The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1198: No breath

This force of the dead world just appeared above the dead land, and immediately stopped, even in a slight tremor, because even if it came from the dead, it also made it feel fearful.

At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded in the sky of this dead land: "A dog under the district’s sect, dare to use the three mirrors, and dare to check the origins of my disciples, not to give You have a lesson, I am also a teacher!"


With the sound of this sound, in the numerous graves scattered throughout the dead land, there is a sudden force that rises into the sky and condenses into a huge palm in the air, directly grasping the dead world. force.

"Dao Zun, you destroy my avatar, take the soul of my great disciple, hurt my two disciples, chase my little landlord, these hatreds, after the ancients wake up, they must ask you one by one!"

"Puff puff!"

In the main hall of Leiyuan Mountain, the Thunder God spit out three bloods in a row, and the body shape was as repulsed as a heavy blow, until it hit a wall of the temple and finally stopped.

Dixing River and the other three are stunned and watching the Thunder God.

After a long time, Dixing River began to say: "Where is this playing? Is it so expensive to use the three mirrors to check the origin of the Mengguan?"

"You have sprayed four blood, I advise you not to check again."

"I suspect that when you check out the origins of the Meng Guan, you may have died, why bother!"

Thunder God did not pay attention to the cynicism of the Star River, his face is full of horror!

The other party can only find out where his deity is based on his own knowledge of the gods, and even seriously hurt himself. The strength of this person is so powerful that it is incredible.

"Then, it won't be, Dao, Dao Zun adults?"

When he wants to come, only Dao Zun adults should have such a terrible strength.

But he also knows that it will never be a Tao.

Because if Dao Zun finds his own knowledge, he should at least ask what happened to him.

"What is the origin of this Meng Guan? Why is his close person, one more than a horror!"

"The last time, try again for the last time. If you can't check it out, I will give up!"


At this moment, Jiang Yun, who is within the Baizhang area of ​​the Leihai Center, has no life.

Although the breath that comes out of his body is definitely the most powerful state in his life, his eyes are already deeply closed, and his mind has lost the ability to think, almost like a dead person. !

Seven sacrifices to the heavens exceeded the limits of the vitality that he could sacrifice, and his life was completely extinguished.

At this time, he is actually equivalent to a dead person.

The only reason that supports him is that he has not died. He has not completely fallen down. Naturally, he is the only obsessive person in his mind, and he has closed the road for Lei.

Therefore, his right hand, which has been shattered from the inside out, still maintains the shape of the palm, holding the demon pen.

Although his eyes are no longer visible, his ears are inaudible, and even all his senses have completely disappeared, but his palms are still almost instinctively exhausted of all power, on the demon road, a One stroke is trying to write the word "mother".

Just then, in the depths of his life that had been extinguished, there was a long sigh.

In the sigh, there was a pale palm.

This palm is just like an illusion. It passes directly through the body of Jiang Yun. He reaches out and grasps the power of the dead world that Jiang Yun can't see at the moment.

"Are you coming to me?"



At this time, among the vast sea of ​​thunder, there was a sudden sound of the earth-shattering explosion.

For these voices, other people in Leihai did not want to pay attention to it.

But when the total of ten explosions ended, they suddenly felt that the thunder that was previously absorbed in their body began to flow out of the body uncontrollably.

The speed is even faster than the speed they absorb.

This strange change makes each of them feel puzzled.

Although they all began to do their best to try to retain the thunder in the body, no matter how hard they tried, they still could not stop the loss of the Thunder.

Naturally, some people with a keen mind immediately realized that this change should be related to the sound of the explosion that just sounded.

So simply gave up and continued to absorb the Thunder, but they turned their eyes and knowledge into the direction of the voice.

Wei Heng is one of these people!

The process of madly absorbing the Thunder allowed Wei Heng to open up six fouls in the body, and then no matter how many Thunder he absorbed, he could not break even a blockage.

Especially now the thunder in the body has begun to lose again, he naturally opened his eyes, at a glance, he saw the distance not far from himself, under the protection of Shen Panyu and Lei Dong two people!

At this moment, the thunder is extraordinary, and the body is full of golden light. The body is faintly revealing a transparent state, so that Wei Heng can see it faintly. There are still a lot of thunders pouring into the unspeakable body, but it is not lost like himself. come out.

At the same time, the face of Shen Panyu and Lei Dong also became dignified.

The thunder was even more nervous and asked: "Master, what is going on?"

The light in Shen Panyu’s eyes flashed: “They are ten people, and they are only the last step from the achievement of the innate or the thunder!”

"The thunder of the last step is far more than what they have absorbed before."

"Plus other people have absorbed a lot of Thunder, or so, the rest of the thunder in the Thunder Sea should not be enough for all of them to achieve congenital or thunder."

"Even, I am afraid I can only allow one person to reach."

"So at this point, they have to start robbing all the rest of the Thunder."

"Who can make the first congenital or thunder body first, then the other nine will fail completely!"

Lei said: "Nine people? Is there still a Mengguan?"

"Meng Guan!"

Shen Panyu said with a cold smile: "From the beginning to the present, he has never absorbed even the power of a thunder, so even if he is talented again, even if he immediately begins to absorb the Thunder, he will not be able to grab the ten of them. !"

"Thunder, you are lucky this time, there will be great possibilities, seeing the birth of the congenital body or body!"


At the same time, Jiang Yun, who held the right hand of the refining pen, finally wrote the last stroke of the word "mother" on the demon road.


With a muffled sound, Jiang Yun’s right hand finally released the refining pen, and his right hand was completely blown up and disappeared.

His body is still standing still, the gray face is closed, but the mouth is slowly open, word by word: "Today, the refining sorcerer Jiang Yun, for the Lei mother to seal the road! ”

"Block it as a demon, seal it into a road, seal it, Ray's demon!"

With the last word spit out, Jiang Yun’s face showed a smile of satisfaction, and then the entire body was planted backwards.

Nothing breath!

"Your courage is not small, luck is good, but if you can survive, you still need to look at your own creation."

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At this time, an old voice sounded.

The pale palm that stretched out from the depths of Jiang Yun’s life, the force of the dead that would hold it, suddenly pressed into the fire that Jiang Yun had extinguished!

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