The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1194: Closing the road

About Dao Zun adults directly went to the nine places to enter the right track of Lei Hai, Shen Panyu and Lei Dong and others have long known.

Although they know nothing about the origins of these nine people, since they can be selected by the Taoist adults, it is not difficult to imagine that these nine people must be all talented.

As for the Meng Guan, not to mention, even Shen Shenyu, who is also known as a talented person, has to admire the strength of Meng Guan.

Therefore, with the exception of Lei, these eleven people are indeed the ones who are really qualified to attack the congenital body or body.

The other tens of thousands of monks, at best, can only get through the blockage of one or two bodies, even the foil is not counted.

Lei Shen and Shen’s knowledge of the temple easily found nine people in different positions.

Although they entered the Leihai at the latest, but the number of thunders absorbed from their bodies at this moment has already condensed into a real thunderball.

Through the thunder ball, you can hear the sound of the muffled sound in their bodies, which means that the blockage in their bodies is gradually getting through.

Even, their speed is stronger than that of Ray.

This makes the fear of the thundering face more and more convincing: "If they first made the congenital body and the body, then there is no hope for the extraordinary teacher?"

Shen Poyu is not careless: "The natural choice, the weak meat!"

"If it wasn't for this change, it wouldn't be qualified to enter Leihai, the right way. Now God gave him the opportunity. If he still can't compete with other people, he can only blame his own life is not good!"

The thunder nodded and said: "Master, what about the Meng Guan?"

"I suspect that Meng Guan is in that area!"

Thunder and nature have long seen the area of ​​the Baizhang surrounded by Lei Ling, and it is also the only open space here.

Although Lei Ling is strong and strong, it always stays in a fixed position and does not move.

"Then what do we need to do now? Do you want to take people to break this area? Go to the Mengguan, or kill?"

For Meng Guan, there is still a strong taboo in the heart of the thunder.

Shen Panyu shook his head and said: "No, we don't need to do anything now. Just here, while helping the younger brother to protect the law, waiting to see how many people can achieve the congenital body or the way after the closure of the Leihai. body!"

Since the masters have said this, then the thunder will naturally not have any objections. He also sat next to the thunderous side, watching the area in front of him and waiting silently.

Shen Panyu’s guess is not wrong. At this moment, Jiang Yun is within this Baizhang area.

However, he knew nothing about everything that happened outside, even the appearance of Lei Hai, and the guardianship of hundreds of Lei Ling.

Today, his full attention is focused on the nine-colored light group held in his hand!

If at this moment, Bai Ze can wake up and see the light group in the hands of Jiang Yun, then he will be excited to scream.

Because this kind of thing is a bamboo slip!

Demon Road Jane!

The demon simplification, only one volume, was handed down from the ancient times.

I just didn't know why, scattered it, and turned it into a piece of separate bamboo slip, scattered in various places in this world.

Today, this piece of demon singer in his hand is the third demon syllabus that Jiang Yun saw.

The first piece of the demon road Jane, Luojia in the mountains and seas, there is a trace of enchanting heaven and spirit.

With the fall of the Luo family, this demon singer also flew away on his own, but because Lu Xiaoyu was inside, Jiang Yun asked Lu Xiaoyu's grandfather Lu Ao to pursue, and he did not know if he found it.

The second block of the demon road is the Xiajia in the clear and turbid wilderness. There is a blood robe refining sorcerer and five demon spirits. When Jiang Yun left the clear turf, he did not take away.

Now, Jiang Yun never imagined that he would actually see the third demon road in the body of the mother.

Moreover, unlike the first two demons, this one is empty and empty!

The role of the demon singer is to seal the demon!

The refiner will write the name of the demon on the road, so that he can become a demon directly.

The previous two roads were simple, one piece was sealed by himself, and although one piece was prepared by the blood robe refining sorcerer for the big demon, there were five demon spirits inside.

Nowadays, this road is simple, and there is no slight breath at all. That is to say, it is a blank road.

As long as the refining demon has enough strength to write the name of a demon on it, you can make this demon directly become a demon.

Although Jiang Yun does not know why there is a demon in the body of the mother, but in the picture, he did not see the appearance of the demon.

Therefore, this piece of demon singer should have been in the countless years after the mother was sealed by the Tao, but did not know why it fell into the body of the mother.

Although Jiang Yun also does not know, the supreme life form of Lei Ma is considered a human being, or a Yaozu, but in Jiang Yun’s thought, it should be more biased towards the demon. After all, she is a Thunder.

The third thing that Jiang Yun doesn't know is that if she regards the mother as a demon, her identity has already surpassed the demon, or has not become a demon.

The fourth thing that Jiang Yun doesn't know is what the real name of Lei is.

However, Jiang Yun only knows one thing. At the beginning, he listened to the blood robe and said that if the demon is closed by the refining demon, then he can’t say that he can keep the demon between the heavens and the earth, but at least he can make way. The life form of the demon changes and thus has a longer life.

After all, the demon is the way, it is like the recognition of this world.

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Therefore, there will be a large number of even **** robes that can't tell the unclear things, perhaps the air transport, perhaps the power, can be integrated into the body of the demon, so as to help them achieve the demon.

Since the demon has been merged with the Tao, life is naturally much longer than other creatures.

Although the body of the mother has exploded, she has not completely dissipated, and at least the breath still exists in this thunder sea.

This is like the death of a creature, but the soul has not yet gone to the dead.

Because, this is the only way that Jiang Yun thinks that will allow the mother to not completely fall, and seal it!

If you can write the name of the mother on the blank demon road slip, seal it as a demon, get the recognition of this world, then whether it is air transport, or Daoli, maybe you can let the mine Keep living.

However, this approach is really full of too much uncertainty.

For example, Jiang Yun’s four do not know that any one of the speculative mistakes may lead to failure.

Then again, today's Jiang Yun, I am afraid that there is no ability to leave the name of the mother on the demon road.

After all, he can't even fully display the refining tricks, let alone the demon seal, the strength needed is definitely strong enough that Jiang Yun can't imagine.

However, at this moment, Jiang Yun can't manage those. In his mind, there is only the only thought that will allow Lei to survive.

Even he forgot the nine-nation seal on his body, forgot the reincarnation seal left by his grandfather, and forgot the purpose of his hard work to come to this righteous mine!

Even if everything he did in the end fails, he has to try his best!

"If you don't save the thunder, then my heart will last forever!"

"Today, I want to seal the road for the dear!"

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