The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1071: Raise the price

For the rest of the auction venue at the moment, the reason for their silence is because they are a bit confused.

Just the hundreds of Yun Ling Dan, took out the auction, the starting price is 100,000 pieces of Lingshi, they can accept.

After all, Yun Ling Dan is Wu Pin Dan, even if there is no scent of Tao in the medicinal herbs, the perfect Yun Ling Dan, which is only one hundred heavenly steps, can barely be worth 100,000 pieces of Lingshi.

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But now the Tianjing Dan that the drug Ji’s hand took is only a second-class remedy, and it’s still the Yaozu can take it, and there is only one, thrown on the ground, maybe everyone is too lazy to go, but now they dare to ask for the price. Ten thousand pieces of Lingshi, this is really too unreasonable.

Even Wei Hong was stunned and shook his head: "This drug **** is not crazy, a Tianjing Dan sells so expensive, this is clearly stealing money!"

While Wei Hong spoke, he glanced at Jiang Yun inadvertently. At first glance, he couldn’t help but be shocked!

At this moment, Jiang Yun’s body has unconsciously leaned forward and shivered slightly. The hands holding the armrests of the seat were raised with blue ribs. The eyes were filled with cold and glaring, staring at the Tianjingdan. .

Although Wei Hong knew Jiang Yun's time is not long, but his eyesight is very hot, and Jiang Yun also has a very high evaluation, but never thought that Jiang Yun would have such a rude performance, so that he stuttered Road: "Ginger Elder, you, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Jiang Yun, I couldn’t hear Wei Hong’s voice in my ears. In his eyes, there was only Tianjing Dan, and a beautiful shadow that emerged!

As a refining pharmacist, although it is not always possible to recognize every remedy that he has refining, Jiang Yun does not have to look at it. Even if he only relies on the aroma of the medicinal herbs, it is enough to confirm that the drug is in his hands. The Tianjing Dan that was taken is clearly refining itself.

Because this Tianjing Dan has an unusual meaning for Jiang Yun.

Although it has been a long time, he can still clearly remember that he has refined every detail of this Tianjing Dan and everything that happened in the whole process.

It was the first time that he had produced the Tianjing Dan that led to the Dan robbing in his lifetime. It was also the first one to achieve perfection, even surpassing the perfect Tian Jing Dan.

The most important thing is that this Tianjing Dan, he gave a person, a person he always misses silently, but who does not know where he is!

Snow sunny!

In the same year, Jiang Yun refines this Tianjing Dan in the Xuezu and gave it to Xueqing.

However, Jiang Yun never imagined that he would have seen this Tianjing Dan in this auction site of the ancient world!

Although Jiang Yun still doesn't know why this Tianjing Dan, which should have been on Xueqing, will appear at this auction, but for this Tianjing Dan, he is bound to win!

Only after getting this Tianjing Dan, Jiang Yun is likely to know the whereabouts of Xue Qing.

"Right!" The drug Ji suddenly remembered something: "Forgot to say, the person who took this Tianjing Dan to the auction said, this Tianjing Dan is indeed not worth its price, but this Dan, For the good guys, this price is not expensive."

"I don't know if there are any people in this Dan!"

Just as the voice of Ji Ji has just fallen, there is already a trembling voice: "Five thousand!"

When you heard the voice of this bid, everyone was a slight glimpse.

What Ji Yao said about the people, in their view, that is simply the words of flicker, it is not true.

But I did not expect that even someone really wants to be a good person, willing to spend a big price to buy such a Tianjing Dan!

Therefore, their eyes naturally look at the direction of the bidding voice!

At this moment, Wei Hong was already stunned and looked at Jiang Yun, who had just shouted the price, as if he didn't know him.

Although he has already passed the reaction of Jiang Yun, it seems that Jiang Yun seems to care about this Tianjing Dan, but even if he wants to buy it, he does not bid like Jiang Yun.

The so-called auctions are mostly psychological warfare, and the prices are constantly increasing one by one.

However, Jiang Yun’s mouthful has turned the price directly five times.

Five times the price, it represents 40,000 pieces of Lingshi, which is not a small fortune for a sect.

Where Wei Hong knows, Jiang Yun never cares about Lingshi and wealth. He cares about the whereabouts of the original owner of Tianjing Dan!

At this moment, the face of the leaf in the room showed a cruel smile: "So it seems to be confirmed."

"This Tianjing Dan, even if it is not the Jiang Yun refining system, but he must also know the scorpion of the Xue people!"

"Chen Chang, when he came to take Dan, he grabbed him and sent it to me. If there is any objection to Xuanxu, let them come directly to me!"

Elder Chen made a courtesy: "Follow!"

Cold smile, Ye Feifan has stood up and ready to leave.

The purpose of his coming here is for Jiang Yun. He has no interest in the auction. Now that his purpose has been achieved, he certainly is not prepared to stay for a long time.

However, just as his figure just walked to the door of the room, the auction floor suddenly sounded a lazy voice again: "100,000!"

This statement came out, not only to let everyone in the room be taken aback, even Ye Feifan’s footsteps stopped, turned his head and looked at the direction of the sound, showing a cold color in his eyes: "Who is this bidding?"

Chen Elder also looked at the direction of the voice, his eyes slightly shook his way: "No. 7 room, Ren Dinghan and Hua Hong Niang!"

"Nine Yizong!"

Ye Feifan’s eyes flashed in the cold: “How can they both be interested in this Tianjing Dan?”

Chen Changchang smiled and shook his head and said: "I don't know! However, if this Tianjing Dan was bought by both of them, then Jiang Yun would probably go directly to them."

"When we want to catch Jiang Yun again, maybe they will interfere!"

Ye Feifan smiled coldly: "Reassured, Jiang Yun will never give up this Tianjing Dan!"

Sure enough, just as Ye Feifan’s voice just fell, Jiang Yun has once again said: “Three hundred thousand!”

At the moment, Jiang Yun didn’t know who he was bidding with, but even if he knew, he didn’t care, so he didn’t want to, and he shouted out all the 300,000 Lingshi he had just earned.

This also caused the audience to fall into silence again. Everyone looked at Jiang Yun with the eyes of the madman, even Wei Hong was no exception.

However, some people can't help but feel a little bit tempted.

Although they don't know Jiang Yun, some of them have heard that the person who bids with Jiang Yun is Ren Dinghan!

In this hole in the city, Ren Dinghan is also a small name, and is a famous profiteer.

Since Ren Dinghan is willing to pay a big price to buy this Tianjing Dan, does that mean that this Tianjing Dan contains secrets that outsiders do not know?

"Three thousand five thousand!" Just then, the voice of Ren Dinghan sounded again.

"400,000!" Jiang Yun's voice followed.

This time, everyone only feels that their heart has to jump out of the eyes of the blind.

A second-class drug, sold to such a high price, is really unacceptable.

Within the room, the flower red mother glanced at Ren Ding's cold road: "Put the price up, is this your plan?"

Ren Dinghan smiled slightly: "Yes, after Jiang Yun has no Lingshi, he will know if he has the courage to wear a white wolf over the site of this medicine Shenzong!"

After he finished speaking, he did not forget to throw out three more words: "Fifty thousand!"

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