The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1045: Do half

Jiang Yun’s eyes and suddenly a little excited tone made him look at him with a puzzled look: “Here, it’s the seam that my aristocrats lived in the ages!”

"Now, it is hidden in the holy things of my family, within the five peaks of the Great Wild!"

"The illusion you have experienced is actually happening in this boundary!"

While speaking, I did not see any action in the wild map. I saw that there was no such thing as heaven and earth. Only in the void space, suddenly there was a world that had lost its light and slowly emerged.

Although the world has been completely broken, Jiang Yun recognizes it at a glance. This is indeed a fantasy world, and he has lived in the arid world for nearly ten years.

Looking at the world, the eyes of the wild map reveal the color of remembrance, and take a big step directly, and go straight to the world until the body is completely immersed in the world.

Jiang Yun is standing still in the same place.

Because he is still thinking about the state that has just emerged from this space.

There is no heaven and earth, all around are nothingness, like their grandfather, they are trapped!

Jiang Wanli and other people, since leaving the mountains and seas, should have turned back Jiang Yaotian, but not only did not go back, and did not know why they were trapped in a void space without heaven and earth.

For such a space, Jiang Yun has never seen it, but has never heard of it. Now I did not expect it to be in the relics of the abandonment, I saw such a similar situation!

Naturally, this also makes Jiang Yun suddenly realize: "Is it possible, grandfather, they are also trapped in a certain holy thing?"

Although this is just Jiang Yun’s guess, in any case, it’s finally letting Jiang Yun grab a clue that it is possible to find Grandpa’s whereabouts.

Big deal, looking for other eight sacred objects, maybe it is possible to find them.

After making up his mind, Jiang Yun also followed behind the wild map and walked into the dead world!

Standing on the gray sky, Jiang Yun looked down at the top.

Although the world has been dead for countless years, it still has a broken wall everywhere. The ruins of a place exist, and it is not difficult for Jiang Yun to see the shadow of the wild city when it was flourishing.

The sound of the wild map also rang in the ears of Jiang Yun: "There are five places in my abandoned palace, where I lived..."

In the voice of the wild map, in the eyes of Jiang Yun, the ruins of that place are also overlapped with the deserted city in the illusion.

Even Jiang Yun saw a familiar face, and there was a burst of loud noise in the ear. The broken and ridiculous world below, gradually became angry...

Now, Jiang Yun can finally understand what the demon old man who gave himself to the diamonds.

The reason why the illusion is that people can't detect its fake, except that because a lot of characters appear in it are played by people, but also because of those buildings, those things really exist.

Finally, in the eyes of Jiang Yun, there was an enormous cemetery!

This is what the desert city in the illusion does not have!

The wild map also reached out and pointed to the cemetery: "There is the bones of all the people of my abandon!"

No need to say anything, Jiang Yun has taken one step and appeared in this cemetery!

Although it is a cemetery, in fact, there are not many graves in it, only a few hundred, and the size is also different.

The largest number of tombs have at least a square, but the small ones only have a square.

"The big tombs are the people of my wilderness who died in the battlefield. Most of their bones are gone, so I can only bury them together."

"Those little tombs are some of my closest!"

Jiang Yun silently walked to each grave before, clenched his fist, and went deep!

Although there is no intersection between them and these abandoned people, but in the illusion, they have died with them.

Especially Yi Zheng and others are also buried in this grave!

Standing in front of the tombstone, Jiang Yun seems to be able to see the smiles of Yi Zheng and others, and can hear the "adults" that they called out.

"Brothers, Jiang, come see you!"

Next, Jiang Yun successively worshipped each tomb until he saw one of the tombstones, engraved with six words----the tomb of the family sister Yu Yu!

Seeing this tombstone, Jiang Yun couldn’t help but think of the nameless!

Shaking his head, Jiang Yun no longer thinks, and also deeply worships.

In this way, Jiang Yun worshipped all the graves, and then looked up and looked at the wild map: "Abandoned brother, I am leaving!"

Up to now, Jiang Yun still does not know whether the passage of time in the illusion is the same as the reality. If it is, then he has been in this place for nine years.

After experiencing such a illusion, he also missed his relatives and friends and missed his hometown.

What's more, in reality, there are still many things waiting for him to do, so he has to leave.

"Good!" The waste map nodded. "You asked me just now, is there any way to leave with me? Now I will tell you, there is a way!"

"any solution?"

"Become the master of the nine places!"

Jiang Yunyi said in this sentence: "What do you mean?"

"It’s a dead place in the nine places. In fact, it seems to me that it is an independent world. As long as you become the master of this world, you can naturally take me with me, even with the nine sacred objects."

The explanation of the wild map, Jiang Yun is not difficult to understand, but want to do this, in Jiang Yun think, it is impossible!

In the nine places, even the powerful nine people can't be their masters. How can they be done by an outsider?

What's more, even if there is a way to do it, I know what kind of price it will cost!

Therefore, Jiang Yun frowned and said: "The ridiculous brother, I am afraid I can't do it!"

"Do not!"


The map was fixed and looked at Jiang Yundao: "It is impossible to change to other people, but you can do it."

"Even, you have already done halfway!"

The words of the wilderness made Jiang Yun’s brow wrinkled more tightly. He just wanted to continue to ask, but suddenly the body was shocked and he blurted out and debuted: “Ground protection and heavenly environment?”

The wild map smiled slightly: "Yes, you think of it!"

"To be a master of the world, it is very simple, to become a landlord!"

"And if you want to be a landlord, you need to gain the sanctuary of the world's land and sky."

"There is nowhere to go, although the time is extremely far away. Although there is a strong dead and nine people in it, no one can enter the earth protection or the heavenly environment within the nine places."

"I can't do it, but I don't dare to do it."

"The ruin of the nine places for the nine people, that is the holy place, sacred and inviolable."

"Even if there is great courage, no one dares to absorb the power of the heavens and the earth contained in the nine places."

"And you, you have absorbed the power of the earth here, and have entered the earth protection!"

"You can step into the peak of the environment and be able to display the power of the Nine. In addition to my help, it is also because you have won the recognition of this land."

"What's more, your master is not old, the nine sacrifices that he passed to you, and the power of the nine sects that have already led you to the ruin of the nine places. Although those are only temporary, they will still have A small amount exists in your body."

"In the future, you can use these forces of the sun to cite, and then through the connection with the five peaks of the Great Wilderness, continue to absorb the power of the sun until you enter the heavens!"

"At that time, you are the master of the nine places, and you will be able to master the sacred objects of the Nine!"

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