The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1230: Two messages

In the words of the spirit of the earth, the land star river and the old man suddenly looked at him, and the old man asked directly: "What do you say?"

Among the gnomes, although the identity of the spirit is special, and it is quite a relationship with the Earth River, it has an instinctive fear for the Taishang.

Not only him, the entire Terran has the same fear for the Taishang.

In addition to the strong strength of the Taishang nationality, it is more important that the blood of the Taishang nationality is also the most intense among its own family.

Therefore, at this moment, in response to the initiative of the Taishangzu, the spirit of the spirit suddenly scared to speak.

Fortunately, the Star River gave him a slap in the face: "Big Brother asked you, you said Jiang Yun, he is still a refining pharmacist? How is his rumor in the pharmacy?"

"Jing Daren is a refining pharmacist!" The spirited man nodded quickly and said: "I don't know how to make medicine, but I heard that Jiang Daren seems to have even obtained the complete inheritance of Yao Shen."

"Pharmaceutical God is a drug **** in our mountains and seas..."

In the Linglingzi, they will definitely not know about the drug gods, so they explain it. However, before he finishes talking, the Taishanggong has already interrupted: "I know that the drug **** you are talking about is Who."

The words of the old man made the spirit of the land quite unexpected, and the earth star river once again widened his eyes and looked at his big brother. The gaze was like watching a stranger.

"Big Brother, what do you know about a drug **** in the mountains and seas?"

In the eyes of the old man, there is a light radiance: "He is not an ordinary medicine god, but a real medicine god!"

"Even the name of his drug **** is still circulated from our ancient demon!"

"What!" Dixinghe only felt that his head was going to be blown up: "Is there a relationship between the drug **** and our Taikoo Yaozu? Big Brother, how many things are I don't know?"

"If you cultivate with your heart, like me, become a Taishang nationality, you naturally know everything!"

After the old man swept a glance at the Star River, he looked back at the Lingzizi Road: "That Jiang Yun, you are sure, he really got the inheritance of the drug god?"

The spirit of the earth whispered: "I just heard about it. Is it true or not?"

"However, when we asked Dao Zong to leave, all the medicines needed by all the people on the way were all provided by Jiang Daren, and he atomized the medicinal herbs and let us absorb them. It is very magical."

After listening to the spirit of the earth, the old man was silent for a moment: "If this is the case, then we are likely to stand on his side."

"Okay, no matter what, this matter must be kept secret, kill these people, let's go back and say!"

The Earth Star River raised its hand, and the hundreds of demons behind him suddenly swarmed up and rushed to the disciples of the Taoist Temple.

"We are the temple of the road..."

A monk quickly opened his mouth to show his identity. He hoped that Xinghe and others could let himself go. However, his words had just been exported, but he was the first to be killed.

The Earth Star River licked its own ear and said: "I am older, my ears are not used, and I can’t hear anything!"


Qitiandaojie, a world more than tens of millions of miles away from Thunder.

Although the name of the Taoist Teresa sounds extremely overbearing, it is actually just a lower-level road. The comprehensive strength among the thousands of roads is basically the bottom.

In the southwestern part of Qitiandao, it is a vast desert. Because of the high temperature all the year round, there is almost no living being.

Jiang Yun, now hiding in this desert.

At this point, it has been seven days since he left Thunder.

During these seven days, Jiang Yun sent people to kill himself in order to prevent the Tao from being in the second place. It was also prepared to prevent the Taoist from appearing, so he kept running in the seams until he entered it three days ago. this world.

When he first came here, he deliberately changed his appearance and inquired about the news in the largest Qitian City in Qitiandao.

He wants to see how he reacts to what he is doing in Thunder Day, the way to escape, and the entire temple.

However, what surprised him was that there was no news about the Thunder Heaven and the Temple of the Tao in the Qitian City where the people came and went.

At first he thought that because the distance between the two roads was too far away, the news had not been transmitted so quickly, so he deliberately wandered around the city for three days. I didn’t expect it to be harvested.

This made him realize that there is a great possibility that Dao Er or Dao Shen Temple completely blocked the news of Thunder Day.

Although he does not know why the temple is doing this, it may be good news for himself.

Because since the news has been blocked, then even if the temple is to deal with itself, at least it will not be a big fan. At most, it is to send people to secretly pursue their whereabouts.

...%A first l` hair\\

In this case, as long as you are careful, you don't have to worry about being caught by the people in the temple.

Although I did not hear about the Thunder Day, in this Qitian City, Jiang Yun unexpectedly heard the other two news that had a certain relationship with himself.

The first news was that the Tang Pharmacy Road was actually recruiting a refining pharmacist.

Logically speaking, this is extremely unlikely.

The medicinal tract is not the drug **** of the mountains and seas in the past, but one of the nine avenues among the thousands of roads. There is nothing else under the door. The number of refining pharmacists is tens of thousands!

In particular, its lord, that is, the person who issued the solicitation, Dan Daozi, is the top nine refining pharmacist.

Therefore, when I first heard the news, everyone thought it was a fake, but it was a rumor from some people.

However, in the end, Dan Daozi personally showed that this incident is indeed true!

However, it is not the ordinary refining pharmacist that Dan Daozi recruits, but the medicinal tract is both high and proficient, and more importantly, the soul is strong.

Moreover, even if these three conditions are met, it is up to him to personally test and obtain his own recognition, which is considered qualified.

Anyway, the refining pharmacists who can meet the requirements of Dan Daozi have almost no medicines in the medicinal tract. Therefore, Dan Daozi issued a solicitation, and invited the refining pharmacists within the thousand-dollar world, and made great benefits.

Naturally, this incident has become a sensational news in the recent thousands of circles.

It is said that there are already a large number of refining pharmacists who go to the medicinal tract and want to try their luck.

Can be selected by Dan Daozi, the benefits do not have to say, even if not selected, can go to the Pharmacy, for all the pharmacists, it is also a blessing.

After all, for the refining pharmacists, the medicinal sects are the supreme holy places in their hearts. It is also worthwhile to live to see the medicinal tracts in their lifetime.

For this news, Jiang Yun naturally put it in his heart, because his original plan was to go to the medicinal tract after leaving the Thunder Day.

One is to ruin the damaged Dantian; the second is to take the key to the world; the third is to see if there is any medicine in the medicinal tract that can cure Xueqing.

Although Jiang Yun must go to find the drug god, if he can wake up the snow a day earlier, then naturally it will be early but a concern.

In addition to this news, Jiang Yun is more concerned about another news.

That is his sect, ask the main sect, the upcoming Zong Naibi!

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