The million Qin army can be divided into three parts. One is the 150,000 vanguard troops on the west bank of Lishui, the other is the hundreds of thousands of troops that have already arrived in Shouyang, and the third is the army behind the road. The vanguard is different. The people’s regiments are in a state of turmoil, and the possibility of chaos is not great; the vanguard forces are not chaotic, and the chances of Sangyang’s army chaos are not great. Therefore, the most easy to break through is the rear army.”

Ouyang Shuo said: "Wenhe means, is it still necessary to harass the Qianqin rear?"

Jia Wei nodded and said: "Although Xie Shi said that there is difficulty in attacking the enemy, he still has to take this step. If you want to defeat the million Qin army, you need a fuse. The original Qin army vanguard is the best fuse. Now, I can only retreat to the next level and choose the Qin army rear force."

"Wang Shang, Wei Chen suggested that five thousand fine riding as a combat unit, sending three or four such cavalry units to quietly enter the former Qin situation, do not need to specifically attack the grain road, whether it is the grain transport team, or come to assemble The army, but whenever there is an opportunity, they will all be shot."

The siege lion asked: "Why should we send three or four cavalry, can we not get together?"

Jia Wei explained: "Since it is going deep into the enemy's back, the target can't be too big. Five thousand fine rides are already the limit. In addition, several cavalry units can also confuse the enemy, so that the opponent can't judge how many cavalry are going deep. The rear. The deeper the sentiment is deeper into the enemy's back, the greater the destructive power to the Qin army."

The phoenix prisoner’s eyeball turned and said: “Is it a cavalry dispatched, can also spread the news of the frontline army’s defeat along the way, further defeating Qin’s psychological defense?”

"Adult is wise." Jia Zhang nodded with approval.

After Ouyang Yu and others finished, they said: "In this case, a fine rider from the Daxia Dynasty, Luofeng City and Hard Rock City is responsible for invading the front Qinqin. If you follow the guide, I will go to Xie Shi."

Although there are risks in the invasion of the former Qin Dynasty, the return is also large. Hundreds of thousands of Qin army is like a wheat waiting to be harvested. If it works well, it will be able to capture a lot of merit.

This is the case, Ouyang Yu only wants a bowl of water to level, can not be used for any benefit.

In addition to the above considerations, Ouyang Yi is not willing to transfer too many banned troops at one time. The Second Army Corps of the Guards, which was brought by this time, is not only the pinnacle of the "Shan Haimeng", but also the Dinghai God of the 370,000 alien army. In a sense, even the entire Eastern Jin Dynasty.

It is a pinnacle of the sea, and nature cannot be easily mobilized.

Ouyang Yu looked at Huo to go to the hospital and said: "Huo Tongling, this task will arrange for General Cao Chun to perform."

"No!" Huo nodded to the disease.

The original invasion of the enemy is the long-term disease of Huo's disease. It is only Huo's disease that is the only **** in the Eastern Jin camp. It needs to take over the whole army. It is really impossible to move.

Fortunately, Cao Chun, the original tiger leopard riding commander, under the training of Huo’s disease, has had a broken experience in long-distance running, and there is no big problem with Cao Chun.

As for Ma Chao, the head of the Second Legion, one needs to lead the Second Army. The character of the second Ma Chao is not suitable for this kind of enemy invasion.

Jia Yu sees that Wang Shang has been properly arranged, and then said: "The bombing of Fang Caifeng’s imprisoned phoenix can not be used as a primary means, but also as an aid. Of course, the bombing target is not the Qin army rear, but the Qin army’s vanguard. ""

"How do you say?" Feng Pianhuang is somewhat unconvinced.

Jia Wei explained: "A former Qin Xianfeng force stationed in the west bank of Lishui, the flight team parked in Huai River can easily travel to and from the two places, and the objective conditions are very mature. The second purpose is clear, this bombing is not to cause much Casualties, but to continue to stimulate the nerves of the Qin army."

"We must let the Qin army soldiers have been nervous and under high tension, so that they can collapse again when they are under stress. That is why Wu Zhi, such a famous name, can't stop it."

Feng Pang phoenix listened, secretly admired, she must have such a adviser around her.

Ouyang Yu is quite calm, and there is a bit of worry in his eyes. Although Jia's two strategies are good, they are only auxiliary means, not a fatal blow.

In the big strategy of the frontal battlefield, it is still impossible to do anything.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Yu said: "You said that in the case of Murong and Yao Yi, who were disarmed by Yan Jian, can you make some articles? These two are in turmoil, will not be so easy to give in?"

"I will definitely not." Jia Wei said with a bright light, "The two people in the former Qin Dynasty represent the two large groups of Xianbei and Yi people, and they are also the founders of the post-Qin and Houyan. The two were disarmed. It must be unwilling, and Qin Junzhong is afraid that it is already undercurrent."

Ouyang Yu nodded, this is the key to the fact that Yan Jian did not dare to easily kill Murong and Yao. Thinking of this, Ouyang Wei made up his mind and decided to go to Xie Shi later, and contacted Murong Chui and Yao Hao through the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Regardless of the outcome, there is always no harm in testing.

The saying is also about the same, Ouyang Wei asked: "Can you have anything to add?" Qi brushed his head, Ouyang Wei noticed that Jia Wei obviously stopped talking, and finally shook his head.

Ouyang said: "In this case, I will call other lords later, and I will inform you about this situation." The unity of unity is another experience of Ouyang Yu.

Regardless of what these lords think, at least everyone's interests in this battle are the same. Only if the 370,000 alien army is tied to a chariot, the battle of drowning will have a chance to win.

Feng Pian Huang and others naturally have no opinions.

After the meeting, Ouyang Wei asked Jia Wei: "Where is Wenhe Fang, there is still something to say?"

Jia Wei nodded Road: "Wang, this battle is afraid it will be very difficult."

"What do you foresee?"

Jia Wei said: "If I am Qin Jun, under this circumstance, the army will not stop at the shore of Surabaya. There are still a lot of territory in the Eastern Jin Dynasty waiting for them to conquer."

Ouyang Yu nodded and said: "This is also the king's most worried. Once Qin Jun attacked on all sides, the smoke was everywhere, I hope that the Eastern Jin Dynasty court can live."

The Eastern Jin Dynasty is a bit of a sigh, and the rich is rich, that is, the people are not bloody.

"Wenhe, we have to prepare early."

Said, the two monarchs began to quietly plot what to do.


At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, near the meal.

At this time, there was a roar over the Qianqin military camp.

The Daxia Dynasty flight squad arrived on schedule and cast a piece of incendiary bomb. The explosion was intertwined with the flames, which made the military camp of the shackled chaos.

He had seen these scenes before the Qin army, and they were all scared.

"Not good, catching fire!"

Fortunately, when the two armies are not playing, the sergeants are resting in their respective camps. Otherwise, this round of bombing alone will be enough to make the Qin army chaos.

Even so, the entire military camp is a ruin.

The war horses screamed, and the people waited for them to sneak out. While the soldiers evaded the bombing, they also took water and fired under the command of the officers, preventing the fire from spreading.

Wu Qi, Wei Yan and Hua Xiong will see this, and urgently coordinate with the player liaison officer, trying to maintain the order of the military camp, appease the soldiers' emotions, and be too busy.

Just when the Qin army was in chaos, on the east bank of the Lishui River, the three cavalry units quietly left the military camp and crossed the Huai River with the help of the first formation of the Yashan Fleet, disappearing into the night.

The battle of drowning water officially kicked off.

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