The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1192: a glimmer of hope

The Zhengdao Leihai can be said to have a deadly appeal to all monks.

After all, whether it is Lei Xiu or other monks, it is possible to use the power of Lei Hai to achieve the Tao or Lei.

In the past, the Leihai was opened, only a hundred feet in size, and the Thunder God and his disciples would be guarded in the Quartet, strictly prohibiting others from arbitrarily.

However, this time the Leihai reached a size of a thousand feet, and until now, the Thunder God did not show up.

As for disciples such as Shen Panyu and Lei Dong, they are also missing, which makes the Leihai, the size of the road, completely undefended.

Therefore, the monks above the square could not resist the greed and desires of their own hearts, and they all rushed to the right way, Lei Hai.


This sudden scene is beyond the expectations of Thunder God, and he is suddenly murderous.

His instinctive reaction was to show up immediately, to stop these daring monks, and even kill them.

However, his feet just lifted up, ready to go out, but quietly collected back.

Because of today's events, no matter whether you tell the Taoist or not, the Taoist will certainly know that he will inevitably have to punish him.

Although Dao Zun will not kill himself, the worst consequence is that he will recover Leiyuan Mountain and recover the right way, Leihai, which will greatly weaken his power.

In that case, it would be better for these monks to rush into the right way.

If they can really produce a few congenital corpses or congenital tracts, for themselves, there are only benefits, no good!

After all, they are all monks of Thunder Day.

If they can't give birth to congenital corpses or congenital tracts, then when the priests ask for sin, they can push the blame to these monks, and the ancient demon!

The cloud has changed. Although he wants to solve it, he is blocked by the Taikoo Yaozu, so that he can't be distracted to pay attention to other things!

Thinking of this, Thunder God looked at the Dixing River and three other people who were still in shock, and said: "But the premise is that these people must all die!"

With the intention of the mind, Thunder God said with a deep voice: "You!"

In a word, I suddenly woke up everyone. The land star river looked at him with a puzzled look: "I said Lei Daoyou, your heart is really big, you are like this, you are not hurrying. Going to clean up the mess?"

Thunder God swept the lower eye. At this moment, let alone the monks who watched, even the men who were responsible for maintaining order, led by the Thunder, could not resist the temptation of their hearts, and rushed into them. In the thunder sea.

After regaining his gaze, Thunder God calmly said: "This is also a fortune for them, why should I stop it!"

Hearing these words, Dixing River looks at the eyes of Thunder God, just like watching a monster.

Because of the qualification battle, Thunder God is able to see the individual in order to stop the Meng Guan, he is already doing everything.

However, nowadays, so many people are flocking to the right way, Lei Hai, but he does not stop it, but here is said to be their creation.

This is simply playing your own face!

"There must be fraud, this old guy, certainly no good fart, no, I have to hurry to rescue the Jiang Yun, and then quickly leave this Thunder!"

The earth star river suddenly waved in a large sleeve, and the earth spirit behind it was rolled up. When it was swayed, it rushed out of the hall.

At this time, Thunder God smiled slightly: "Authentic friends, where are you going?"

When the voice fell, Thunder suddenly raised his foot and looked at the earth.


Another loud noise came, and the entire Leiyuan Mountain was shaking above and below the two mountains, and suddenly there was a golden light.

Among the golden light, a lot of lines appeared.

All the lines have condensed into a huge seal, wrapping the entire Leiyuan Mountain, including the main road, Leihai.

If at this moment, Jiang Yun can see this scene, then he will understand that, in fact, the entire Leiyuan Mountain is also a huge seal, so that the Lei mother can be completely sealed.

With the appearance of this seal, a network of golden light intertwined has emerged in front of the Daxing River that has already rushed to the entrance of the main hall.

Thanks to the extremely fast response of the Xinghe, the body shape was taken in time, so as to avoid hitting the Internet.

And he did not go to see Thunder God at all, but also lifted his foot to the ground.

However, the ground did not respond, and even the slightest sound did not sound.

This caused the face of the Earth River to suddenly sink.

As a goblin, it is the elf of the earth. Although it is a mountaintop, it can at least rely on the power of the earth, but now the entire Leiyuan Mountain is completely sealed by a horrible force.

And this power is so strong that even he can't shake himself.

Where did he know that even the mother of Wan Lei was sealed by this seal, even though his strength was amazing, but it was definitely worse than that of the mother, so it was impossible to break the seal.

"Thunder Road, what do you mean?"

The Earth Star River slowly turned around, and there was no longer the color of laughter in the face. Instead, it was a face-to-face killing: "Is it wrong, do you want to destroy us all?"

The words of Dixing River broke the real purpose of Thunder God, and also let the eyes of the other three people suddenly look at him.

Thunder God is not flustered: "Yes, I really want to destroy, but it is only your ancient demon."

Then, Thunder God shouted to the other three people: "Three people can rest assured that even if there is a courage, he will not dare to shoot three."

The three people were indifferent and did not speak, but they also each stepped back a few steps and opened the distance between them.

Obviously, although they believe that Thunder God should not dare to shoot three of them, but they are all sophisticated and can not prevent each other.

For the reaction of the three people, Thunder God just smiled and did not continue to explain.

The cold and cold road of the Earth Star River: "The tone of Lei Daoyou is not small, I have to look at it, how are you going to kill me?"


"Reassured, I will not kill you now. Before that, I have other things to do!"

When the voice fell, a piece of jade slip appeared in the hands of Thunder God, and the hand was thrown out.

It is also strange to say that this piece of jade is not affected by the seal outside the main hall, and it is turned into a light, and it directly rushes out of the temple door where the golden light is intertwined by several golden lights.

Until the flight to the thunder sea, Yu Jian suddenly exploded, and there was a door made up of lines.

In the door, nine out of the body were dressed in black, and the entire body and the head were covered with a strict figure.

"Where are you playing here?" Looking at the nine figures, Dixinghe had a big eyes.

Thunder God did not care about him at all, but his mouth squirmed, facing the nine people: "You, the bottom of yours is the right way to Leihai, but now I have some problems here, there are Taikoo demon chaos, so Please also enter Leihai by yourself. If you can achieve the innate celestial body, you will see the creation of you!"

After the nine figures looked at each other, they did not hesitate to turn into nine lights, and they rushed into the right sea.


Jiang Yun did not know everything about what happened outside.

At this moment, he still squatted on the ground, watching the things floating in front of him like the colorful light.

Although he will not think of killing him, there is such a thing here.

However, this made him see a glimmer of hope, a hope that might make the mine live!

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