The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1177: Clever cheating

Above the square of Leiyuan Mountain, there is a giant ding that occupies the entire square quietly!

Naturally, this is the piece that Lei Tian just threw out, and now nearly a thousand monks, including Jiang Yun, are in the middle!

The huge body is covered with all kinds of chaotic, but full of eccentric lines of vicissitudes, intertwined with the same grotesque pattern.

However, these patterns are now completely obscured by nearly a thousand light groups.

Every light group clearly presents a picture, that is, the situation of nearly a thousand monks in Ding, so that people around the four can clearly see that every monk is countless Surrounded by mirrors.


Suddenly, a scream of screaming screamed and saw a light group on Ding suddenly extinguished.

Then, a figure flew directly from Dingzhong and fell heavily on the ground.

This person is the monk in the extinguished light group. Although he has left the giant tripod, his mouth is still screaming, his face is distorted, his face is dew, and his eyes are like the same pool of stagnant water.


Looking at the state of this monk, everyone's heart could not help but be surprised.

Because the day of the day began to fall short of time, there was a monk who was mad at work, those mirrors, and what is the oddity of this tripod?

Then, the screams that followed one after another began to ring, and one figure after another flew out from Ding, and landed on the ground. Some people were madly shouting, some were pale, and some were dumb.

In just less than three times, more than 100 monks have been thrown out of the trip.

Naturally, this means that they have been eliminated by Tianzhiguan and lost the opportunity to continue to compete for the right to land in the Leihai.

This also makes everyone around me more curious, what have these people in Dingzhong experienced?


Lei extraordinary closed his eyes and did not dare to look at the mirrors around him. He just released his own knowledge and carefully extended to one of the mirrors.

He naturally knows that the Thunder is hidden in these mirrors, and all he has to do is find them in the mirror with God.

However, when his knowledge of the gods entered a mirror, he was surprised to discover that there were endless mirrors in his own consciousness.

Even, he knows that if he lets God enter into one of the mirrors, there will still be endless mirrors around his own knowledge!

Lei said to himself: "I understand, this is a maze of mirrors. As long as the gods enter the mirror, they will fall into the maze and even lose it!"

"Don't say that you find the thunder hidden in the mirror. If you want to let God know how to return safely, I am afraid most people can't do it."

"This really tests the monk's knowledge and will."

As soon as he was indulging, Lei’s unremarkable face showed a hint of smirk, and then said: “However, Lei’s brother also said that no matter what method is used, as long as he can find ten thunders in the 30s, it will be a success.”

"So, I don't have to risk losing my knowledge in the mirror at all, I can use other methods!"

"This day is very easy for me."

When the voice fell, Ray carefully took the gods back from the mirror, and then opened his mouth and spit out his spirit.

The unpretentious spirit of the body is golden, especially in its body, and there is a trace of thunder constantly moving back and forth. This is the thunder that he had when he was at the mother's body!

As the spirit sat in front of the thunder, he slowly released the breath of the thunder.

Suddenly, I saw a layer of ripples appearing on the mirror around him.

Then there was a golden glow emerging from the ripples, which was a thunder that was hidden in the mirror.

Dao Lei is the source of Wan Lei and is able to attract Thunder.

Therefore, feeling the thunder of the atmosphere, the thunder in the mirror naturally took the initiative to appear, and even tried to cross the mirror, swarming toward the unspeakable spirit.

"Eight, nine, ten, enough!"

Counting the number of thunders that have been motivated by their own spirits, Ray’s face can’t help but reveal a smug smile: “This level is tailor-made for me.”

"Meng Guan, Meng Guan, I have to see, how many thunders can you find at this level!"

Although the number of Thunder is enough, but Lei did not take back his own spirit, but continued to promote the atmosphere of the thunder, attracting more Thunder.

After all, he is the son of the thunder!

How can it be just passing the passing grades, so he wants to attract as many Thunder as possible, so that he can be proud of the day, and revenge for the humiliation of Jiang Yun.

Let everyone know that you are the most qualified person to enter the right way to Leihai!

In a twinkling of an eye, the time of the twenty breath has passed, and more than twenty golden thunders have gathered around Ray's extraordinary side.

At this time, the Earth Star River could not help but shook his head, the yin and yang strange road: "Lei Daoyou, your little disciple, besides taking advantage of cheating, is there any other real skill?"

Thunder's face is also a little bit nice, because Ray's extraordinary behavior is indeed cheating.

The test of the day is the knowledge and will of the gods, but Lei is not only using his own thunder to attract the Thunder, but also violates the significance of this.

However, the thunder God’s mouth certainly can’t admit it. It’s a faint smile: “The earthly friend, I’ve said beforehand that the cards involved in this qualification battle are whatever you use, as long as you can meet the level requirements, even if you succeed.”

"If others can do this in other ways, like this, I will not have any opinions!"

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The land star river screamed and said: "This is what you said, I hope you don't want to accept it for a while!"

While talking, the eyes of Dixing River looked at Meng Guan, and there was a flash of anxious color in his eyes.

Thunder God, they can see that they are cheating, but for those above the square, they are naturally indistinguishable, so they can't help but renew their excitement about the achievements that Ray has achieved.

"Lei is not the son of the thunder, although his performance is not as stunning as the Mengguan, but he has been steadily and steadily, and he has successfully passed this level."

"Yeah, and it seems that his performance is also the best, and no one can surpass him!"

"This time, the Meng Guan can't do it. I don't know if it was just the cause of the injury, or his knowledge is not strong enough!"

At this moment, in addition to the nearly 600 monks who have been thrown out of the trip, the rest of the people in Ding have more or less one or more thunders.

Like Wei Heng, the number of thunders gathered around him reached eleven.

However, it is the crown of the crown that makes everyone unexpected!

Because until now, Meng Guan still sat down with his eyes closed, and he was still empty, and there was no thunder.

At this moment, Jiang Yun did not care about the status of other people, nor did he care about his achievements.

In his mind, he was completely filled with the big trip that he is now in.

"Every mirror here is actually an independent space. Although its area is not large, it contains a very weak ... the power of looting!"

The power of looting, it is the power that the Xiao people, one of the nine ethnic groups, have lost.

Naturally, now that Jiang Yun is in this tripod, it is the sacred object of the Xiao people, the smashing of the tripod!

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