The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1084: Help you escape

"Old ancestors!"

The body that had just sat down was unable to stand up again, and the pale face showed an incredible color. Obviously, he could not believe the words spoken by his ancestors.

As Jiang Yun guessed, in this wind-fighting treasure bell tower, it does have the patriarch of the wind, the sect of the Xuan sect, the ancestor of a wind.

This is the ancestor, who sent people to the mountains and seas, and brought the winds of the reincarnation to the Taoist sect.

It is also personally pointing out the unscrupulous practice of the wind, providing him with all kinds of spiritual resources without reservation, so that the wind can be unscrupulous and peace of mind.

This is also why, in just over forty years, the wind can grow up to the reason why today's peaks are cultivated!

For this ancestor, the wind is also full of gratitude. In his impression, the ancestor is like his father, his closest elder.

And he swears more than once, and when he is self-cultivating, he will do his best to heal the ancestors’ injuries and let the winds grow stronger.

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However, the wind has never imagined that at this moment, the ancestors had to absorb their own blood and kill themselves!

Naturally, this means that the reason why the ancestors are so good to themselves is that they have done so much work on their own bodies. In fact, his real purpose is to wait until he has cultivated himself to the demon and absorb his own blood.

Just now, his performance has made him unwilling to continue to wait!

Looking at the wind, although Jiang Yun’s heart is also shocked, but from the few words that the ancestors said, Jiang Yun is vaguely speculative.

This wind ancestor is hurt!

Obviously, the reason why Xuanxu is only a second-rate sect, and in the eyes of outsiders, Xuanxu is good at illusion, and even most of the disciples in Xuanxu do not know the existence of the wind.

This is enough to show that the ancestors of this wind ancestor were not hurt, so they dared not show their faces and dared not let the sacred sect grow.

The best way to get his wounds to recover is to absorb the blood of the wind.

Jiang Yun also knows that all the ancient demon people who existed in the far distance will have more and more blood concentration after they have experienced numerous generations of reproduction.

However, the wind is unscrupulous, obviously the blood concentration is not low.

Therefore, after discovering the ancient blood of the Feng nationality flowing in the wind, the ancestors of the wind genius will not help the wind to get to the side and help him cultivate.

As the strength of the wind has become stronger and stronger, the blood in his body is naturally more and more concentrated, so the help for the injury of this ancestor is greater.

Just when Jiang Yun and the wind were thinking, there was another figure in this space.

This is a skinny old man with gray hair shattered behind him, and a wrinkled face with a smirk!

The old man first looked at Jiang Yun and said: "Today my luck is really good. Although you are not a Yaozu, since you are a refining sorcerer, it will help me more or less."

Obviously, except for the fact that he has to kill the wind, he will not let Jiang Yun refuse.

Jiang Yun said coldly: "Don't you know that the young master of the medicine gods, Ye Feifan, wants you to catch me, if you kill me, Ye Feifan will not let you go!"

Jiang Yun deliberately moved out of the medicine Shenzong as a shield, want to see if he can stop the other side.

"Ha ha ha!" The old man suddenly smiled and said: "Don't say Ye Feifan, even if the old man of medicine Shenzong personally came, the old man is not afraid of him."

"Not to mention, after I recovered, this ancient world, I said it!"

"You are waiting there!"

After the talk, the old man no longer cares about Jiang Yun, turned and walked toward the wind.

Looking at the back of the old man, Jiang Yun’s brain was spinning with thoughts, thinking if there was any way to escape himself.

But when I think about it, he can only make a sigh in the end, and he has nothing to do.

If it is outside, then there may be some possibility to escape.

But now he is in this wind chimney, and the real master of this wind chimney is necessarily the old man, who can't escape even this pagoda.

As for the war, there is no chance of winning.

Although the other side is injured, he is also a demon, not even afraid of his own refining magic, even if he shows the Nine Sacrifice, it is not the opponent of the opponent.

What's more, in this space, it is estimated that the Nine Sacrifice Heavens have no effect.

Although he knew that he was going to die, Jiang Yun did not have too much fear. After all, he still left a physical body in the land of Jiejie.

However, there are still many things that I have not done in this ancient world. In particular, I just learned about Xueqing’s news, so I am so dead. I am really unwilling!

In addition, looking like a sculpture, standing there without moving the wind, Jiang Yun's heart is also a little pitiful for him.

The elders so trusted, in the end, have to kill him personally, I believe that it is unacceptable to change to anyone.

At this time, the old man has come to the front of the wind, and smiled slightly: "Nothing, in fact, I am really reluctant to kill you, but you let me down."

"Now the hatred in your heart has disappeared, and without these hates, your cultivation will be affected, so I can't wait."

The wind did not bogey, then slowly raised his head, the pale face did not have the slightest blood color, and the eyes that showed out were almost desperate light, watching the old man said: "Old ancestor, my everything is you Give it to me, now you have to take it back, I have no complaints, but I have one last request."

The old man reached out and pointed to Jiang Yundao: "Have this kid killed?"

The wind shook his head and said: "No, I know that my ancestors are vast, so before I die, I want to take another look at my people in the mountains and seas!"

Jiang Yun can see that the wind is really losing the hope of living, and hearing the last request he made, he could not help but sigh quietly.

The old man is also a glimpse. Obviously, he did not expect the final request of the wind to be this.

But after a glimpse, he couldn't help but laugh loudly: "Ha ha ha, I can let you see them, I can let you reunite with them."

"What!" The wind suddenly turned brightly in the eyes: "Old ancestors, you didn't lie to me?"

The old man smiled and said: "Of course I will not lie to you! It is strange to say that the ethnic group in your mountains and seas, although the strength is not good, but the concentration of your blood is much stronger than other winds. And it’s the most you are.”

"My ancestors, I can't have the energy to train them at the same time, so I only left you alone. As for them, they have already merged with their ancestors."

"After I have absorbed your blood, you will be reunited!"

"what did you say!"

The body of the wind is trembled, and there is a thick ripple in the light shining in the eyes.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense with you, I have spent so much on you, now it's time to get it back!"

The old man smiled coldly and raised his hand to grab the wind.

At this moment, the face of the wind-free face also showed a sneer: "Jiang Yun, I will help you escape, but you have to promise me, you must kill him in the future!"

When the voice fell, the wind suddenly opened his mouth, and a blood arrow sprang from his mouth, just above a bell beside Jiang Yun.

When I heard a loud bang from the "bang", the bell exploded directly.

The power of the huge explosion actually blew a small whirlpool in front of Jiang Yun, and the atmosphere of the outside world came from inside.

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