The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1053: Deterioration

"Don't I have left the prison?"

Looking at the lonely and unique world in front of him, Jiang Yun shook his head and denied his idea.

If you really leave the prison, there will be countless worlds, and the area of ​​the seams is endless, so Jiang Yun knows that he is still in prison.

However, this is definitely not the seventh floor of the prison!

Jiang Yun stood in the middle of the gap and did not rush into it, but carefully looked at the world in front of him.

The size of this world is far greater than all the world that Jiang Yun has seen before, and the light it emits is extremely strong, indicating that the world is thriving.

As soon as he was indulging, Jiang Yun stepped into the world.

At the first sight of the world, Jiang Yun saw the blue sky and white clouds, but also felt the air with a fresh taste, and the air is full of pure aura!

"this is……"

The scene presented in front of his own eyes, so that Jiang Yun can not help but glimpse.

Because of this environment, he has never seen it since he entered the prison, so that he couldn't help but doubt again whether he had left the prison.

Although Jiang Yun has only been to the bloodline of the seven layers of the prison, but since the prison is a prison, then the environment of any layer must be extremely bad.

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But now there is a completely different world. If the world is still within the prison, then here is a real paradise!

With doubts, Jiang Yun let go of his knowledge and eyesight and tried his best to spread to the world below.

After a while, Jiang Yun took back the gods and showed a bitter smile on his face, because the area of ​​the world is too big.

His own knowledge in this world is like a drop in the ocean.

However, the scene within the range he can see is no different from the normal world.

There are also mountains and rivers, forests and lakes, but also a variety of animals, including many monsters.

Unfortunately, his knowledge of the gods is limited and he does not feel the atmosphere of the monks.

However, he is not in a hurry. Such a world full of vitality and soul will inevitably have a monk.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun simply did not think about other problems. When he just wanted to take a look at the world, he suddenly heard a long-lost voice in his mind: "Where is this?"

Hearing this voice, Jiang Yun’s face could not help but smile.

Naturally, the person who speaks is Bai Ze!

Since entering the ruined nine places, Bai Ze has been in a state of sleep, and he does not know the passage of time. However, Jiang Yun has been going through a decade, so now he hears that Bai Ze has finally awakened, naturally let him from the heart. feel happy.

Jiang Yun smiled and said: "I don't know where it is. I only know that it should be a world in prison!"

"Oh, how do I feel sleep for a long time?"

There was a lot of confusion in Bai Ze’s voice, and Jiang Yun nodded. “You really slept for a while, it’s not too long, ten years!”

"What, ten years!" Bai Ze's familiar screams resounded in Jiang Yun's mind.

"Yes, ten years, don't worry, I will tell you what I have experienced in this decade!"

Therefore, Jiang Yun talked with Bai Ze about his experience in the illusion, while flying freely over the strange world.

After Jiang Yun finished speaking, Bai Ze was rarely silenced.

Because what Jiang Yun said is far beyond his imagination, he is unacceptable for a while.

Jiang Yun naturally understood the shock of Bai Ze, smiled a little, and no longer spoke, giving him time to digest, and he continued to fly forward.

However, at this time, Jiang Yun’s face changed abruptly, and the body of the master’s brother Dong Bo appeared on his hands.

At this moment, Dongfang Bo, the breath is very weak, pale, and even the fire in the body has become only a Mars, obviously there is the possibility of death at any time!

Jiang Yun hurriedly said: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

In the illusion, after Jiang Yun sent the master of the master to his body, although the master was extremely weak, but there was no worry of life, he struggled to say a few words to Master, until After the illusion was completely over, it was fainted.

Since then, Jiang Yun has been paying attention to the situation of the master brother all the time, for fear of his accident.

But now, the master has once again fallen into the edge of death, which makes Jiang Yun worry, but also extremely puzzled, do not understand why this happens.

In the face of Jiang Yun’s call, Dongfang Bo did not have any response at all, and this also made Jiang Yun’s heart sink into the bottom.

Although he is a refining pharmacist himself, he is also proficient in medicine. However, in his opinion, the situation of the master should be related to the soul, and this is what he is least good at.

After all, when the master is refining into a skeleton, the soul must be erased first or forcibly removed from the body.

Although there is a glimpse of the gods in the body, but this sacred knowledge is not enough to support the masters to recover, and even now can no longer continue to exist, it is possible to dissipate at any time.

At this time, Bai Ze’s voice rang again: “You said that your master is also a nine-family?”

"Yes! Bai Ze, do you know what happened to my brother?"

"I guess that in the land of the borders and the nine places of silence, because of the existence of the sacred objects of your master, perhaps protecting his soul."

"But now you have taken him away from the land of the world, and the holy things are stronger and less effective, so he becomes like this."

Bai Ze’s explanation made Jiang Yun suddenly realize that there is such a possibility.

It’s just that I can’t go back to the land of the world now, and I don’t know how to save the master.

"Then, can you save him?"

“No!” Bai Ze thought for a moment: “But I remember, you are not arresting a group of souls, as a soul, you should know the soul best!”

After Bai Ze reminded, Jiang Yun suddenly remembered, when he was in the **** world, he seized a demon to attack the demon, and the other party was the Mozu who had returned to the temple.

However, after the criminal demon was seized by himself, Su Yang said that there was a way to restrain him and let him obey, so he threw Xing Mo to Su Yang and he never managed.

Now, Jiang Yun can't say anything more, and he has a hand, and there is another person in front of him, and this is the last person he brought out from the dead and nine places - Suyang!

In the illusion, since Jiang Yun fell asleep in the wild world, Su Yang returned to the abandonment, and after accepting a large number of gifts from the ridiculous Junyan, he ran away and even disappeared from the beginning of the war.

Jiang Yun did not deliberately search for his whereabouts, because although Su Yang insisted on Jiang Yun, but Jiang Yun did not treat him as a slave.

However, with the end of the illusion, among the many figures sitting in the silence of the nine places, Jiang Yun also saw him sleeping the same, so he also brought him out.

"Su Yang, wake up!"

With the sound of Jiang Yun's voice, Su Yang's closed eyes immediately trembled, and soon opened his eyes, his face still with a stunned color.

Until I saw the cloud cloud standing in front of me, the body suddenly shocked, and the whole person was awake in an instant, and the face was also showing the color of fear: "Master, that me..."

Obviously, Su Yang has already thought of everything, knowing that he is playing big this time, so he wants to make a sincere attitude and admit his mistake.

However, Jiang Yun was anxious to interrupt his words: "Where is the soul race?"

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