The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1141: Congenital body

Jiang Yun is not surprised by the fact that he can't see through his refinement.

After all, the world is big, and there are bound to be many ways to hide the techniques or instruments.

However, I actually felt a familiar and intimate atmosphere on the other side, which made Jiang Yun really puzzled.

It was also because I realized this breath that I was able to discover the existence of the other party in time, so I avoided the blow that I had just made.

Jiang Yun's memory is amazing. People who have seen it, heard the voice, will have some impressions, or more, so he can be sure that he has never seen this resolute before today.

Even, in addition to killing the other brother's waste brother, Rayling, he had no contact with the other party.

In addition, Jiang Yun still has a puzzle.

It’s just that I came to the world where Lei Guangzong is located. It’s just a matter of my own rise. No one knows.

But looking at the fierce look, and the attack he just made to himself, it is clear that he already knew that he would come, so he deliberately waited for himself here!

"Maybe, he is the descendant of Thunder, who is attached to Lei Guangzong. It happened to be here, and he met himself."

Jiang Yun found a reasonable explanation, and did not have the mind to go deep into these doubts.

Because he is very clear, the sharpness in front of him, the strength is definitely stronger than the Ralink, he must fully respond!

"Okay, self-introduction!"

Lei Li once again smiled at Jiang Yun with a slight smile: "If you have nothing else to say, then can we start to fight?"

Jiang Yun calmly said: "Yes!"

Lei Li’s hands were behind him, Da La’s said: “You are a guest, let you shoot first!”

In the eyes of Jiang Yun, the cold flashed, and he did not go out with the other party at all. At the same time, the figure suddenly disappeared from the place, and appeared directly in front of the fierce, punching.

Because Jiang Yun's physical strength is strong, plus there is a diamond body, so now facing the enemy, he generally comes up with the physical force to test the depth of each other.

If the strength of the flesh can restrain each other, then Jiang Yun does not need to use aura and other powers.

In the face of Jiang Yun, which contained a punch of terror power, Lei Li’s face smiled proudly, and he also raised his hand and greeted Jiang Yun’s fist.


The two fists slammed together and burst into a terrifying sound.

In the loud noise, Jiang Yun and Lei Li actually retreated three steps and tied.

Although this is only the first time for the two to play against each other, although Jiang Yun’s fist did not use all his strength, but in his gaze, he was more dignified.

Because of the fierceness, the same is the pure force of the flesh!

The physical strength of the body, Jiang Yun has also encountered a lot, the strongest of which is the wilderness in the land of the boundary, three physical body, so that his physical strength has reached the limit.

However, this is a direct descendant of Thunder, and the monk who controls the robbery to exercise power has such a strong body, which makes Jiang Yun feel surprised.

And Lei Li’s face also flashed a trace of shock, but even if the reinstatement is as normal: “No wonder you can kill Lei Ling, it’s a bit of a skill, let’s come again!”

When the voice fell, Lei Li actually took the initiative to make a fist and attacked Jiang Yun, and still only used the power of the flesh.

Only his fist, at this moment has been coated with a layer of gold, as if cast in gold.


Looking at Lei Li, a bit of glaring golden fist across the darkness of nothingness, so that nothingness has been distorted, Jiang Yun has been able to guess roughly, Thunder Tianzhong must also have a special way to exercise the body, so This resilience will have such a strong body.

In the strength of the flesh, Jiang Yun will certainly not be afraid. He also raised his fists. The fists on the fists covered the diamonds and turned into black!


The second time, Jiang Yun's body shape did not move, but Lei Li was back three steps!

This time, Lei Li’s eyes showed amazement, and he looked at Jiang Yun again and looked at it again: “Do you have a magic body?”

Jiang Yun did not care about him at all, and his heart was equally astonished. The other party and his own diamond body competed in the flesh, but it was only a little inferior.

If you don't have the King Kong body, then the power of the flesh, I am afraid it is really not his opponent!

Lei Li then said: "I have also encountered a few demons with magical bodies, but their magical body can not be compared with your magic body. It seems that your magic body is more advanced than them. ""

"Since the strength of the flesh is not as good as you, then we will..."

After waiting for the words to finish, Lei Li suddenly raised his hand, and he saw a golden brontosaurus appearing in the air beside Jiang Yun’s body, opening his mouth wide and biting at Jiang Yun.

Obviously, after realizing that his physical strength is not as good as Jiang Yun, Lei Li not only kept the high-level state, but even shot a sneak attack.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that although this strength is indeed not weak, but the character is a bit unbearable.

If you switch to other people, it will be difficult to escape his sudden sneak attack.

Unfortunately, the target of his attack is Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun not only realized the law of space, but the Thunder attack was ineffective for him, so even though the Thunder Dragon appeared extremely abrupt, Jiang Yun had already noticed it.

Then, Jiang Yun opened his mouth directly, accompanied by a huge suction, and he suddenly inhaled the brontosaurus that he was going to swallow, in turn, into his mouth.

This scene, the look of Lei Li is one of the 愣, the face is finally slightly discolored, hands raised at the same time, emptiness and emptiness.

Suddenly, there were golden thunders in the darkness of the seams that appeared in all directions, and more and more, until they condensed into a group of storms that were overwhelming, screaming toward Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun smiled coldly and raised his hand. There were countless golden thunders in his body, and he was also condensed into a thunderstorm and greeted him.

The wind of robbery!

This trick was used by Lei Ling in the past, but now Jiang Yun has also displayed it.

Seeing that Jiang Yun was condensed out of his own thunderstorm, the face of Lei Li suddenly changed, and he blurted out and debuted: "You have cultivated the "Leading Fa-rectification"!"

Lei Li said that it is all right. Jiang Yun found a magical method of Lei Haotian in Lei Ling’s body, and he also carefully studied many of his techniques. Therefore, he was able to display this robbery. .


The two groups of thunderstorms slammed into the air, and the sound of dense thunderstorms continued to spread. The area of ​​each other was also rapidly shrinking, and it was evenly matched.

At this time, Lei Li can naturally see that Jiang Yun can also control the robbery, and also cultivated the "Thunder Law", so the ordinary Thunder attack, in front of Jiang Yun, can not get any effect.

When a loud bang came out and the two groups of catastrophic storms finally slammed into each other, the resounding face had regained its calmness and looked at Jiang Yundao: "Jiang Yun, you can die in my hand today. It should also be a privilege."

"Because, for a long time no one can force me to use my true strength!"

As the sound of the thunder sounded, his body suddenly heard the sound of "噼啪", and the golden light continued to swim under his body, making his body gradually become transparent.

Under this transparency, it is clear that all the internal organs in his body, even with Dan Tian, ​​are all wrapped in the Thunder.

Jiang Yun's pupil shrinks slightly, and finally understands why Lei Li will be so arrogant, because he actually has --- innate thunder!

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