The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1183: First come first served

Jiang Yun’s words made everyone suddenly show their sorrow!

It is no wonder that Jiang Yun took the initiative to attack the thunder, and the purpose is naturally to try it out. In this cloud world, whether the power of the thunder is the suppression of the Taoist territory!

At this moment, the thunder, although it seems to be slightly stronger after taking a shot from Jiang Yun, but the body's blood is also a violent surge, and even a little pale on his face.

Thunder and cold looked at Jiang Yundao: "You are very smart, you can find this so soon."

"However, even if I can't use my full strength, you will die today!"

The words of the lightning more confirmed Jiang Yun’s guess.

In fact, this is not difficult to guess.

Because the thunder is obviously hateful to Jiang Yun, and wants to kill Jiang Yun, and the strength of his Taoist platform, and the host of this thunder, it is easy to kill Jiang Yun.

However, he did not directly shoot himself. Instead, he went to help Lei Fang to call other monks here and unite their strength to deal with Jiang Yun.

This is enough to show that in this cloud world, he also has to be subject to certain restrictions, can not be free to shoot, do not dare to display all the strength.

“Is it?” Jiang Yun smiled slightly: “Don't you forget that your thunder brother, who has a congenital body, was killed by me?”

"The strength of your fist is even weaker than the Thunder. Whoever kills it, it must be!"

Jiang Yun once again swept away other people's eyes: "Today, those who dare to shoot Meng, all will die!"

In the face of Jiang Yun’s fierce eyes, most people’s hearts involuntarily hit a chill, and the determination just made in their hearts could not help but have some vacillation.

Losing the most powerful reliance on thunder, with the cooperation of these people, can you really kill Jiang Yun?

Lei is not the same as sweeping everyone, naturally can see the shaking of the people, can not help but send a curse.

But his face is still a smile: "You, don't be scared by his words, the strength of Lei brother is suppressed, but don't forget, Lei brother is the person who presides the level, here, he still Have some privileges!"

"In addition, this Meng Guan was previously injured by my master. Now, his injury will not be healed, so he will be enchanted, but he wants to delay the time!"

"When his injury is healed, then we will probably not kill him!"

When the voice fell, Lei unexpectedly raised his hand, and several Thunder screamed toward Jiang Yun.


I have to say that Lei’s extraordinary words really played a role.

After all, Shen Panyu hurts Jiang Yun’s finger, and everyone can see it clearly.

Until now, Jiang Yun has not had much time to heal.

Coupled with the extraordinary shots of the first, it also gave courage.

There are a few monks who are also a bit embarrassed about Jiang Yun, and they are attacking Jiang Yun after following the leap.

Although Wei Heng and others still hesitated, when they saw that the more intense eyes of the thunder were looking at themselves, they could only sigh one by one and rushed to Jiang Yun.

Being able to go all the way from the qualification battle to the present, there really is no weak one.

The weakest of them is also the peak of the local protection, most of them are heavenly.

As for the strength they can exert, they must also be higher than their own cultivation. Although they are not as abnormal as Jiang Yun, forty-nine people attacked at the same time, and indeed Jiang Yun did not dare to take a nap.

More importantly, Lei is not right, and the injury in Jiang Yun did not heal, which made his strength only play about 80%.


In an instant, the sound of continuous explosions continued to sound in this cloud world.

The radiant waves of various techniques have completely overwhelmed Jiang Yun.

However, at this time, the thunder that did not shoot was suddenly said: "Uncommon, be careful on the left!"

Lei Feifan’s face suddenly showed a smirk, and he did not see it. It was a thunder that slammed into his left side.

"Boom", the Thunder exploded, Jiang Yun's figure revealed!

Jiang Yun took a deep look at the thunder.

Although the thunder is not convenient to shoot, but he is here, the knowledge is not affected, so he is like an outsider, can view the entire situation, clearly understand his movements, and then inform other people.

Others naturally understand this, and the spirit of each time is one of them.

Under the circumstances of a crowd of people, there is another leap to indicate the movement of Jiang Yun, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Haha, Meng Guan, you are dead!"

A middle-aged monk was exposed to the camera and punched Jiang Yun, who was just in front of him.

As soon as a boxing came out, a large amount of water vapor suddenly appeared around it, and it became a group of huge waves and rushed to Jiang Yun.

In addition, more than a dozen other monks also launched an attack at the same time.

In the eyes of Jiang Yun, the fierce light skyrocketed, and his face appeared stunned. He turned a blind eye to the dozens of attacks, and his body swayed and went straight to the monk.


A dozen different attacks were on the body of Jiang Yun, but Jiang Yun’s fist was also smashed by the monk’s head.

Fighting and hurting, but also killing this person, this makes everyone's heart once again raised a trace of fear, this Meng Guan is not only arrogant, but also too fierce.

Lei is extraordinary but suddenly burst into laughter and said: "Haha, all the friends have worked hard, this Mengguan has become a mad dog, want to pull us to the end, do not be afraid, we keep a distance with him, drag can also drag Die him!"

Upon hearing this, everyone naturally nodded and did not dare to give Jiang Yun a chance to be close.

At the moment, Jiang Yun did not pay attention to the people at all, but the light in his eyes, saying to himself: "It turns out that after killing others, the number of Raytheon killed by the other party will be automatically transferred to My body!"

Jiang Yun's voice is not big, but it is clearly introduced into the ears of everyone present, and everyone's attack is suddenly a stagnation.

Even the eyes of a few people such as Wei Heng are directly looking at the extraordinary!

Because Ray was not only convening everyone, a total of seven rejected people have been killed.

Originally, they still didn't understand. Even if others disagreed, Lei did not kill the other party, but now I heard Jiang Yun's words, and everyone suddenly realized.

Kill others, and the results of others will be on your own!

At this time, Jiang Yun went on and said: "This incident, the thunder did not say before the start of the level, I don't know, but some people should know it beforehand!"

"This qualification battle is really fair!"

This time, everyone’s eyes are all looking at Ray!

In the eyes of Ray, there was a faint anger in his eyes. He never thought that Jiang Yun had successfully transferred the attention of everyone to his own body in a few words.

Although he did know it in advance, it certainly cannot be recognized at this time.

However, he also knows that no matter what he explains at this time, others will certainly not believe it.

Fortunately at this time, the thunder suddenly faintly said: "I don't know beforehand, I told him after entering here!"

"After all, he is my younger brother, and even if I don't tell him, with his strength, nature can finally enter the right path to Leihai!"

"This is indeed my unfairness. In order to compensate you, now, as long as some of you can kill, no, as long as you can let Meng Guan spit a blood, I will let anyone enter the right path to Leihai!"

"However, because there are only ten people in the right place to enter the right track, so you should hurry up, first come first served!"

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