The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1104: When the situation is strong

When Jiang Yun shouted this sentence, his body shape has also turned into a ray of light, rising from the sky!

The palm of the ancestors, because of the two words of Jiang Yun, was stopped in the air, and looked at a white whitish white hair raised in the hands of the ink dust, but there was a beautiful woman with blue eyes. .

Looked at the already in front of myself, staring at the woman's Jiang Yun, and I couldn't help but scratch my head, my brows wrinkled, and said to myself: "Bad, thousands of calculations, It’s not a good thing to do this. Is it really necessary to let this ink dust escape?”

At this moment, Jiang Yun, in addition to the white woman in front of her eyes, there is no other thing.

The woman also looked at Jiang Yun with her eyes straight, and the expression on the beautiful face changed a few degrees.

First shocked, then suspicion, in the end, it turned into a warm smile, and whispered softly: "We, meet again!"

Upon hearing this sentence, Jiang Yun’s face also showed a smile from the heart: “Yes, we, meet again!”

Naturally, this woman caught in the hands of the ink dust is Xue Qing!

Although Jiang Yun and Xue Qing have repeatedly fantasized about the two people meeting again, but no one expected that after more than forty years, they will actually be in this ancient world, it will be like this. See you in the situation.

However, for both of them, these don't matter!

Being able to see each other again, the two are already satisfied.

This can be seen from the dialogue between the two.

Simple and plain, just like their feelings, there is nothing to be vigorous and swearing.

But the reason why they can have such a simple dullness is because they have already branded each other in their hearts!

When the situation is strong, it is shallow and deep, and Acacia is not in the middle!

It’s a pity that the sound of the ink dust is outdated and once again sounded: “Jiang Yun, don’t rush to sneak up, if you want your little lover to live, then give your life!”

"Look at you as a little brother, I allow you to keep a fire, so that you can enjoy this wonderful time with this little girl."

As the voice of the ink dust fell, Jiang Yun’s head had already appeared on his own fire: "Fire can give you, but you put her first."

"Happy!" The ink dust laughed loudly: "However, do you think you are qualified to talk to me about conditions?"

"Give you a time to consider the three interest rates. After the three interest rates, if you don't give me your fire, then I will leave a body on this girl..."

However, after waiting for the ink to finish the words, it was interrupted by Xue Qing’s opening: "I really want to see the sea again with you, and see another sunny day!"

At the same time of speaking, Xue Qing’s body suddenly rose up with a white, blue and two different colors of demon, quickly entangled together.

Although the appearance of the two kinds of demon, the fragrance that she exudes became powerful, but it also caused a sudden crack on her body.

For this scene, Jiang Yun is no stranger.

Because when I felt the blessed land on the snow cliffs, there was a demon sneak attack, in order to protect myself, then Xue Qing used this technique.

And this method is to mix her two kinds of monsters, the sea and the Xue, to be her most powerful technique.

Just paying the price, it is probably life!

At this moment, she once again displayed this technique, naturally to protect Jiang Yun!

She can't see it, as long as she lives, as long as she is caught in the hands of this ink, it will be used as a tool to smash Jiang Yun.

She, not willing!

Therefore, she would rather sacrifice her own life, but also protect Jiang Yun from being embarrassed and unaffected by her own.

It is a pity that although she has been away for more than forty years, her current strength has also entered the Tao Lingjing, but this point will be placed in the eyes of the ink dust.

The ink duster smiled coldly and said: "It is a beautiful girl, but in my hands, if you want to die, you must first ask me to disagree."

There was a sigh of sorrow in the mouth of Xue Qing, and the two colors of enchanting that had been entangled on the body suddenly dissipated.

At the same time, Jiang Yun has already raised his hand and directly throws his life fire to the ink dust.

Just as the ink duster gave him time to consider, but he did not need to consider it at all, there was no hesitation at all.

Even, he didn't look at the fire that he had thrown out, but he stared deeply at Xue Qingdao: "Relax, whether it is the sea or the sunny day, we will see it again!"

Jiang Yun throws out the speed of the fire, so that the savage ones are too late to stop.

At the moment, I can only hate a bit of a slap in the face. Although I am a bit blaming Jiang Yun for being so stupid, I can believe it if I have a dusty voice, but it is too late to say it now.

Therefore, the cold and cold inked the dusty road: "Now Jiang Daoyou has already given you the fire, you should release the **** immediately, otherwise, don't blame me!"

As for Xue Qing, it is silently watching the face has become pale, even the body is swaying Jiang Yun, blue eyes reveal a sad color.

She naturally knows that most of the fire is thrown, what it means for Jiang Yun.

However, she can't do anything!


The ink dust opened his mouth and swallowed Jiang Yun’s fire in his mouth. His face once again showed a gloomy smile: "You are stupid, you are stupid enough. If I hand over this girl, you How could it make me alive to leave here."

"Now, open the door to the ancient world, let me leave!"

"You!" The cold eyes flashed in the eyes, and the hand was raised again, but the arm was caught by Jiang Yun: "It’s pretty, let him leave. As long as I don’t die, I will kill him by hand!"

It’s quite a helpless color: “He doesn’t die, it doesn’t matter to us at all, but even if I let him go, he will probably leave with the girl!”

"I know!" Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "But even if there is only one possibility, I must do it!"

Looking at Jiang Yun quite a bit, although I still want to say something, I ended up closing my mouth.

At this time, the battle of the drug gods here is nearing the end.

The 100,000 Yizong disciples, together with Ren Dinghan and Hua Hong Niang, and the two medicines that are also facing the same gang, are not opponents.

Therefore, most people have already focused their attention on Jiang Yun and the ink dust.

Although they don't know the ins and outs of things, Jiang Yun's various reactions make it difficult for everyone to guess the relationship between Jiang Yun and Xue Qing.

Even, they also know that Jiang Yun is doing stupid things.

First of all, I paid most of my life, and now I beg you to let the ink dust leave. In the sinister style of ink, it is impossible to put Xue Qing.

However, they can only remain silent!


In the end, quite a long sigh, a hateful footsteps: "But it, I don't know if I have done anything sorry for you in my life, how do you always feel that you are my master!"

Pretty cockroaches once again looked at the ink duster: "Ink dust, I let you leave the ancient world, but you remember, the next time you see me, it is the day of your death."

The voice fell, and the scent of the body suddenly soared so much that the entire ancient world was a sudden change.

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Under this surging, in the void, there is actually a looming light door!

Looking at the door, the ink dust could not help but laugh and grabbed Xue Qing and walked to the door.

Even after one foot entered the door, it turned and looked at Jiang Yundao: "Although I appreciate your infatuation, I can't return this woman to you!"


In the laughter, the ink dust lifted the other foot and reached the door.

At this moment, Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly flashed in the cold, and the violent sighed out: “Ghost!”

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