The World Online

Chapter 92: provocative

On March 17, the dust of the emperor once again appeared strongly.

"System Announcement: Congratulations to the player Dust to become the first lord in China to upgrade to a third-level township, rewarding 1100 points!"

"System Announcement: Congratulations to the player Dust to become the first lord in China to upgrade to a third-level township, rewarding 1100 points!"

"System Announcement: Congratulations to the player Dust to become the first lord in China to upgrade to a third-level township, rewarding 1100 points!"

Only half a month later, the town was promoted from a second-level township to a third-level township, and finally won the top spot in China, breaking the long-term leading edge of Shanhai Town.

The outside world was in a state of sorrow. Slowly, the doubts about Ouyang Yu began to increase. Some people think that in the end, the six forces of these six forces are profound, and Ouyang Yu is only temporarily taking the lead with his luck. Look, now that the dust is in the air, Shanhai Town will not work.

This kind of argument seems to be very market, and the forum is full of posts about singing the mountains and sea towns. Fortunately, there are sighs and sorrows, and more is that it is not too big to join in the fun.

"The 1st floor: the myth of Shanhai Town is shattered, and the Chinese imperial dust is king!"

"2nd floor: The black horse is completely washed white, and the mountain town is no longer brilliant!!!!!"

"The 3rd floor: Starting from the wounded Zhongyong, the third is the rise and fall of the undressed clothes!!!"

"Fourth floor: Meteor falls and pays homage to the glory of Shanhai Town!!!"

"5th floor: the two males compete, the emperor dust comes to the top!!!"

"6th floor: It turns out that the lord is the mode of the local tyrants to play, the civilian players are defeated!!!"

"7th floor: Who will be the next dark horse, let us wait and see!!!"

"8th floor: 邯郸 six tyrants have re-expressed themselves, compound is expected????"


Even the members of the League of Nations have been unwilling to be lonely. The wolf and the smashing army have stood up and shouted for the dust of the emperor, and degraded the mountains and seas to strengthen the alliance.

Of course, Ouyang Yu also has supporters. A large ticket player regards him as a banner character of a civilian player, and uses him as an example to struggle against the local players in the game. The lords of the siege lions and the dragon-seeking acupoints stood up and cheered for Shanhai Town.

"The first floor: I am strong in Shanhai Town, I can't get used to the clowns who are crazy at the beginning!!!!"

"2nd floor: No clothes, we will always support you!!!!!"

"3rd floor: the flag does not fall, the faith does not die, Shanhai Town holds!!!!!"

"4th floor: no clothes, you are our pride, kill the dust!!!!"

"5th Floor: Myth continues, support Shanhai Town, support 岂曰 no clothes!!!!"


The supporters of both sides have slobbered in the forum, and you come and go, very lively.

At this moment, the Emperor dust suddenly shouted in the national channel: "No clothes? But Seoul!"

Originally on the slogan of the forum, Ouyang Yi did not care too much. The rapid upgrade of the town was originally within his expectation. I am very pleased to see that I have so many supporters. But this time, the dust of the emperor is too arrogant, and he can't bear it.

In the face of the provocation of the dust, Ouyang Yu did not choose to evade, ridiculed: "Let you stay for a few days!"

This time, he completely divided the dust into the hostile camp, and there was no room for reconciliation. For the dust of the emperor, Ouyang Yu is more and more invisible. He did not expect that this person was so quick and quick. Filling a large number of players into the territory will definitely affect the balanced development of the various industries in the territory, which is simply endless.

Don't look at the dust of the emperor, and you will taste the bitter fruit in the future. Maybe it won't take long, don't say that it is worthy of being compared with Ouyang Yu.

Therefore, after the national channel shouted, Ouyang Yu was completely silent, and then ignored the outside discussion and prepared for the spring offensive.

Ouyang Yi does not care, does not mean that other people do not care. The two parties screamed in the air to further raise the incident, and the various forces discussed the countermeasures.


Lingxi Town Council, the four red and white flowers are gathered again.

"Big sister, you are not arrogant about this dust, what do you think?" asked Violet.

"What else can you think? The matter is very obvious. This is that Dian Dian is creating momentum for himself and wants to reinvigorate the alliance and restore his position as a leader in China." Bai Hua said sharply.

"Yes, he wants to step on the squat and climb up without clothes. The abacus is good, and it looks very successful on the surface. Now there are not many people in the forum who are singing the bad mountain town, although there are many who are employed by the Emperor. The water army, but does not rule out that many people who do not understand the situation have the same view." Tsing Yi added.

Violet stunned and asked in confusion: "The meaning of the four sisters is not optimistic about the action of the Dust?"

