The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1207: Nursing master

In fact, Jiang Yun has long known that the Thunder imprint that Raymy gave to himself can further control the monks themselves by controlling the Thunder Sea Thunder absorbed by others.

This is also the reason why he used to say the Baizhang area and the sentence of swearing.

However, the cost of this manipulation is that all the monks will become slaves of the mother of eternal life forever.

Unlike the wilderness's wild lines, the sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer's seal, etc., Jiang Yun can even erase it in the future.

However, the Thunder imprint left by Lei Meng, once branded on others, Jiang Yun has no way to eliminate it.

Therefore, Jiang Yuncai never used the Thunder imprint to control the monks.

However, Thunder God deliberately let the nine people who have been honored by the Tao to kill Jiang Yun, so that Jiang Yun has no other choice.

Even Jiang Yun guessed it. The reason why Thunder God did not let his disciples and Thunder Sky monks shoot themselves was to avoid being hurt.

Therefore, even if Jiang Yun has the ability to let the nine people who have also become a slave to commit suicide, but deliberately let the monks of Thunder Heaven to kill the nine people, in order to let the Thunder God escape from the relationship. !

The death of nine people, so that all the thunder in their body can not be absorbed by Jiang Yun instantly snatched away.

And the number of these Thunder's dramas, so that Jiang Yun finally succeeded at this moment, broke through the nine of the hundreds of scars that make up the reincarnation seal!

Although the reincarnation seals have not been completely broken, the nine scars are equivalent to the practice of the Ginger Linggong IX, which is the previous nine air masses.

The Ginger Linggong, the master of each world can not say that they can reach the ultimate situation, but the weakest also has the environment of heaven and earth.

Even if the nine worlds of the five heavens and the robbers are repaired, they will burst out in an instant, and the power generated will naturally break the space and make the seals move.

Unfortunately, Jiang Yun discovered that the enormous repairs contained in these nine scars could not be absorbed.

As for the reason, he can also think that it should be because he is not a real Ginger.

After all, the Jiang people are the Yaozu, and they are the Terran!

Moreover, his current cultivation has reached the extreme. If you want to make a breakthrough, you need to enter the heavens, so these cultivations have no effect on him.

Although it can't be absorbed by himself, Jiang Yun can control these cultivations.

In order to avoid the waste of these repairs between the heavens and the earth, he simply led them directly to the nine-nation seal on his back!

The purpose of his coming to Leihai was to hope to break the two seals on his body at the same time.

Now the power of Thunder has allowed him to break through a few reincarnation seals, and the Thunder in the Thunder Sea is already running out. It is simply not enough to continue to break the seal of the Nine Nationalities. Therefore, it is better to rely on the cultivation of Linggong IX. To attack the Jiuzu Road seal, there may be a possibility of breaking open.

As for the powerful vitality of Linggong IX, Jiang Yun is able to absorb it.

Into the body, the fire of Jiang Yun will not only re-emerge, but the area is much bigger than before.

With the recovery of vitality, a vast aura has also become a whirlwind of a group, flocking from all directions to Jiang Yun's body.

Coupled with the ability to manipulate the spirit of the ninth world, it is like the performance of the sacrifice of the heavenly nine, so that Jiang Yun's strength has once again had a crazy surge in a short time!

Looking at the Thunder God who appeared in front of him, Jiang Yun recognized it at a glance. The other party was the thunderstorm that he had encountered in the illusion and had ambushed himself with the other three!

When I saw thunderstorms at the beginning of the year, Jiang Yun felt that the other party’s looks were similar to those of Thunder, but now that I’m goodbye, I can finally make sure that Thunder is a thunderstorm!

He was shouted out of his name by Jiang Yun, and the heart of Thunder’s God was also shocked.

You know, you haven't used your real name for a long time.

Even in this world, there are not many people who know their real names, but this Jiang Yun is able to break the word.

More importantly, not long ago, when I heard the name of Jiang Yun, there would be an inexplicable fear in my heart, and now I have finally seen Jiang Yun himself, and I have even more fear in my heart!

It seems that he once suffered a big loss in the hands of Jiang Yun!

But this is simply impossible!

I have no way to say that the war is invincible, but there are only a handful of people who can really beat themselves and make themselves feel jealous.

Among them, there should be no Jiang Yun!

With these thoughts in the heart, the thunderstorm will be a heart, no longer think about it, anyway, today I must kill Jiang Yun.

"Jiang Yun, you pretend to be my Thunder Heaven monk, mixed in here, intending to touch the right way to Lei Hai, on sin!"

At the same time as the chilly sound of the thunderstorm, his cockroaches surrounded the thunder and condensed into a thunder fist, and directly smashed toward Jiang Yun.

Although today's thunderstorms are hurt, it is still much stronger than Jiang Yun, who has just recovered his vitality and strength.

This is only used to test the punch, it has the power of terror, so that Jiang Yun can not take it.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun can control the ninth world of the Jiang nationality, and he wants to borrow these repairs to counter the thunderstorm.

However, before he even shot, he heard a loud noise suddenly sounded.

And this sound is awesome from the body of thunderstorms!

In the loud noise, the thunderstorm's body can't stop falling back.

After standing up, the mouth opened and it was a **** spurt.

The pale face of the thunderstorm was even more horrifying.

This scene makes Jiang Yun and everyone around him puzzled.

The thunderstorm attacked Jiang Yun, not only did not hit Jiang Yun, but Jiang Yun had not had time to fight back, but the thunderstorm was injured.

It is difficult to see that there is still a strong stealth secret, helping Jiang Yun to take the thunderstorm of this punch?

But the loud noise, but clearly and from the body of thunderstorms!

At this moment, from the body of the thunderstorm, suddenly there was a voice that was very familiar to Jiang Yun.

"I know you have to shoot my disciple, you shoot once, I will hurt you once!"

Hearing this voice, Jiang Yun’s body could not help but tremble slightly, and the heart suddenly had a warm current.

Because this is a master of my own, the old voice!


At this time, Jiang Yunxiao could not understand, it was Master who showed his magical power and helped himself in the dark.

For the thunderstorm that also heard the old voice, it made the horror of his pale face turn into a stunned color, staring at Jiang Yundao: "You are an old disciple!"

When the thunderstorm used the three mirrors to trace the origins of Jiang Yun, he was beaten by a mysterious strong man and vomited three bloods. Now he finally knows that the strong man is really old!

For the ancients, thunderstorms are of course known.

Because there are not many people who are jealous and afraid in his life, but one of them is ancient and not old!

If you know that Jiang Yun is an old disciple, then you will never shoot Jiang Yun.

Because of the ancient guards, everyone who knows him is very clear!

It is precisely because of this that he went to the place where the ancients did not go to explore the past knowledge of Jiang Yun. After being noticed by the ancients, he not only followed the gods, but also injured his own deity, and even in his own body. Left a hidden power.

As long as you dare to shoot on Jiang Yun, then this power will in turn attack yourself!

Although even if I understand this, the thunderstorm is still full of murderousness in the eyes of Jiang Yun.

Because he has reasons to kill Jiang Yun!

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