The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1032: Seven affection

These seven breaths, people outside the blue light can not feel at all, but looking at the huge figure of the atmosphere, it is to let them face the horror.

That figure, it is Jiang Yun!

That is to say, in the blue sky between the heavens and the earth, in addition to the top of the heavens, like the statue of the Oriental Bo, there is an equally huge Jiang Yun.

The two are still the same, just looking at each other, but they are silent.

As for Jiang Yun, who is on the palm of the East, there is no action at all, and it is still closed.

This naturally makes everyone look at the fog.

"What is this technique used by Jiang Yun?"

"I don't know, but I have created such a figure like an avatar, but I don't attack it. What is this doing?"

Just when everyone was confused, Jiang Yun and his portrait suddenly moved.

However, it is not the body that moves, but the faces of the two, with a change in expression.

It’s just this change. It’s in the eyes of everyone, but it makes their doubts deeper.

Because the expressions on both sides are constantly changing, but the smile is sometimes revealed, but the face is full of anger, sometimes it is sad, and sometimes it is terrified...

They didn't know that in the process of changing the expressions of both Jiang Yun and the statue, the blue sky and the earth actually began to have a slight distortion.

Even, even the indifference of the statue on the face of Dongfang Bo has been slightly loosened.

Only the old age is in the change of expression on Jiang Yun’s face, and gradually came to understand: “This is the seven emotions, the joys and sorrows, the sorrows and horror!”

"And..." The old-fashioned gaze also looked at the Oriental Bo, who was outside the Sancai space, and then said: "This is not a technique, it is also a Taoist!"

"Seven love law!"

The ancient eyes are suddenly bright, and the face is also gratified: "A good ginger!"

"Oriental Bo is trapped by the heavens and the earth, and he actually thought of breaking it with seven emotions!"

It’s true that Gu Laozhen’s speculation is correct.

What Jiang Yun is showing now is that he has only recently realized that the seven emotions hidden in "Humanism"!

The seven emotions correspond to seven different Taoist techniques, but once all the seven sentiments are understood, there will be another technique, which is now performed by Jiang Yun.

Of course, it is not an operation, but a Taoist method, a seven-love method!

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Seven emotions, everything in heaven and earth!

Jiang Yun's portraits of the seven emotions face the portraits of the Oriental Bo symbolizing humanity. It seems that no one has moved, but in fact, there is already a silent contest between the two.

The reason why the three talents are terrible is that they are based on the martial arts and cannot be shaken.

However, the three talents also belong to all things, and naturally contain seven emotions, so Jiang Yun takes seven emotions!

Under the silent confrontation between Dongbo and Jiang Yun, as time went by, everyone could finally see that the face of the Oriental Bo Ren began to have an expression.

At the beginning, the expression appeared very stiff, and it looked very strange. But gradually, the expression of the portrait was changing faster and faster, and in the end it was exactly the same as the expression on the face of Jiang Yunqi.

At this time, the sound of the "squeaky" sound continued to ring, and the blue sky and the earth, even with the statue of the Oriental Bo, all cracked.


Along with the appearance of these cracks, it was another loud noise.

In the loud noise, the blue sky, together with the portrait of the Oriental Bo, burst into flames.

At this time, all the people around, all of them felt that seven breaths suddenly rushed into their bodies, and they made a variety of different pictures.

These pictures are extremely familiar to each of them, because that is the scene of the softest part of their heart.

Those experiences, perhaps sweet, perhaps sad, perhaps fear, but in any case, that is their embodiment of a certain kind of love!

With the appearance of these pictures, they all began to have different expressions on their faces, some with joy, some with tears...

Even if the world is not plagued by emotions, let alone them.

Even Gu Lao and Lu Lun are no exception!

This is the terrible thing about the seven love laws!

Seven emotions can make Wan Ling intoxicated!


In the mouth of Dongfang Bo, a blood spurted out, and the figure was receding, and Jiang Yun’s seven-love figure collapsed.

All of them have been waking up, and they feel the smile that has not disappeared on their faces, and the tears that have not dried up, which shocked them one by one, but they also felt a sense of fear.

Those who have just been immersed in the seven conditions, there is no direct resistance to the outside world.

If Jiang Yun at that time, or someone else took the opportunity to shoot them, the consequences would be unimaginable.

This naturally made them look at Jiang Yun's gaze and added a bit of jealousy.

Previously, Jiang Yun opposed the Taoist, borrowing the power of the Nine. Although it was powerful, it was not Jiang Yun’s own strength, but now these seven lovers are absolutely controlled by Jiang Yun himself.

Jiang Yun is not paying attention to the idea of ​​everyone. His eyes are just staring at Dongfang Bo, slowly moving forward and walking towards the other side.

And Dongfang Bo’s face once again showed a strange smile: “Little teacher, you know, Master is the Nine Sacrifice of Heaven, who is it from?”

In this sentence, Jiang Yun has not responded, but the old age is a sudden change of face, and the palm that always presses on the head of the young Oriental Bo is also slightly sinking.

Dongfang Bo followed up: "Master must have never told you that the Nine Sacrifices are from the ones of the Nine!"

"The **** family is the one who helped the Taoist masters and killed them by hand!"

"And I, as a master's disciple, your master is the lonely, the only descendant who is still alive!"

Although Jiang Yun has tried his best not to be influenced by the words of Dongfang Bo, at this moment, when he heard the words of Dongfang Bo, his heart was completely uncontrollable, and the footsteps of the advancement also appeared. A little stagnation.

Even Jiang Yun’s eyes are quietly swaying to the Master not far away, and the face of the Master’s face.

Not only Jiang Yun, but everyone is also shocked.

Although most of them do not know who Jiang and the master of Dongfang Bo are, this person is actually standing on the side of the Tao.

Not only did they personally destroy the loneliness among the nine ethnic groups, but they also accepted the only descendants of the lobe as their own disciples!

This kind of behavior is not a bright and upright move.

Especially for the only descendants of the Lone, it is equal to being raised by their own genocide.

If you don't know it, but once he knows, this will definitely make him extremely painful for him.

"you shut up!"

Jiang Yun squeezed out these three words from his teeth, and he quickly stepped up. He had to kill the other person quickly, and he could not let the other party continue.

"Do you not believe it? Don't believe that you can just ask someone to ask, is the secret of the Nine Sacrifice, is the secret of the silence of the lonely, and the reason why Master left me a life, and I will be accepted as a disciple, that is to get This nine sacrifices."

"And I am the only one who knows the Nine Sacrifice."

Dongfang Bo smiled and said: "You don't believe it doesn't matter, I can show it to you! Let you see what, what is the real nine sacrifices!"

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