The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1079: Undead


Along with a loud bang, the small building where Jiang Yun was blasting exploded, and Jiang Yun’s figure finally appeared in front of the three old men.

"Jiang Yun!"

Seeing the emergence of Jiang Yun, the old man who had previously checked Jiang Yun suddenly gave a violent sigh in his mouth, and his eyes were full of confusing colored light, like a dream.

Obviously, he is ready to use illusion to re-apply illusion.

Although he knows that illusion can only trap the time of Jiang Yun's interest, but this time is enough for the three of them to catch Jiang Yun.

However, Jiang Yun did not dodge his eyes, his face was blank, and he was unmoved.

The last time Jiang Yun was a momentary mind, he would not be able to get into the illusion of the other side. Now that he has prepared, he will be brought into the illusion again with his strength.

Even Jiang Yun took it one step at a time and appeared directly in front of the other party. The cold road said: "I also have a illusion, you feel it!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly lit up with a red glow, and in the eyes of the old man, he saw the endless blood color, covering the sky.

Then he felt the blood in his body, boiling uncontrollably, like the water boiled.

"What is this illusion?"

The old man’s mind crossed the thought, but he did not pay attention to it. His blurred eyes not only can display illusion, but also illusion.

So he smiled coldly, his eyes staring straight at Jiang Yun's blood-colored eyes, and the blurred light that came out of his eyes began to spin rapidly, forming two vortex swirls.

Among the whirlpools, there was a faint suction that seemed to be pulling the clouds into the vortex.


At this moment, the old man clearly felt that the blood that had boiled in his body had already had several strands and rushed out along the pores of his body.

"This is not an illusion, you lied to me!"

The pupil of the old man suddenly shrank, and the faint light that came out of his eyes disappeared, his face changed greatly, and his body shape quickly retreated.

Of course, Jiang Yun’s display is not an illusion, but a **** soul!

At a glance, the old man, Jiang Yun’s hand has already appeared a piece of jade, which is the jade key that leaves the space of Xuanxu.

Jiang Yun knows that Xuanxu is a dangerous place, so he is not prepared to stay here for a long time.

If it is not because of the sudden deterioration of the situation of the master, he has already been far away from this place.

Now, he is even more anxious to go to the drug gods to find the medicinal herbs, and by the way, find the leaves to find out the things of Xueqing, naturally will not continue to stay here and entangled with these masters of Xuanxu.

However, it is not waiting for Jiang Yun to use the jade key to open this space. His eyes flashed coldly, his body shape squatted and then retreated, and he plucked his own thunder, and looked coldly at the front and walked out from nothingness. A strong man like a tower.

Road level!

Seeing the emergence of the strong man, the three old men immediately bowed to him and bowed to him: "See the elders!"

The strong man simply ignored the three people, just looked at Jiang Yundao: "Now you can't go, my family is less likely to see you!"

Although Jiang Yun’s expression is expressionless, he noticed that what the other party said was not “My ancestry” but “My family”!

This made his heart a bit strange, but he didn't think much, his eyes narrowed slightly: "If I refuse it!"

The brave man said calmly: "You have no possibility of rejection."

"Even if you have the jade key to open this space, I can assure you that you are absolutely inseparable from my mysterious sect!"

Jiang Yun naturally knows that the other party is telling the truth, the strength of the Taoist platform, and wanting to block the space and prevent him from leaving, it is a breeze.

But even so, it is impossible for him to see his young master. Who knows if the other party is waiting for himself.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun is ready to take out the soul of the lock, first leave the Xuanxu Zong.

However, at this time, the strong man is once again saying: "Yes, my family leader told me to tell you, as long as you can beat him, then today you can not only leave the mysterious emptiness intact, but also he will Tell you about the Snowman!"

Upon hearing this sentence, Jiang Yun’s figure suddenly became a stiff!


Although I can already speculate, Xueqing and the entire Xuezu may have come to this ancient world, but even if they were in the confrontation with Ye Feifan, neither of them said "Xuezu" "Two words.

But now, the young master of this mysterious sect is directly pointing out the name of the Xue people!

There is only one possibility, that is, the lord of the mysterious sect, not only knows himself, but also like himself, all from the mountains and seas!

Jiang Yun said in a deep voice: "Who is your family, who is it?"

The brawny smiled coldly and said: "You know when you meet nature!"

Even now, although Jiang Yun knows that there may be fraud, or this is a trap for himself, but for the sake of snow, he can only jump down.

Therefore, Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Take me!"

The brave man glanced at the three old men coldly, and they no longer spoke. They turned and went to the back hill, and Jiang Yun was naturally followed.

Looking at the back of Jiang Yun and the strong man, the three old men followed each other and followed the two.

Obviously, they are very curious, why the young master will have a good time to see Jiang Yun.

As for Wei Hong's eyes, he showed a hesitant color, but after a bite, he also chose to go to the back mountain.

After Wei Hong, many of the mysterious disciples who had been attracted by the fighting voices also went to the back hills one after another, and they all wanted to see the excitement.

For those who follow, the brawny knows, but it does not stop, because it is time for them to really know the lesser.

In this way, after a while, Jiang Yun has come to the valley of the Xuanxu Zonghou Mountain, and at a glance he saw the Xuanling Pagoda standing in the middle of the valley!

At this moment, the pagoda has returned to calm, and the bell hanging above the tower is no longer emitting any sound, and the entire valley is silent.

When Jiang Yunchu came to Xuanxu Zong, he heard the sound of the bell from the tower, and also knew in Wei Hong’s mouth that the tower was the treasure of the town.

Naturally, that little master should be in the tower!

The strong man stopped at the mouth of Tani, did not step into the valley, facing the Xuanling pagoda: "Little master, I have brought people!"

There is no silence in the pagoda, as if there is no living being in it.

After Jiang Yun quietly waited for a while, he could not help but lose his patience. He said coldly, "This young master, you have to see Jiang, Jiang has come now, but why do you avoid it?"

"Is it true that I dare not see Jiang?"


As the voice of Jiang Yun fell, a black light suddenly came out of the pagoda, with a sharp sound of breaking the air, straight to Jiang Yun.

And Jiang Yun faced this black light, but stood there and did not hide, so let this black light come to his own face...

Suddenly, the black light fell straight and was deeply inserted in the ground in front of Jiang Yun.

At this moment, together with the brawny, all the eyes of the disciples of the Xuanxu who came over were concentrated on this black light.

Until then, they saw it clearly, this is a black arrow.

Only, this is a broken arrow!

Seeing this broken arrow, even if it is calm like Jiang Yun, the pupil is suddenly shrinking sharply, suddenly looking up, looking at the mysterious pagoda shot from the broken arrow, the eyes have a strange light.

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At the same time, there was a cold voice in the pagoda: "Jiang Yun, do you remember this arrow?"

"Do you remember our original battle!"

"Don't die... no end!"

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