The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1116: Who is it?

Seeing this statue on the table, Jiang Yun’s eyes were somewhat distracted because of too many shocks. In an instant, one could not help but condense, completely recovering the clear color.

However, his footsteps did not stop at all and continued to walk outside the house.

Looking at the back of Jiang Yun’s going out, the wilderness naturally did not know the change of Jiang Yun’s eyes, nor did he stop Jiang Yun’s departure. Anyway, he believed that Jiang Yun could never really go back.

Seeing that when Jiang Yun was about to step out of the house, suddenly he turned his back to the desert and said: "Can you walk with me?"

For Jiang Yun’s request, the wilderness can’t help but be a bit unexpected, but even if he nods, “Nature!”

After that, he also stepped out of the house and accompanied Jiang Yun to walk freely in the manor.

Jiang Yun always kept his head down, not even looking at the road ahead, but the wilderness did not speak.

In this way, after a while, Jiang Yun suddenly stopped and said: "If the nameless is my father, then you know, who is my mother?"

The wilderness could not help but swayed and shook his head. "I don't know. After all, when I went to my family without name, we didn't even know what happened to his son. How can I know who his wife is!"

Jiang Yun then asked again: "Is there a possibility, the unknown wife is your abandon family?"

"This..." The fury stretched out the voice, frowning and thinking for a moment: "I can't give you a definite answer. I can only say that maybe there is such a possibility, but the possibility is almost negligible."

Jiang Yun nodded, his wrist turned over, and suddenly there was more than one thing in the palm, and he handed it to the desert: "Yes, this is what your brother told me to bring to you!"

Looking at the things in the hands of Jiang Yun, the wilderness did not reach out to pick up, but the brow could not help but slightly wrinkled: "This is... Which brother did you bring to me?"

"Blood east!"

"Oh! I didn't expect you to go to the **** world of the seven layers of the prison!" Nodded nodded, no longer talked, reached out and took such a thing, but did not go to see it. Give it up.

Jiang Yun looked at him and said: "The blood flow has always been able to get out of trouble, but the last moment has suddenly given up, but let me pass this to you, what is this?"

The wilderness smiled slightly: "This forgive me can't tell you for the time being, this is a little secret between my brothers!"


With the end of this ridiculous sentence, Jiang Yun’s mouth suddenly spit out a sigh of relief, and then suddenly the eyes suddenly swelled in the cold, staring at the desolate, one word and one sentence: “You, no Faraway!"

Jiang Yun’s words made a flash of light in the far-sighted eyes, but the brows were wrinkled more tightly. I also looked at Jiang Yundao deeply: “What happened to you? I am a faraway, abandoned tribe!”

Jiang Yun shook his head, his face finally smiled and said: "Although you are very similar, even for everything in the wild, you are almost familiar with it, but you are not far from the wild!"

The wilderness is just about to talk, but Jiang Yun is not giving him the opportunity to say anything to him: "You said that what I just transferred to you is a little secret between your brothers, then I will ask, Why do you want to use my things as your secret!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun spread his hand and saw a sudden flash of light in the remote body. The thing he had just collected had reappeared in Jiang Yun’s hand.

Jiang Yun also said again: "This kind of thing is called a refining pen. There is a flamingo in the pen. That is the blood flow that I will bring to you!"

Looking at the refining pen, the smile on the far-off face slowly smiled: "It turns out that you are testing me, that means you have doubts about me."

"I am very curious. When did you start to have doubts about me? I personally feel that I have nowhere to show flaws!"

Obviously, the far-reaching words are equivalent to acknowledging that Jiang Yun is telling the truth. He is not far from the wild.

Jiang Yun is not in a hurry. He plays with the refining demon in his hand: "I took out this refining pen, not to test whether you are far away! Because before that, if you count my instinct, you already With three flaws, it is enough for me to conclude that you are not far away!"

"Three places, so much?" The wild face showed amazement: "I want to hear it!"

Jiang Yun slowly said: "First, between me and the wilderness, although I have never met, I am very familiar with the wilderness, even in the illusion, the wilderness is my disciple, but I am When I see you, instead of being familiar, there is a strange feeling."

"However, this flaw did not attract my attention until I left your room and saw your second flaw, which made me really doubt you."

The wilderness still smiles: "Which flaw?"

"The one on your desk!"

In the far-sighted eyes, I once again flashed through the cold road: "I don't understand!"

Jiang Yun smiled and said: "Although you have clearly analyzed my experience of the past, you don't know what I experienced in the illusion of the nine places."

"In the illusion, I have seen this Ding!"

"This tripod is called the sacred sacred, not a desert, but a sacred object of the tribe of the nine ethnic groups!"

Then, Jiang Yun reached out and said: "This manor, from the inside out, even the wall hanging is related to the desert."

"On the desk alone, it is also the place where you should stay the most and spend the longest time on weekdays, but there is a squad of Xiao people. Do you think this is a bit strange?"

A little smile, not answering Jiang Yun’s question, but then asked: “The third flaw!”

Jiang Yun looked up and looked at a statue standing in front of him: "Do you know this statue?"

The far-sighted look also looked at the statue: "Know, she is a wild feather!"

"Yes, the wild feathers, although you know almost everything in the wild, but you don't know, in the illusion of the past, the wild feathers are quite admired for the nameless, this is not a secret, if the nameless wife is really a wasteland The biggest and only possibility of the people in the family is the wild feathers."

"But when I was asking your unnamed wife, you didn't even go to see the wild feathers. This only shows that you don't even know about it, and naturally it proves that you are not far away."

"This is your third flaw!"

The ridiculously patted the palm of the hand: "Great, except the first one can't be my flaw, the latter two are enough to expose me to being a fake."

"Rarely they have seen me dozens of times, they have not been able to see through. I did not expect that you and I have seen such a short time and found my flaws and admire!"

"I still have one last question. Since you have already determined that I am not a wild feather, why should I use this scent pen to test me?"

Jiang Yun’s gaze looked at the refining demon in his hand: “Because, I want to know, are you the one I imagined?”

"Which person?"

Jiang Yun said one word: "There is a real big brother, who helped Daoun to deal with the remnant of the abandonment!"


"Then you think too much, I am not a refining demon!"

"I know, you, should be the Xiao people?"

A little smile, abruptly appearing on the face of a myriad of virtual shadows, just like the space changes, so that his appearance has changed instantly.

"Yes, I am a Xiao people, Xiao Letian!"

Looking at the middle-aged man who had already revealed his true appearance in front of him, Jiang Yun’s eyes slammed roundly: “It’s you!”

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