The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1037: You are fake

The sudden move of the ridiculous Yan Yan made everyone in the place a surprise, and did not understand what he was doing!

The time when I didn’t respond to everyone at all, standing in the wilderness of Yan’s benevolent beside the soul of the Taoist god, his wild lines had emerged on his eyebrows, and he began to split rapidly and turned into ten!

Ten wilderness!

Ten wildflowers skyrocketed and then merged again into one, until they became a hundred-foot-old grain!

When this sleazy pattern came out, there was a huge force that suddenly came to the emptiness.

And feel the breath of this power, everyone's heart is once again raised the feeling of despair.

Everything is wild!

Naturally, this is the power of the wild!

Even the power of the wildness shown by the ridiculous priest is not weaker than the force that Jiang Yun has just spurred the Great Five Peaks to kill the Taoist sect!

And this made everyone feel desperate, but also finally realized that the real strength of the current patriarch of the abandonment has already reached this point!

It is only until this moment that they still do not know what the ridiculous Jun Yan will do!


Among the doubts of the people, the huge wild lines suddenly swayed between the sacred objects of the Nine and the altars of heaven and earth.

The powerful force that came out of it, even the hardest hit, let the strongest attacks belonging to Jiang Yun and Dongfang Bo stop.

"Yan Junyan, what are you doing!"

At this moment, Lu Lun’s figure appeared beside the ridiculous Junyan, and the opening questioned.

And his eyes are looking at the body behind the wild Junyan, who has already walked to the side of the East Bo Jiang Yun.

When Jiang Yun summoned the tree of reincarnation, Lu Lun had already left the tree of reincarnation, and the audience did not know him, and he did not even think that he was the instrument of the tree of reincarnation.

In the face of Lu Lun’s questioning, Yan Junyan did not go to see him at all. His eyes only looked at the nine sacred objects and the altar of heaven and earth, with no expression and silence.

Lu Lun’s eyes narrowed slightly: “Wasteful Yan, do you want to help the Tao?”

The ridiculous monarch Yan calmly said: "Dao Zun is my public enemy of the Nine Nationalities. I am also ignorant of the people who died under his hand in the abandonment. Why should I help him?"

Lu Lun then asked: "So you want to help Jiang Yun?"

"Jiang Yun's strength is enough to win, no need to help me!"

"Then what are you?"

After a moment of silence, the ridiculous monarch Yan said this sentence: "I want this war to continue, forever to continue!"

This sentence of the ridiculous monarchy has caused everyone around them to fall into a greater incomprehension.

Even the soul of the Taoist sacred on the altar of heaven and earth, turned to look at the wilderness.

As a patriotic patriarch, the priest Yan Junyan hoped that this war will last forever. This is too unreasonable and unintelligible.

Only Lu Lun suddenly sighed and said: "Do you know?"

And Lu Lun’s words made Yan Junyan’s eyes faintly flash: "You know it?"

"Yes!" Lu Lun nodded. "However, I am different from you!"

"what is the difference?"

This time it was Lu Lun’s silence for a long time before he said: “I am true, you are fake!”

This dialogue between the ridiculous Junyan and Lu Lun is inexplicable and confusing in most people.

What did the two know? What is Lu Lun true, and is it a fake?

With the completion of Lu Lun's words, the light in the eyes of the ridiculous Jun Yan has skyrocketed again, and even the body has shivered slightly.


At this moment, Jiang Yun is holding the body of Dongfang Bo, looking straight at the face of Dongfang Bo.

Although Dongbo is still motionless, Jiang Yun has sent back the fascination of Dongbo, which is hidden in his body, back to his body.

And still instilling the same vitality for Dongbo's body.

As for Dongfang Bo can't live with this ignorance, Jiang Yun doesn't know, but he believes that his master can definitely do it!

As Lu Lun had previously speculated, the fighting between Jiang Yun and Dong Bo was actually a collaboration between their brothers and brothers to jointly fight against Tao Zun!

Although Tao Zun made the Oriental Bourges into avatars, Dong Bang’s glimpse of the gods always existed.

The reason why Dao Zun wants to make Dongfang's smelting into a avatar is not only to threaten Jiang Yun, but also to let Jiang Yun not dare to shoot. In fact, it is also to seek the Nine Sacrifice of the Altar!

Therefore, Dongfang Bo will count on the plan, and by means of the opportunity to display the Nine Sacrifices, in turn, the Tao’s control over himself and the power of the Tao will be weakened a little!

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However, if you want to completely recapture your body and drive out Taoism thoroughly, you must make nine sacrifices. Therefore, even if Dong Bo is overwhelmed, he will also insist on completing nine sacrifices.

As for Jiang Yun, in fact, when I showed the Nine Sacrifice from the Oriental Bosch, I already noticed something wrong!

Because Dongfang Bo always emphasizes that what he is doing is the real nine-day martial arts. The meaning is naturally that Jiang Yun is mastered, not the real nine-day martial arts.

This is actually reminding Jiang Yun to pay attention, and Jiang Yun did not let him down. After completing three sacrifices in Dongfang Bo, I saw some clues.

If Ji Yun’s nine sacrifices are performed in a short period of time, the sacrifices required will not change, and the number will increase by a multiple.

For example, the life he used most often as a sacrifice, that is, as his own vitality continues to grow, he is able to sacrifice more and more times.

However, the Nine Festivals of Oriental Bosch Exhibition is not the case.

Dongfang Bo can use all the powers in the body as a sacrifice.

Switching to Jiang Yun is absolutely impossible.

Moreover, Jiang Yun also knows that the sacrifice of the heavens will be absorbed by the heavens once it is sacrificed, and will disappear from itself forever. Therefore, the things that are sacrificed must be regenerated.

Like his own vitality, even if it goes a long way, as long as the fire does not go out, the vitality can be restored.

However, the power of the six ethnic groups of the Oriental Bo sacrifice, and the two attacks launched, let Jiang Yun clearly feel that the power of the six ethnic groups has forever disappeared from the body of Dongfang Bo!

At this time, Jiang Yun has been vaguely speculative, this is the master of the gods to help themselves in the dark, the power of these six ethnic groups is completely stripped from the Tao.

After knowing this, when Dong Bo again sacrificed with his eyes and blood, Jiang Yun finally had an unbearable heart.

However, Dongfang Bo opened his mouth at that time, letting Jiang Yun let him finish the sacrifices nine times.

This also makes Jiang Yun realize that the nine-day sacrifice is absolutely extremely important for Dongfang Bo.

Even the key to saving his life, he could only hold back the impulse to shoot.

When Jiang Yun saw the soul of Taoism appearing above the altar of heaven and earth, he was finally sure that all his guesses were correct.

Therefore, Jiang Yun did not hesitate to summon the sacred objects of the Nine, and launched the last attack with the soul of the Tao!

It seems that the soul of the Taoist spirit is exerted nine times at this moment, but because the power of his six ethnic groups has been deprived, it will not be an opponent in the face of the nine sacred objects.

This allowed Jiang Yun to finally get out and save the master!

As for the sudden appearance of the wilderness, and the dialogue between him and Lu Lun, Jiang Yunquan knew it and heard it clearly, but he did not care.

All his attention is on the body of Dongfang Bo.

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of the scene in which Shan Haijie asked Zong Nei to hold his own body.

At that time, he eventually failed to save the three brothers. Now, he does not want to lose even his master.

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