The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1220: a little hope

Fudi manifestation, and heaven and earth!

Naturally, this vortex that appears above the blessed land is the day when the monk wants to be blessed by the world.

The larger the area of ​​the vortex, the larger the area of ​​the sky, and the stronger the protection of the monk.

The nine different blessings that Jiang Yun showed before, really brought shock to everyone. Naturally, this made them think that the area of ​​the vortex that Jiang Yun can summon must be extremely large.

Far away, it is only in the Thunder days, but those who are above the heavens and the monks, when they break through to the heavens, the whirlpools summoned, the smallest is about a thousand.

Some of them are able to reach an area of ​​100,000 feet or even a million feet.

Therefore, I saw that the vortex that Jiang Yun summoned was only a hundred feet in size, which really made them disappointed!

However, they did not know that with the appearance of this inconspicuous vortex, in the thousands of worlds, in this world created by the dead nine people, it is a real change!


At this moment, when the Thunder whirlpool appeared in the Thunder, the same size vortex appeared on the sky above the nine places.

Both the wild map and Lu Lun looked up and looked at the whirlpool.

Although neither of them spoke, the expressions on both faces were extremely dignified and tense.

Especially the wild map, it is unconscious to shake hands.

Because he remembered his father’s words that he had told himself -----

If one day, the owner of the nine places has a master, then this person is not only the owner of the nine places, but also the nine people, but it will make the nine people re-emerge in the sinking!


In the land of the world, this piece is called the world's fallen place. It is a space that is self-contained, and it also contains countless incomplete worlds.

Among them, the sky-falling mountains that stand in the center of the world suddenly tremble slightly!

Among the mountains, Jiang Yun’s body was sitting cross-legged, glaring at his eyes, and calmly glanced at the old man who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Naturally, this old man is the sky, which is the deity of this sky.

The sky fell directly in front of Jiang Yun’s body. The old face showed a hint of excitement: “I feel that your deity is trying to break through the heavens. You said, can he succeed?”

The body of the body nodded and said: "Can!"

Tianlu also nodded: "I hope he can, then, I can go home!"

After saying this sentence, the sky is no longer open, closed his eyes, but in his mind, it is also a whirlpool of the size of a hundred feet.


Among the hidden manors in the ancient times, there is a chessboard in front of Dongbo and Xiao Letian.

Dongfang Bo is holding a chess piece in his hand and wondering where to place the piece.

But at this moment, his body suddenly trembled and suddenly looked up.

The huge shock made him not aware that his fingers had been released, and the pieces fell lightly on the board.

On the opposite side of him, Xiao Letian and his face are exactly the same expression, the same reaction, also looked up and looked at the top of his head.

In the eyes of both of them, there is a whirlpool of a hundred feet in size.


"Can he succeed?"

"If you can, that may be the day when my nine people return to freedom!"


There is no heaven, no land, only the endless nothingness, nearly a hundred shadowless figures, and suddenly the body trembles.

Then everyone raised all the stiff heads and looked at the sky, looking at a whirlpool of the size that appeared there.

A big man trembled and said: "Jiang Shu, is it a cloud baby?"



In the same emptiness, a veteran old man looks at the emptiness of the palm of his hand.

Under his gaze, this emptiness is slowly becoming solid, and slowly a touch of green, turned into a half green plant.

However, at this moment, the palm of the old man suddenly moved slightly, and the half of the green plant trembled with it, and it was restored to nothingness.

The old man did not care at all, but suddenly reached out and grasped his hand. When he opened his palm again, this vain utterness had already turned into a whirlpool.

"The nine nationalities will be born, will they be born?"


Magic Road, like Thunder Sky, is a vast world with countless worlds, and in the center of Magic Road is a world named Magic Road.

In this world, all the people living in the dead are the tribes of the Mozu.

In order to allow the blood of the ethnic group to continue, they had to choose to return to the Taoist temple and surrender to the temple.

At this moment, all the Mozu people, no matter what they are doing, all trembled, and they put everything in their hands, and there was a whirlpool in their eyes.

A middle-aged man stumbled into the residence of the Mozu patriarch and shouted: "The patriarch, the patriarch..."

Waiting for the man to finish the conversation, a man with a gray hair and a tall figure has already interrupted: "No need to say, I already know!"

The middle-aged man swallowed hard and said: "The patriarch, then, do you want to report to the Taoist?"

"No need to!"

In the eyes of the old man, there was a cold road: "While we had to choose to return to the country, we never gave up hope in our hearts. Now, hope that it is coming, you can let Dao Zun destroy this hope again."

"Notify all the tribes, no matter who asks, about the induction, a word is not allowed to say!"


The old man went on to say: "Now, let us take a look at this guy who doesn't know who it is, can you let us the nine people, really have a little hope."


Jiang Yaotian, this is the Taotian Tao, and at this moment, all the Jiang people, like the Mozu, all saw a whirlpool of 100 feet in their own eyes.

In the depths of the Jiang nationality, a middle-aged man with eight marks in his eyebrows, his brows wrinkled, and said to an old man next to him: "Is there still no news of Jiang Shu?"

If Jiang Yun can see the old man, then he will be able to recognize that the old man has gone to the mountains and seas to find the **** battle of Grandpa Jiang Wanli!

Jiang Zhan shook his head and said: "No, but perhaps the appearance of this vortex is a signal. Someone can lead to the demise of nine places, then he may also find Jiang Shu and find all the people of the Nine!"

"Hope!" The middle-aged man nodded. "Just don't know who this person is, which one of the nine ethnic groups!"

Jiang Zhan did not speak, but somehow, in his mind, there was a child who had seen it in the mountains and seas, the child named Jiang Yun!


In a place that most people don't know, there is a loud cry like a baby crying.

In the voice, full of excitement and anticipation!


The same situation has emerged throughout this almost endless world of heaven and earth.

But all creatures who can detect the huge vortex in the Thunder Day have a common name-----------------------------

Although they are far away from the Thunder, but the blood of the nine people, they are able to have a connection with their ancestral land.

Although most of them do not know, this motivates those who have died in the nine places, who is it, and what is doing.

But they are all waiting, waiting for this ancient and the present, the first person who can lead to the emergence of the nine places, can bring the hope of the resurrection of the nine people who have been indulged for too long.

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