The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1133: Escape method

"How to do!"

Xiao Letian constantly asked himself what he should do now!

At this time, of course, he was already able to guess. In the face of the finger of the third coming, Jiang Yun did not have any resistance at all.

Even if Jiang Yun casts a shrinking inch into the inch, or hides it in the void with the power of looting, but whether it is speed or such a hiding, it will definitely not escape the killing of the third.

In the end, Jiang Yun will still be caught or killed by Dao San.

And now people who can save Jiang Yun, only themselves!

However, once they take the shot, they will reveal their identity, revealing the shadow of the ancient world behind what is exposed today.

Looking at Jiang Yun, who is farther and farther away from him, Xiao Letian’s eyes suddenly brightened. He finally thought of a way to let Jiang Yun escape and not expose himself.

Deeply glanced at the direction of Jiang Yun's escape, Xiao Le Tian's awkward feet, his body suddenly disappeared from the place.

And as he disappeared, the black hole behind him that connected the ancient world was immediately healed silently, without leaving traces.

At this moment, Jiang Yun, in his mind, also swiftly turned his mind and wondered how he could escape from birth without being tired of Xiaole and the ancient times.

In fact, Jiang Yun is not at all concerned about whether he can escape.

Because he still has a physical body in the land of the world, the deity will die when he dies.

However, before he dies, he must hand over the soul of the master and the snow-clearness hidden in the top of the dark clouds to Xiao Letian, and bring him back to the ancient world. .

Otherwise, this trip to the Three Palaces can be lost to the wife and the soldiers.

Although Jiang Yun has already applied the technique of shrinking the ground to the extreme, the speed is fast, I am afraid that even the strongest people in the Tao can't catch up, but still can't get rid of the finger behind him.

That finger is simply like a shadow, constantly pulling closer to the distance between Jiang Yun.

The horror of the scent that erupted on it caused the darkness of the place where it passed.


The vajra magic pattern above the body of Jiang Yun emerged. Behind him, he became a martial arts ancestor of a size of a thousand feet. He raised his hand and slammed his fist toward the finger.


Just at the moment of the two touches, the statue of King Kong's ancestors did not have the slightest resistance. It immediately collapsed and turned into numerous pieces of broken lines, which disappeared into the darkness.

Not only that, but even Jiang Yun’s mouth is full of blood and blood, and his face becomes pale.

And the finger of Dao San is just being cut off a piece of insignificant minced meat!


Then, in the palm of Jiang Yun, there was a group of thunderballs with countless golden thunders, and they looked at the fingers behind them and did not look at them.



The Thunderbolt exploded, and numerous golden thunders rushed out of it, quickly wrapping the fingers together.

However, even the end of the time did not persist, all the thunder were extinguished, turned into a faint smoke, and the finger was only once again cut off a small piece of minced meat.

In this way, Jiang Yun constantly launched a variety of techniques to the fingers to launch a continuous attack.

Although it does have a little effect, it weakens the strength of the finger, but if you want to completely destroy it, or get rid of it completely, it is still far away.

While watching the fingers continue to be weakened, Jiang Yun suddenly remembered that when he first went from the bloodway to the Golden Road, he was also attacked by a finger, and thus entered the boundary.

Moreover, the finger turned into a mountain, and for a long time, it suppressed all the repairs.

I almost exhausted all kinds of methods, and then weakened the finger a little bit until it was successfully crushed.

The situation is very similar to the present.

Naturally, this also makes Jiang Yun’s heart move: “It seems that these **** seem to be the same root. That is to say, those who attacked me that year were the third!”

It turned out that I have already dealt with Dao San!

However, at that time, Dao San obviously did not use all his strength, and now his finger is the embodiment of his true strength.

This is also the most powerful opponent that Jiang Yun has encountered since his birth. He surpassed the Taoist avatar and surpassed the ancestors of the wind!

"I can't do it. I took this finger with my deity, and let the chaotic road and Thunder Road come back to the ancient world with the soul of the master and Xue Qing!"

Through the constant attack on the fingers, Jiang Yun can also judge, Dao San is indeed not in this third house, even from this darkness should be extremely far away.

Otherwise, his deity will appear and he will be able to easily grab or kill himself. Why is it so troublesome now!

Obviously, his deity can't be rushed back, so he can only use a powerful supernatural power to condense a finger to chase himself.

Therefore, if you blew yourself, you may be able to ruin this finger, so that the soul and snow of the master can safely escape.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun immediately began to mobilize his body's blessed hole and all his strength to prepare himself.

But at this moment, his ear suddenly sounded Xiao Letian’s voice.

"Brother, in the place where you are about 100,000 miles away, I have already opened a space channel for you. If you escape there, you should be safe!"

"You don't have to worry about being hurting me, because that passage is not to the ancient world, but to the real world beyond the prison!"

"In this case, as long as you can escape, then Dao San will think that you are entering from outside the prison, so you will not doubt me and the Tao."

"This is also the only way to save you!"

"Just, in the future, if you want to enter the ancient world again, you can only rely on yourself to find a solution."

After listening to Xiao Letian’s words, Jiang Yun’s heart could not help but tremble.

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Xiao Letian has already helped himself to open the passage directly to the prison, and he is also very clear that opening such a passage requires a great deal of power for Xiao Letian.

However, Jiang Yun understands that this is indeed the only way to escape.

Although there are still some things in the ancient times that have not been explained, it is not a big deal. The most important thing is that Xue Qing is still in his own body, so even if he leaves, there is no serious problem.

"Brother, I can go, but I have to give the soul of my master to you!"

Xiao Letian’s voice then rang: “This is simple, you have a chance to throw out the soul of your master.”

"With the character of Dao San, plus the strongmen of the three heavens and the five robbers, they are already chasing, so he will not pay attention to the soul of your master, and will continue to chase you, and I will Take the soul of your master and return to the ancient world!"

Although this method still has a lot of risks, but now, Jiang Yun can only take a chance to try.

"it is good!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun’s body shape suddenly slowed down.

I heard a muffled sound of "砰", and the fingertips of Dao San immediately touched Jiang Yun's back.

A powerful force suddenly poured into Jiang Yun's body, so that Jiang Yun only felt that all the organs seemed to be shattered, and the body could not help but fly straight ahead.

In the course of this flight, Jiang Yun clenched his teeth and secretly threw the soul of Dongfang Bo out of his body.

But at this moment, Jiang Yun suddenly saw the close eyes of the masters tremble slightly, and even at this time he opened his mouth and squirmed at his lips, clearly speaking what he was talking about.

Unfortunately, Jiang Yun’s body has flown out of control, so he did not understand all the words of the master, but only heard a few words.

"Dao Printing... Nine Nationalities... Road Market!"

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