The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1093: Too disparity

The ancestors wearing colorful robes did not pay attention to the problem of the flower maiden, but sometimes looked up at the sky in the ancient world, and sometimes looked down at the space where the main lord of the medicine **** was.

After a long time, he muttered: "Yes, this should come from the power of the nine places."

"I didn't expect that in my lifetime, I could feel this power again."

"Is it dead?"

When I heard this strange place name, Hua Hong Niang couldn't help but curious, and said again: "Where is the ancestors, what is the place where the nine places are dead? What is special about this kind of power?"

This time, the ancestors gave an explanation: "There is no place for the origin of all things, but there is nothing special about this kind of power. It is the power of the sun, but last time I felt this power. , still in a big fight."

"That battle has affected almost all the ethnic groups in this world, all the forces, and the result of the war has changed the pattern of this world..."

The words of the ancestors did not finish, because his face has already revealed the color of remembrance, apparently recalling the battle.

Although the battle has been gone for too long, but he still can clearly remember the scene at the time.

Ren Dinghan and Hua Hong Niang also saw that the ancestors were recalling the past, and after looking at each other, they did not dare to ask again.

After a while, the ancestors gently shook his head and finally returned to Shinto: "Now, I am more interested in the Jiang Yun you said, go!"

When the voice fell, the ancestors swung a long sleeve, and they heard a burst of "嗡嗡" sound suddenly, and a colorful cloud appeared in front of the three people, all of which were composed of various kinds of insects.

This group of colorful clouds will directly serve Ren Dinghan, and together with the ancestors themselves completely wrapped up.

Then, the cloud atomization made a multicolored light, rushing toward the space where the main sect of the medicine gods was.

Within the space, with the influx of a large number of yang forces attracted by the Nine Sacrifice, the atmosphere of Jiang Yun’s body is naturally rising, and there is a round of crazy skyrocketing.

For the change of Jiang Yun's breath, there was no slight reaction to the drug, and Ye Feifan showed a shocking color in his eyes, but he did not panic.

He can naturally see that Jiang Yun used the secret method and improved his strength in a short time. However, from the context of humanity, there is still a huge gap, and it is still impossible to be an opponent of medicine.

After completing the five days of worship, Jiang Yun directly reached out and pointed at the medicine.

At the fingertips of Jiang Yun, there is a vortex of the size, and in the whirlpool, there is a glimmer of shadows, and there is a scene of scenes.

Taoism, please do not suffer!

At the beginning, Jiang Yun used this technique to kill the drug.

Although he also knows that it is impossible to kill the drug in front of him, he must at least try it.

In the face of the vortex that came to him, the medicine immediately raised his hand and punched it out.


The power of violent violently caused the vortex to blow up directly and turned into nothingness.

Sure enough, this level of Taoism has no effect on the drug.

Moreover, after the fist of the medicine smashed the vortex, there was still room for it, and it swept toward Jiang Yun. It also made Jiang Yun face a bitter smile, clenched his teeth, and gathered all the strength to try hard. Take this extra force.

Although he has the ridiculous pattern, he may be able to turn these forces into useless attacks, but he also wants to see how much the real strength of this medicine is stronger than himself.


With the sound of a series of blasting sounds, Jiang Yun’s body is like a broken kite, and it is constantly flying backwards in the air.

When the sound disappeared, his figure had appeared thousands of feet away, his body was crumbling, and blood was spilled in his mouth and nose.

This is the true strength of the humanity of humanity and isomorphism!

There is no magical technique at all, and even if it is just a little spare power, it can have such a terrible power.

If you are really hit by a punch, don't say Jiang Yun, who worships the sky five times. Even if it is a nine-day sacrifice, I am afraid it will die.

A long breath in the mouth, Jiang Yun's face is more intense, the self-talking said: "It seems that this time the deity is really dead!"

"It’s nothing to die, but unfortunately the Xue and Xueqing, I don’t know how much to continue to suffer!"


At this moment, Jiang Yun really misses the illusion.

Because until now he really realized that the difference between himself and the self in the illusion is too great.

In the illusion, with the power of the Nine, plus the Great Five Peaks, you can easily kill the Tao.

In reality, even if the borrowed power in the nine places is lost, it is difficult to take over the rest of a drug.

Looking at Jiang Yun, thousands of feet away, Ye Feifan’s heart is also secretly relieved.

To be honest, although he believes that Jiang Yun can't be the opponent of Yao Yao, he is also worried about whether Jiang Yun still hides his cards.

After all, even the strongest people in the border have been directly run by Jiang Yun.

Now, he can finally let go of his heart.


Although I know that I am not an opponent, Jiang Yun has never been a person who is willing to sit still, so when the big sleeves are raised, nearly a million swords have appeared on the sky.

Every nine swords form a sword array, and thousands of sword arrays are slowly running in the air. The swordsmanship is straightforward and ready to go.

And Jiang Yun himself is also holding the Tibetan sword, the powerful sword is condensed into a sword, and became the main sword in the sword array.

Along with the Tibetan Taoist sword, an earth-shattering sword was heard. Thousands of swords and Jiang Yun himself, suddenly launched together, took a piece of Jianhai and shot it out.

However, not all of these sword arrays were shot at the potion, but like the sacred flowers, they rushed into the space and stood in the various buildings.

Only Jiang Yun himself, with nearly a hundred swords, rushed to the medicine.

Obviously, even if Jiang Yun is dead, he has to work hard to fulfill what he said before, let this medicine Shenzong, blood flow into the river!

The horrible swordsmanship released by the sword arrays under the rapid advancement, in this space, tore open a crack in the incomparable, and let Ye Feifan's brows can not help but wrinkle slightly.

Although the power of these separate swords is not large, the number of sword arrays is too much. If they are allowed to hit the target, it will indeed cause no small harm to the drug god.

"First stop all the sword arrays, then catch Jiang Yun!"

In desperation, Ye Feifan can only change the order for the drug, and under the drug, he opens his palm and volleys!

I saw a burst of storm vortex in his palm, and the vortex exuded an extremely powerful suction that instantly spread throughout the space.

Under this suction, the swords that Jiang Yun manipulated were simply hard to resist, and all of them could not help but change their direction and rushed toward the whirlpool.

Even Jiang Yun himself is the same!

The sound of "噼啪" continued to flow from the vortex.

As long as the sword is not in the vortex, it will be shattered by powerful forces in an instant.

Looking at the vortex that is getting closer and closer to him, Jiang Yun’s eyes are shining with the light that others can’t understand. The heart is talking to himself: “Almost, it’s time to shoot!”

Just as Jiang Yun’s inner words fell, his expression was abrupt.


And then, there was a tremor in the space.

In the sound of trembling, an illusory mountain peak of the size of a palm, slowly emerged in the sky!

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