The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1077: Broken arm

After listening to Ren Dinghan's explanation, the expression on the face of Hua Hong Niang was also a stalemate, realizing that she seemed to have done something stupid.

However, she is not convinced in her mouth: "You know that I don't like to use my brain, but I didn't explain it to me in advance. I can think of so much."

"Well, blame me for blaming me!"

Ren Dinghan smiled and swayed, and apparently did not want to continue to argue with Hua Hongniang.

The flower red lady hesitated and said: "That, if I want to go to the Xuan Xuzong, bring him out!"

Don't look at the flower girl's mouth and don't admit defeat, but at the moment, my heart is full of guilt, I want to make up for it.

Ren Dinghan stretched his hand and licked his beard, and said: "There is no need, the mysterious sect is comparable to the city, and the ancestors specially deliberately passed us. Don't go there. You can go alone, but you can't save Jiang Yun. Instead, they may be trapped inside."

The flower red lady is a little anxious: "What should I do now? I can't really let him fall into danger!"

Ren Dinghan shook his head and said: "You don't have to worry too much. If Jiang Yun really has a brain, then he should go to Xuanxu Zong, there should be no stop, and he must immediately find a way to leave."

"If he is fast enough, then Ye Feifan may not have time to inform Xuan Xuzong to shoot him."

"What's more, even if Xuanxu has received a notice from Ye Feifan, you should not forget that just Ye Feifan said that he had to live and catch Jiang Yun!"

"Jiang Yun is suffering from injury at most, and there will be no worry about his life."

Hua Hong Niang blinked and said: "Then we don't do anything, just wait for it?"

Ren Dinghan smiled slightly: "Yes, I have already asked people to investigate the grievances between Ye Feifan and Jiang Yun. In addition, those who are looking for Jiang Yun’s identity should also report back."

"Once I wait until the news is confirmed, then we can know what to do next!"

"Actually, I have a hunch, this Jiang Yun, and our relationship, should be friends and non-enemy!"

Speaking of this, Ren Dinghan’s eyes are faintly revealing a look of hope!

At the same time, the interior of the Dongming City auction has been restored to calm. Ye Feifan looked at the Qingyun Ding, who is now only the size of the palm of his hand, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Although Jiang Yun was finally allowed to escape, but Ye Feifan not only won a piece of Jiu Pin Ling Shi, but also got this Qing Yun Ding, can be regarded as a great harvest.

As for Jiang Yun, Ye Feifan is not worried.

After all, as long as Jiang Yun is still in this ancient world, he will not escape his palm, and sooner or later he will fall into his hands.

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After Qingyun Ding was collected, Ye Feifan’s eyes swept through the current auction site, and at first glance he saw Wei Hong, who was always sitting there and did not dare to move. This made his eyes shine.

"Wei Hong!"

From the moment when Jiang Yun shot Ye Feifan, Wei Hong has become a sculpture and lost the ability to think.

So much that he didn't care about the series of things that happened later, and he didn't realize that Jiang Yun had left now.

Until then, when he heard the voice of Ye Feifan, he suddenly returned to God and hurriedly stood up and said: "Ye Shaozhu!"

Ye Feifan looked at Wei Hongdao coldly: "Wei Hong, as far as I know, that Jiang Yun is your invitation to enter the Xuanxu Emperor and become the elder of the guest."

"Now he ran, and you naturally can't escape."

"Look at the face of your lord, I can spare you a life, but the death penalty is exempt, and the sin is hard!"

When the voice fell, Chen Chang, who was always in front of Ye Feifan, suddenly reached out and pointed at Wei Hong, and saw the blood flashing, Wei Hong’s left hand arm was directly squatted.

Although he lost his arm and made Wei Hong sore and sweaty, he clenched his teeth and did not dare to shout.

Ye Feifan is a faint saying: "I will give you a chance to make a sin, what to do next, I should not teach you!"

Wei Hong’s body trembled and quickly nodded: “I know!”

"Then I will wait for your good news!"


Wei Hong did not dare to say more. After a ritual, he grabbed his broken arm that fell on the ground and hurriedly turned and hurried away.

Looking at the figure that Wei Hong left, Ye Feifan once again looked around for a circle: "Chen Chang, this Wei Hong, I believe, you immediately notify Xuanxu in my name, let them find the trace of Jiang Yun immediately. Take it alive."

"In addition, today's business, give me a thorough investigation, in any case, we must find someone who helps Jiang Yun escape, focus on the target, and lock Ren Dinghan and Hua Hong Niang!"

Chen Elder nodded and said: "Yes!"

Ye Feifan no longer speaks, turns and leaves!

After leaving the auction venue, Wei Hong did not dare to stop at all. Even the inn did not return, and ran directly to the transmission array.

With the light of the transmission array, Wei Hong looked at the broken arm in his hand and suddenly looked up. He stared at the direction of the auction venue with his eyes staring, and there was a deep hatred in the depths of his eyes.

From the staggering out of the transmission array, I saw that I had returned to the Xuanxu, so that Wei Hong could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Until then, he said to himself: "Ye Feifan, today's broken arm, as long as Wei Hong does not die, will inevitably ask you to ask!"

At this time, the disciple who was behind the transmission line saw Wei Hong, who was holding the broken arm. He suddenly changed his face and hurriedly greeted him: "Wei Shishu, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing!" Wei Hong bit his teeth and turned and left.

But the disciple said again: "Right, Wei Shishu, Jiang Elder just came back a moment ago, looking hurried..."


Wei Hong’s face suddenly changed, and he had already interrupted: “Is the Elder Ginger back?”

"Yeah, just back..."

Not waiting for this disciple to finish the words, Wei Hong’s body shape has been lost in front of him.

Wei Hong rushed to the small building where Jiang Yun was.

He did not think that Jiang Yun actually sinned Ye Feifan and dared to return to Xuanxu.

However, when the small building appeared in Wei Hong's line of sight, his speed gradually slowed down.

Because his mind is echoing Ye Feifan’s previous words.

The opportunity to make a sin for yourself is nothing more than to let yourself catch Jiang Yun!

However, he also saw his broken arm!

Although Wei Hong still does not know what the origin of Jiang Yun is until now, but since Jiang Yun dared to blatantly shoot Ye Feifan, and can escape safely under the encirclement of strong enemies, this is enough to show that Jiang Yun is not simple.

If you want to report this broken arm, the mysterious sect is definitely not expected, and the only person who can help himself is Jiang Yun!

So, in the end, should you help Jiang Yun, or should you catch Jiang Yun and go to redemption?

Under the hesitation of the heart, Wei Hong came to Jiang Yun's small building, took a deep breath, and reached out and gently knocked on the door.

Although the door was closed, Wei Hong’s ear sounded Jiang Yun’s voice: “Now I am a little bit, it’s not convenient to see you, but you can rest assured that you have a broken arm, because Jiang is tired, Jiang will one day , will definitely find it for you!"

Hearing Jiang Yun’s simple sentence, Wei Hong’s heart actually raised a warm current, and he made a hesitant moment to make a decision. He said: “Ginger elder, you are going, that leaf. Extraordinary should have been notified of Xuanxu Zong, Xuanxu Zong will send someone to arrest you!"

However, just as Wei Hong’s voice had just fallen, there were three sounds of breaking through the sky.

In front of Wei Hong, three old people have appeared.

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