"Of course. Upgrading the three-level township is just a small hurdle. As long as you are willing to use the player to fill the territory of the land, it is easy to go up. This shows that there is no problem. It is also like a clown, so high-profile. The most crucial contest is the contest between the three-level township and the promotion of the first-level county town. With the characteristics of the system, it is certain that there will be any special checkpoints. Does Shanhai Town rely on this to gain a leading edge? Second sister, you have not seen it. No clothes on the national channel? It is clear that he is more calm than the dust." Tsing Yi explained that it is the chief think tank of Lingxi Town, and the problem is straightforward.

Bai Hua nodded and smiled and said: "The four sisters are right. There is another detail. I don't know if you noticed it?"

"What details?" asked the sisters curiously.

"The privatization strategy that no clothes passed to us." Bai Hua said mysteriously.

Tsing Yi’s brow wrinkled and said in amazement: “What does the big sister mean?”

"Not bad!" Bai Hua nodded.

"Oh, you don't want to play a riddle, what the details are!" The red eagle, the most reluctant to think, said with a mutter.

"From that privatization strategy, I don't know how to understand this game. I am sure that he has participated in the beta test like me. Not only that, but his participation may be higher. I guess There is no need for a general understanding of the conditions required for promotion to townships, so that he can explain why he can formulate a privatization plan in such a targeted manner The crown of the town." Bai Hua explained.

Violet's brain is still more flexible. At this time, it has already reacted. It is uncertain to say: "The big sister's meaning is that it is very likely that you will know in advance the conditions needed to be promoted to the first-level county. And that condition must be very difficult. It is difficult to achieve the strength of the Dust in a short time, so he will be so fearless?"

"Not bad." Bai Hua nodded affirmatively.

"However, how is this possible?" Violet still did not believe it. "The news that even the Dian Dust has a deep background does not know. How can he know if he is sacred?"

Bai Hua said with a smile: "First of all, this is just my guess. Secondly, the mystery of this game, we must have some understanding of it, to Gaia's character, such a thing, it is not unusual."

"Speaking of the details, my sisters noticed that there was no such thing. This time, the League of Nations came out and shouted for the dust of the emperor. It seems that there is one less person." Tsing Yi continued.

"Feng Prison Phoenix?" White bib first reacted.

"Not bad! For this person, the older sister can understand?" Tsing Yi asked.

Bai Hua shook his head and said with a smile: "Feng Prison Phoenix has not been involved in any game before, I can understand what I know. What I know is that the forum is some basic information exposed."

"The little girl has some guesses." Tsing Yi said with a smile.

"Oh? Tell us about it!" Bai Hua is still very much looking forward to this youngest sister.

Tsing Yi nodded and said: "The forces represented by Feng Pianhuang are a joint force. Any one of the alliances is not enough to compete with the Dust, so it will warm up. This temporary combination is the most Test the leader's organizational coordination ability Feng Pianhuang can stand out from the crowd, the ability can be seen. Feng Dinghuang's life experience, the forum also said very clearly, born in the league's largest force Feng family ""

"Fengjia is a very special family. The male lord is the female and the female. The male members of the family do not have to participate in the specific affairs of the group. They are idle, eating, drinking, and playing, but they have the highest power of the family. The day is tiring for the family, but in the end it is often the victim of family marriage. The name Fenghuanghuang is the best interpretation of the Feng family."

“The younger sister boldly speculated that as the most outstanding female member of the Feng family for more than a hundred years, Feng Pianhuang must be reluctant to become the next shackle and victim of the family. If she wants to make a difference, she needs to find at least one invisible ally. And this ally can't be a member of the 邯郸六霸, 岂曰无衣 is undoubtedly the most suitable. You noticed that there was no, when the monster attacked the city, Shanhai Village won the world first, Feng Pianhuang once appeared in the forum, I expressed my congratulations. This time, the squadron of the squadron has no clothes, and the phoenix prisoner has remained silent again. It can be seen that Feng Pianhuang and the 邯郸 邯郸 alliance are not a heart, and her attitude towards 岂曰 衣 ,, or cooperation Good for the Lord."

Bai Hua took the lead and applauded. He smiled and appreciatively said: "It is our small Zhuge. It is only by these clues that we can smear and see the essence of the problem."

Tsing Yi smiled embarrassedly. "This is all my guess. I can't do it."

"Well, no matter what, we still have to believe that this ally is not a vest. As for the other, don't care, do our own thing safely!" Bai Hua finally concluded welcome The majority of book friends come to read, the latest, fastest, most popular serial works are available at mobile users please read.

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