The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1144: Someone outside

The eyes of the six desires can make people see what they want to see most.

At this moment, seeing the things that appeared in Lei Li’s eyes, Jiang Yun’s heart suddenly became a shock, suddenly suddenly realized.

All the doubts about Lei Li that emerged from the previous brain have all the answers at this moment.

Because he was in the eyes of Lei Li, he saw a black stone with a palm-sized size!

Road print debris!

For Dao Yin, Jiang Yun is too familiar!

He knew that Dao Yin was originally a square stone, standing on the ground, standing in the middle of the boundary.

However, it was once until now that he did not know who the mysterious man had shattered his hand and turned into countless pieces of black stone, that is, the road-printed fragments, scattered among thousands of worlds.

Even Jiang Yun knows that in addition to himself, there are indeed other people who also have printed fragments.

And these people, like their own, are sent to prison for possession of the printed fragments, and will die after a certain period of time.

Naturally, the printed fragments in their bodies disappeared without a trace. No one knew where to go.

Therefore, Jiang Yun never imagined that this Rui Li actually had a piece of printed debris.

However, he quickly guessed it. The reason why Lei Li was not imprisoned should be that Thunder God asked him for love, or concealed it.

It is because of the existence of this piece of printed debris that Jiang Yun will have a familiar and intimate feeling for the resentment that has never been met.

In other words, this feeling is not owned by Jiang Yun, but the debris of the body of Jiang Yun!

"No wonder, I can't see through his cultivation. It's not that he has any secrets or masks, but like me, it's the Daoist fragments that cover his cultivation!"

On this point, Jiang Yun has a deep understanding. Not long ago, he said to Mu Shaofeng that there is a way to hide the breath of the two of them, and they are prepared to use the power of Dao Yin.

In addition, Jiang Yun also thought that the reason why Lei Li will first wait for himself in the world where Lei Guangzong is located, perhaps there is a possibility of coincidence, but it must also be related to the Daodian fragments.

"I just said that I didn't know the role of the Daozi Shard. It means that he knows it. I am afraid he can sense my existence through the printed debris. So with this silky induction, he can analyze my trend!"

Although Jiang Yun got the road prints when he left Lushan at the age of sixteen, he only knew that the road print fragments could be turned into nine layers of water after absorbing the Tao.

Then all the objects placed in the water will be marked with a "dao", so that the original effect of the object can be increased a lot.

But now it seems that the role of the road print debris does not stop there.

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After trying to understand these doubts, Jiang Yun’s eyes were deeply watched by Lei Li, who was still immersed in the illusion: “You know more about the Taoist fragments than I know.”

"Although I can't search your soul for the time being, at least I can take your road prints first!"

While talking, Jiang Yun's palm suddenly inserted directly into the sharp belly.

The blood mixed with the golden thunder suddenly rushed out of the body.

However, Jiang Yun was indifferent, and his palm continued to penetrate into the sturdy Dantian. In the depths of his Dantian, he touched a black stone with a palm-sized size.

When Jiang Yun pulled it hard, he took out the traces of the road and took out the sturdy Dantian.


Losing the printed debris, coupled with the tremendous pain of the body being torn, let Lei Li finally wake up from the illusion, and a scream of screaming in the mouth.

Unfortunately, he just called out half, Jiang Yun has sealed his mouth, no longer let him make a little sound.

Lei Li can only distort the five senses, Zhang with his mouth open, and the light in his eyes reveals the incomparable blame, staring at Jiang Yun.

At this time, Jiang Yun’s knowledge once again swept the resounding body, and he could not help but be shocked: “You are just a realm of heaven and earth!”

Originally wanted to come in Jiang Yun, since Lei Li said that Lei Ling was a waste in the later stage, then his own cultivation should at least be a morality.

However, I did not expect that the other side was just a heavenly blessing, and it was a higher level than myself.

The strength that can be demonstrated by Resilience is much stronger than that of Ralink.

In particular, the robbery of the same thunder, it should be difficult to compete with the strong players.

In other words, if it is not a coincidence that he has swallowed up a source of thunder and possesses a minefield, then he will not be able to fight the sacredness of the heavens in the absence of the sacrifice of the heavenly martial arts!

For the first time, Jiang Yun saw in a person other than himself that the strength was far beyond the realm of cultivation.

Naturally, this also made him finally realize that there are people outside, there are days outside!

Among the thousands of people, there are not many people who are inconsistent with their realm like this, but they must exist!

After all, these thousands of worlds are free worlds, unlike the worlds that they have been to before.

They are all prisons, almost all closed, so they cannot produce a existence like themselves and Lei Li.

"It seems that the direct descendants of Thunder Sky, and the real Tao of the Nine Avenues, I am afraid that it is very likely that this is the existence, can not be underestimated!"

The emergence of this idea made Jiang Yun more clearly realize that he wanted to go to the Nine Avenues to get the nine keys that could enter the world. It was too difficult.

However, Jiang Yun is only shocked. This does not mean that he will have to retreat or fear.

What's more, if he can figure out the other effects of the printed debris, then the strength may be greatly improved.

At this time, the piece of the Taoist in the body of Jiang Yun, who had already been half-high, suddenly came to his face from the depths of his Dantian.

There was a strong suction on it, and it directly absorbed the shards of the blood that were still in the hands of Jiang Yun.

The Taoist shards can be actively merged. This is what Jiang Yun knew in the body of the sacred beast, so it is not strange.

Seeing that the half-man’s high-printed shards of the road were so sharp, he suddenly rounded his eyes, and even the pain on his body had been temporarily forgotten.

Jiang Yun’s heart moved and waved his hand to uncover the seal on his mouth: “You are surprised to see my road prints!”

Although Lei Li tried hard to calm himself down, he could not do it at all.

For Jiang Yun's problem, he can only cover his heart with a sneer: "You don't have to dream. In any case, I will not tell you the true role of the printed fragments!"

"It’s ridiculous, you obviously have a huge Baoshan that is envied by all the monks, but you don’t know, hahaha!”

Jiang Yun ignored the ridiculous ridicule, still calmly said: "Although I really don't know its true role, but I know at least that the larger the volume of the road prints, the bigger it can play. ""

This sentence suddenly made Lei Li close his mouth. He knew that Jiang Yun knew this because he was shocked when he saw his piece of printed debris.

"Reassure, I didn't know it before, so I didn't care about this problem. Now that you told me that this is a Baoshan, then I promise you that I will know how long it will take!"

However, with the fall of Jiang Yun’s voice, Lei Li’s face suddenly showed a strange smile: “Unfortunately, you probably don’t have this opportunity!”

When I heard this sentence that I had said to Lei Li before, Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly condensed, and I didn’t want to grab a fierce one. I didn’t even have time to send him into the top of the black cloud, and I’ve taken it one step at a time. The place disappeared.

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