The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1188: It wakes up

This sudden pressure, so that Jiang Yun's face changes, the heart will also sink.

Because he is very clear, this means that there are extremely powerful strong people appearing in this cloud.

The first person he thought of was naturally the Thunder God.

However, when he saw the same horror on the face of Shen Panyu, he knew that it was not the Thunder God.

Jiang Yun immediately thought of the Xinghe, the ancestral land of the goblin who had never met.

But this idea is still vetoed by himself.

Because of his pressure, he can feel the power of releasing this pressure, almost more than all the strong people he has encountered.

Even in the ancient times, the ancestors of the winds who really entered the realm of humanity and isomorphism are a bit inferior.

The only one who can compete with this person is the only wilderness that has reached the eleventh in the illusion!

This also makes Jiang Yun really unable to think of it. In this part of the Thunder’s sphere of influence, in addition to the Thunder God, there is still a comparable, even stronger than the Thunder God. .

More importantly, what is the purpose of the other party at the moment!

Just as Jiang Yun’s brain was spinning fast and guessing the identity of the strong man, suddenly his eyes suddenly condensed.

Because he was surprised to find that Shen Dingyu, who was just in front of him, Wei Heng, who was dead, and the forty-five bodies on the ground, even with blood, all disappeared inexplicably!

At this moment, Jiang Yun’s mind is already blank!

I am now in the five days of sacrifice, and the strength does not dare to say that it is extremely strong, but at least it will not be weaker than the Tao.

However, I did not even notice the two big living people and so many corpses on the opposite side!

Although he knows that this must be the strongman who has not appeared so far, but the strength of this strong is also a bit scary!

Even though, Jiang Yun couldn’t see the thunder and thunder behind him because he couldn’t move, but I’m afraid they disappeared.

At this moment, Jiang Yun suddenly felt that the pressure on his body suddenly disappeared, and he hurriedly turned his body and looked at himself behind him.

Sure enough, there are no other people besides myself, and there are no other people. Some are just the endless clouds.

"What exactly is going on!"

Under meditation, Jiang Yun is now in the same place, rushing to the surrounding emptiness and clenching a fist: "I don't know which seniors are here, please come out and see!"

As the voice of Jiang Yun fell, a bright golden light appeared in front of him.

And among the golden light, there is a voice: "You, yes, who?"

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Among the halls, the Thunder God, who seemed to be a little impatient, suddenly changed his face and couldn’t help but blurt out the three words.

The Earth Star turned his head and looked at him, feeling his own character, and his eyes turned: "What is impossible?"

Thunder God knows his words, and his face has returned to calmness. "I don't understand why this Mengguan can kill so many Thunder in such a short period of time, and those monks who entered it. Suddenly a massive death!"

The earth star river surface is ridiculous: "I said Lei Daoyou, are you interested in saying all the time? Even if you really don't know, but your big disciple has not already entered?"

"Plus the extraordinary and thunder, now there are three disciples in the cloud, and you have something to worry about."

"It won't be, is your three disciples dead inside?"

Although this is the ridiculous language of the Earth Star River, the Thunder God has just returned to a calm face but can not help but change slightly.

Because, it really makes the land star river half right!

For all of his disciples, Thunder God is not only as simple as leaving their gods in their souls, but also connecting their souls with their own souls.

In this way, Thunder God can know the situation of his disciples anytime, anywhere.

Even if they are in the cloud world, Thunder God can at least know their lives.

But just now, this silk connection suddenly broke without warning.

Although this does mean that three of his disciples may have been unpredictable, but at least the uncommon name is still on the stone tablet.

What's more, it is absolutely impossible to kill three disciples in an instant, which is what the Thunder God wants to come.

Because even he can't do it himself.

In particular, Shen Panyu, who possesses the congenital corpse and the heavens and the five robbing, can not break out with his own strength, so he really can’t think of what happened in the cloud world. .

"Don't it wake up?"

A thought flashed through the mind of Thunder God, and he suddenly stood up and said to the three people beside him: "You are less, I am a little bit!"

However, as he got up, Dixing River immediately followed and stood up and smiled: "Thunder Road, why are you so anxious to go?"

In the eyes of Thunder, the cold light flashed: "Dixing River, here is Thunder Sky, where do I go, I don't need to tell you!"

For the Dixing River, Thunder God has been enduring for a long time, and now what he has to do is extremely important, so he can't take the offense!

The Earth Star River smiled coldly and said: "Do not be angry with Lei Dao, if I guess it is correct, you must have seen that the Meng Guan has been ranked first, so it is not good for him to go to the clouds."

"You also know that I am very optimistic about the Meng Guan, you have repeatedly made it difficult for him, I have to endure, after all, the shots are your disciples."

"But if you are thundering, you are not going to be bullied, then I can't bear it!"

The change of the color of the Thunder God, you can pass the Earth River.

What happened in the clouds, the Earth Star River did not know, but Jiang Yun apparently has not encountered danger, otherwise his name has long since disappeared.

However, if even Thunder is to enter into it, then even if Jiang Yun is strong, it may not be his opponent, so the Earth River cannot make Thunder Lord leave the hall.

In the eyes of Thunder, the eyes of the Thunder have been angered and rolled: "Dixing River, although I have no intention to be an enemy of your Taikoo Yaozu, but you should not think that I am afraid of you too old demon!"

Da Xinghe Da La La: "I didn't say that you are afraid of us, you have to leave, let me get the Meng Guan out!"

After Thunder’s sinister stunned the starry river, he suddenly turned to face the other three powerful people who had always shrouded in the light: “Three friends, you are in trouble to stop the Star River, and when I finish the matter, I will There are thick reports!"

The three people got up and swayed together, and they surrounded the Earth River.

Although surrounded by three people, there is no fear of the face of Dixing River: "Why, you three people who don't even dare to reveal their faces, want to swear more people and bully people!"

The three people simply ignored the Star River, and one of them was facing the Thunder God. "There is something that Leidaoyou has done, even though he is busy, this person has been handed over to us!"

"Thank you!"

Just as Thunder’s God turned and was about to leave, he heard a loud bang from the “bang” suddenly came!

The sound of loud noises has been spread all over the entire road to the mine world!

Those onlookers on the square, almost all of them were shaken by the sound, and their figure was shaking.

The weakness of the strength, even directly squirting blood, fell to the ground, fell into a coma.

However, they are not in the mood to pay attention to their own situation now, and everyone’s eyes are all looking straight at the direction of the voice---the cloud that is thick and thick!

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