The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1242: Incompatible

"Right, what is the name of your big brother in the Confucian family?"

As his voice rang, Jiang Yun’s mind slowly emerged as a figure!

A figure is always tall and straight, like a black man in the pine!

Although the time has passed for more than 40 years, Jiang Yun still clearly remembers that when he first asked Zongshanmen, he saw the first man who brought him a dangerous feeling!

The man, like himself, wants to go to the new person who asks the Tao.

Not only is it among the best in all the tests that the Taoist arrangement has, but it also hides its true cultivation from beginning to end.

Even, even when Jiang Yun and his last meeting, he did not know how strong his strength was.

This man is the same door of Jiang Yun, he is called...

At this time, Kong Meng had already said: "My older brother, he called, the hole is not hurt!"

No injury, no damage to the hole!

When Jiang Yunchu saw Kong Meng, the reason why she felt that she had a familiar feeling was that there was a similarity between Kong Meng’s appearance and no injury.

However, Jiang Yun would not have thought that the same door in the mountains and seas would not hurt, and would be similar to the unintentional encounter with the Miss Kong, so I couldn’t think of it for a while.

For the no-injury, Jiang Yun was extremely impressed, except that the strength of the innocence was absolutely strongest among all the disciples who had asked to ask the Tao in the same year, and it was because of the flawless mastery of the five elements!

Between the early reincarnation and the Taoist sect, there was once a test that was not known to the disciple. Jiang Yun was not qualified to participate, but he was fortunate enough to see the whole process of the test.

In that comparison, the unscathed opponent is the wind!

Although there was no injury in the end, his accomplishments in the five elements of the law were shocking everyone.

In particular, the "five elements of the road" is even more so that Dongfang Bo is full of praise.

Because that means that no harm has found his own way.

At that time, Jiang Yun, but just set foot on the road of practice...

However, it is precisely because of the fresh memory of the five elements of the road that Jiang Yun was able to see the name of the non-injury when he saw Kong Benchu's display of the cremation.

The Five Elements of the Road is to condense the five elements into a single wheel;

The smoldering road is to condense the flame into a roulette.

These two methods are extremely similar.

With the strength and eyesight of Jiang Yun today, nature can be seen. These two methods are actually derived from one family.

Or, it is all from the Five Elements!

Therefore, this allows Jiang Yun to finally be sure that there is no relationship between the non-injury and the Confucius!

In the mountains and seas, Jiang Yun did not inquire or curious about the origin of no injury, but also know that no injury is always isolated, and everyone is out of place, extremely unsociable, no personality, no Any one friend.

Now, Jiang Yun finally understands the reason, because no injury is not a person in the mountains and seas.

He should have left the mountain and sea circles after leaving the Five Elements, and he went to ask the Tao.


Knowing the relationship between the non-injury and the Confucius, this makes Jiang Yun a little unbelievable. He will be here, not only knowing the true origin of the injury, but also encountering the unharmed relatives.

Naturally, for Confucius, he will certainly help.

Because Jiang Yun is very concerned about the word "same door."

What's more, he also knows from the ghosts that in the world of the spirits, no harm will actually avenge himself, and he will not hesitate to deal with Ghost and Fang Yuxuan alone.

For these two reasons, Jiang Yun will not stand by for the Confucian family.

Unfortunately, since the world of the spirits, Jiang Yun has never seen no harm.

I don't know if he is in the same way as himself, and he does not know if he is still alive.

However, Jiang Yun would like to believe that no matter whether it is harmless, or Tang Yi and Lu Yourong, they are still alive!

After listening to Jiang Yun’s remarks, Kong Benchu ​​and all the Confucius families were shocked by the face.

Although they did not know where to go without injury, they never thought that they would go to another world without injury, and they also entered another branch of the nine avenues.

If it is not certain that the time to ask for the sect is no different from the time he left the five-way priest, then they will not believe that Jiang Yun is true.

After a long time, Kong Benchu ​​just woke up like a dream: "But, but there was no injury at that time. It was not a long time to go to the Five Elements. Even if the talent is outstanding, it is absolutely impossible to cultivate into the heavenly environment and be able to stay in it. In the seams!"

Jiang Yun slightly raised his eyes and said: "Without injury, although it hides strength, it is impossible to go to the heavens, so he entered the mountains and seas, or it was an accident..."

"Either, there must be hidden secrets."

Having said that, Jiang Yun looked at the eye of the eye and said: "However, if you are a Confucius, do you really think that there is no harm at all? Why don't you leave without saying goodbye?"

Hearing the question of Jiang Yun, Kong Benchu ​​did not answer immediately. After a moment of silence, he said in a voice: "Since Jiang Daoyou and the non-injury are the same door, then my family is really not an outsider, so I tell you the truth. We certainly thought about it, and we even suspected that the injury was caused by his master in the Five Elements!"

Jiang Yun suddenly flashed a cold road in his eyes: "Why do you have such doubts?"

"Because several of his disciples that his master had received before were inexplicably killed, he was given the income when he was indifferent to the Five Elements."

Jiang Yun shook his head. Although this is indeed possible, it may just be a coincidence. After all, as a monk, life is at any risk.

"If there is doubt, you have not found a way to find out the truth?"

"It is impossible to find the truth!"

At the beginning of the year, Kong Ben smiled and shook his head. "The unharmed Master is in a lofty position within the Five Elements, and it is the strongest of the five people."

"Even if he personally admits that he is killed and harmless, we are not courageous to find him to avenge."

Jiang Yun understood and nodded: "Perhaps, until one day, no harm will appear in front of us again. By that time, everything will be true!"


In the real world, a world that is also on the way to the medicinal tract, Jiang Yun and Kong Benchu ​​are now in this world.

Kong Mengshen pointed a city that was clearly visible in front of him and smiled and said: "Ginger brother, the front is the real yuan city, my Kongjia shop is opened in the city, after entering the city, we can directly pass the transmission back. Go to the Confucius home."

Since I knew the relationship between Jiang Yun and my eldest brother, Kong Meng changed his name in a logical way, and when something is fine, he likes to ask Jiang Yun to ask about the big brother.

Jiang Yun can see it. Her feelings with no injury are actually very good, so there is also a question and answer. One to two, now Jiang Yun simply treats Kong Meng as a sister.

After more than half a month's rush, their pedestrians finally came to this real yuan, and everyone was given a sigh of relief, and finally it was safe.

However, just when everyone had already seen the gates of the real yuan city, Kong Benchu’s face was suddenly sinking, and a flame suddenly rose up from the body, interweaving into a huge fire net, and everyone They are all shrouded.

Then, after hearing the "bang" two loud noises, two huge falling rocks slammed on the fire net!

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