The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1047: Mountain and sea

The problem of the ruins, the face has been restored to the calm Jiang Yun, the heart could not help but tremble again, suddenly looked up: "You, don't you know?"

In the illusion, when Jiang Yun used his power to kill Dao Zun with the power of the Great Five Peaks, he set foot on the peak of the Great Five Peaks.

Above the summit, the sight he saw made his expression extremely shocked, even ignoring the Taoist, ignoring the existence of everything else.

Originally, Jiang Yun also wanted to ask about the waste map, but Jiang Yun did not think that even the wild map did not know.

"I don't know!" The waste map shook his head and said: "I said, I don't know too much about this ruin."

"Although the whole illusion is arranged by me, all the changes that have occurred within it are not under my control."

"Not to mention, even if you are in a illusion, but you have embarked on the peak of the Great Five Peaks with your own strength, and in my abandonment, no more than three people can do this! ”

"So, what you see should be what the Great Five Peaks really want you to see!"

"Of course, if you don't want to say it, you don't have to say it, I am just curious!"

With the fall of the wild voice, Jiang Yun is also in silence, and Lu Lun and the wild map are no longer open. The eyes of both people are watching Jiang Yun.

After a while, Jiang Yun finally spoke slowly, but it was not a question to answer the wild map, but to look at Lu Lun: "Lv predecessors, one mountain and one sea, what do you mean by this sentence?"

This sentence is the first time that Xue Dongliu told Jiang Yun, and Jiang Yun later saw it on the paper left by Lu Lun to his daughter. He even asked Lu Lun several times, but Lu Lun Always perfunctory.

Lu Lun gave a slight glimpse. I didn't expect Jiang Yun to ask himself this question at this time, and let him suddenly look at the wild map.

Until the wild map nodded silently, Lu Lun said: "In fact, this is not a big secret, but it is only spread among our nine people."

"The first world that the first batch of the nine ethnic groups that went out of the nine places of the past went out was the mountains and seas!"

"And, at the beginning, there was only one mountain and one sea in the mountains and seas, so it was called a mountain and a sea, representing another origin of the nine ethnic groups except for the nine places!"

The waste map also nodded: "Lv brother said yes, this sentence is actually spread among the nine ethnic groups, but only the patriarch is qualified to know, in order to let all the descendants of the nine ethnic groups Remember this, remember the mountains and seas!"

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Lu Lun went on to say: "Dao Zun also knows the mountains and seas. Even after the fall of the Nine, he also went to the mountains and seas deliberately to see if he could find something of value."

"As a result, he should have found nothing, plus the true origin of the Jiuzu is to ruin the nine places, so over time, no one in the mountains and seas will care."

Listening to the wild map and Lu Lun's explanation of this sentence that has puzzled for a long time, Jiang Yun's face has no slight change, and is extremely calm.

Until the two finished, Jiang Yun continued to say: "In this case, why did I inquire about the location and whereabouts of the mountains and seas in the illusion, but no one knows?"

The wild map explains: "That was because at that time, in order to protect the mountains and seas, it was not called the mountains and seas, but other names!"

After Jiang Yun’s silence for a moment, this went on to say: “Actually, have you ever thought that this sentence that exists among your nine people is possible, is it wrong all the time?”

"Error, impossible!"

The wild map and Lu Lun have the same voice: "Even if a family is likely to remember correctly, but it is difficult for the nine people to remember correctly?"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "I am not saying that you remember correctly, but that you understand wrong!"

"If you understand what you understand, the mountains and seas are the first roads born between heaven and earth, aren't they?"

The map and Lu Lun nodded: "Yes!"

"But the saying of the Taoist world came after the extinction of the Nine nationalities, or that under the control of the Tao, there is a difference between the Taoist and the wilderness!"

Jiang Yun’s saying that Lu Lun and the wild map are a slight glimpse, suddenly realized that this is indeed the case, but the two still a little unbelief: "Whether it will be a boundary, just a saying, Refers to a world, or a world, not a road?"

Jiang Yun nodded. "There is also this possibility, but I feel that this sentence should be one less word!"

"One word missing? Which word is missing?"

"There is a limit word!" Jiang Yun slowly said: "One mountain, one sea, one boundary!"

Without waiting for the abandonment of the abandonment and Lu Lun, Jiang Yun has taken the initiative to say: "I saw a mountain and a sea at the top of the Great Five Peaks. Whether it is a mountain or a sea, the area is large. Unimaginable, to the point that it is too big to be compared to the whole seam."

"And on the other side of the mountain and the sea, I saw one..."

Having said that, Jiang Yun paused: "I don't know how to describe it. I can only say that it may be a passage, a passage connecting another piece of heaven and earth!"

"The mountains and seas, there are two worlds, one is called the mountain sea, and the other is called the wilderness. I can see that the mountain and the sea are in a world, but in the mountains and seas. In addition, there is still a world."

"Two pieces of heaven and earth, bounded by mountains and seas!"

The mountains and the sea are bounds!

Jiang Yun said what he saw above the peak of the Five Peaks of the Great Wilderness, and put forward such a very shocking idea, so that the two maps and Lu Lun can be said to be well-informed Qi Qi fell into shock.

However, Jiang Yun’s next words brought them even greater shock.

"Did you think about it, if you kill the nine people, is it really just born in the nine places?"

"Is it possible to kill the Jiuzu, from another world, to this world!"


After the wild map shot himself and helped Jiang Yun connect with the five lines of the wilderness and the great wilderness, Jiang Yun finally left the desert with a group of people!

The method of leaving is also very simple, even if he does not need the map or Lu Lun's shot, he is very casual and leaves the nine places.

Moreover, compared to other people who can't come back, Jiang Yun can still return to this ruin.

Of course, the premise is that he must become the master of the nine places, and control all the nine sacred objects!

As for the wild map and Lu Lun, they are still immersed in the huge shock, and the shape of Jiang Yun is gradually disappearing from their eyes.

However, just before Jiang Yun’s figure was about to disappear, Jiang Yun suddenly stopped and turned around, with a trace of suspicious color on his face, looking behind him and looking at the whole silence. Nine places.

After just sweeping around for a moment, Jiang Yun shook his head and smiled at the picture of the wilderness and Lu Lun. This finally took the place of the dead.

Lu Lun didn't know what Jiang Yun felt, but the wild map was a slight shock to the body: "Do you feel it?"

“What did you feel?”

"Before you have not entered the ruined nine places, I sometimes feel that there is other creatures besides me, this is beyond the nine!"

After a pause, the wild map suddenly lowered the voice: "In addition, I still have a feeling that what happened in the illusion seems to affect the reality faintly..."

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