The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1174: Dotted eye

Along with the two words spit out in the thunder, between the moments, there are countless tiny thunders like the hairline.

"Thunder of the law!"

Naturally, some people immediately recognized that these thunders are the rule of law that always exists between heaven and earth.

The thunder of these rules is like a small snake, swimming rapidly in the air, and condensed together.

There are many rumors of the law between heaven and earth, and here is the Leiyuan Mountain of Thunder Day, so the number of thunders of these laws is simply endless.

In the twinkling of an eye, it is condensed into a golden dragon with a size of a thousand feet, which is as vivid as a real dragon.

With the advent of this law, Thunder Dragon, at this moment all the Lei Xiu around this square, Qi Qi felt that the power of the thunder in his body suddenly violently trembled, just like wanting to face this dragon It’s the same as worshipping.

It is not a big thing to be able to control the thunder of the law. Many of the repairs that have arrived at the spiritual level can be done.

However, it is possible to agglomerate the thunder of the law, especially the condensed dragon that is condensed into this one, but no one can.

This requires a deep understanding of Ray's law.

However, although this Thunder Dragon looks like a real dragon, the only fly in the ointment is that it has no eyes on its huge head.

At this moment, the Thunder once again reached out to volley, and spit out four words: "The point is the finishing touch!"


In the void, two lines of lines emerged, and one left and one right suddenly rushed into the position of the dragon's eyes, and did not enter it, turning into a pair of eyes!

Under the rapid tremors of the eyes, suddenly opened, the eyes are shining with gold, and the thunder is vertical and horizontal, making the dragon more vivid.

However, this is not the end.

The Thunder suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a golden ball of palm-sized size from his mouth.

Although the ball looks unremarkable, with the advent of the ball, everyone can feel the meaning of ice and cold, covering the world in an instant.

So that some people who are weaker, the body is really frozen, and can't move.

Someone immediately revealed the sorrowful color: "Tao! This thunderous way is cold, it is no wonder that his whole person is always cold!"

The so-called Taoism is a kind of artistic conception, a sentiment, and a confession that the Tao Ling possesses, that is, it gives a character to its own Tao.

This personality is basically related to the trajectory pursued by itself.

But the Thunder is obviously the exception.

The Thunder was fierce and hot, but he chose to feel the opposite cold and cold mood.

Although the difficulty of understanding the Tao will increase, the success will make his strength soar.

However, although many people know that the Golden Light spewed out of the Thunder's mouth is his Tao, but he does not know what he is going to do.

Under the gaze of everyone, the golden light of the group had directly fallen into the air of the brontosaurus and exploded in an instant.

It is clearly visible that this dragon in the body of the dragon that is condensed by the law of the law suddenly has an icy cold.

In addition, the pair of eyes that have just been made by the lines have more ingenuity!

If the previous Thunder Dragon, although it is the body, the eyes, or the strength, is very similar to the real dragon, but it is still fake.

But now, with this sexual intrusion, it has become a real Thunder Dragon as if it had life!


Lei Long opened his mouth and suddenly screamed in the sky, his voice was earth-shattering, letting all Lei Xiu at this moment, even the strongest of the Taoist world could no longer suppress the power of the thunder that had already feared in his body. Blowed his head.

At this moment, facing this Thunder Dragon, they don’t talk about fighting with them, even the courage to resist.

The only person who refused to bow his head and refused to give in to this Thunder Dragon, only the one who died and gritted his teeth, the body trembled with great thunder.

As a son of the thunder, he has his pride and self-esteem.


However, although he tried his best to control the power of the Thunder in his body, he did not go to worship and give in to Leilong, but for the power of the Thunder, he was greatly shocked.

The Thunder, with the thunder of the law, condenses the body of the dragon, and points out the eye of the dragon with the pattern, giving the life of the dragon to its own way!

Obviously, this Thunder Dragon is the complete explosion of all the power of Thunder!

This is the power and horror of the Thunder with the innate Thunder!

At the same time, it also makes Lei extraordinary more eager to enter the right way, Leihai, so that he also has the congenital body.

As long as you have a congenital body, you can do everything that Thunder can do, plus the son of the Thunder, you will definitely become the next God of Thunder.

Now, he has also set a poison oath in his heart. This time, no matter what method he uses, he must obtain the only qualification to enter the right way.

Who dares to stop himself and kills himself!

"Meng Guan, die!"

Although the face of the Thunder has become pale, but his eyes also have the excitement and killing that can not be concealed, reaching out, this life-filled Thunder Dragon suddenly rushed toward Jiang Yun.

"Meng Guan will die!" In the hall, a strong man in the light whispered.

Another strong man also nodded: "Yes, this Thunder Dragon has already had the meaning of a mine. This Thunder is likely to enter the humanitarian context in the future!"

"There are first and foremost, and now there are Thunder, Lei Daoyou, the strength of your Thunder Sky is really stronger!"

"Ha ha ha!" Thunder's face has long since recovered from calmness, facing the praise of the people, and at this moment can not help but laugh out loudly: "You have won the prize!"


On the side of the Earth Star River suddenly screamed coldly, and Thunder God's eyes flashed in the cold, a slight smile: "Guest friends, is it a bit unsatisfactory? Need me to give you a comfortable chair?"

The Earth Star River is indeed unable to sit still!

Originally, he thought that Jiang Yun could turn defeat into victory, but when he saw this Thunder Dragon, he also believed that Jiang Yun was powerless.

Especially as a demon, he is more able to feel more clearly than other people. This Thunder Dragon is not completely illusory, but vaguely possessive, it can be seen as a demon!

Moreover, it is still the demon of the road!

Because Thunder has hidden his own feelings about Lei Dao, all hidden in the Tao, and integrated into the body of this dragon, so that Lei Long not only has life, but also has the feeling of the Tao. .

Jiang Yun is strong again. In the face of the demon of the Taoist road, it is impossible to have the slightest chance of winning, and there will be danger to life.

Therefore, the Earth River must be shot.

But now Thunder God is obviously aware of his intentions, and stared at himself, as long as he shot himself, then he must also stop.

"His grandmother, the snow lotus family, the Tibetans are really deep, even I can't find her, no matter what, I can't let this Meng Guan anyway, Jiang Yun, and die here!"

Thinking of this, the Dixing River is ready to reach out and protect the spirits.

After all, once they started to move their hands, the power that erupted was not what the spirits could afford.

However, when he turned his head and looked at the Lingzi, he was surprised to find that this concern for Jiang Yun’s safety was definitely more than anyone’s spiritual spirit. At this moment, it was still a calm and calm color.

This makes him really confused.

The spirit of the earth has long been the weakest person. Nowadays, it is also a place to protect the environment. Can’t see that Jiang Yun is in danger of life.

"The spirit, why don't you worry about him?"

When I heard the ancestors’ inquiries, the spirits said with a slight sigh: “Why are you worried? Jiang Daren is also a refining sorcerer!”

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