The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1248: Not an outsider

The appearance of the light, so that Kong Benchu ​​and Kong Xuehai's face can not help but change at the same time.

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They naturally know what this light means, but they didn't expect that the light would light up at this time.

Guanjia and his son also looked at the figure that appeared in the light. Only Zongbai was still closed and unmoved.

Guan Peng smiled coldly and said: "Your Confucian family is really a good means. I didn't expect to hide the transmission array in this hall. Could it be that we didn't pay attention to us, and we couldn't kill us?"

Kong Xuehai’s face was blue, and he did not respond to Guan Peng’s words. Instead, he looked at the figure that rushed out of the light and shouted loudly: “What are you doing, it’s really noisy, hurry to give me out!”

At the beginning of the hole, Kong Ben was frowning, and glanced at the wall inside the hall.

Come out, naturally it is a hole dream!

At the moment, Kong Meng’s face was red, his body shivered slightly, and he did not go to see his father and ancestors. He just stared at Guan Peng’s father and son.

In the dark, Kong Meng heard all the dialogue clearly, and the shamelessness of Guan Jia and Zong Bai has already been extremely angry.

Especially when I saw that my father and my ancestors were in a dilemma, it made her really unbearable, and this was washed out regardless of her carelessness.

"It turned out to be a dream girl!" Guan Peng’s sneer was made and said: "I thought your father was going to send someone to secretly assassinate us!"

"But the dream girl has appeared, so I must have heard our conversation. You are the only woman in the Confucian family and can represent the Confucius. It is better to talk about it. Which road are you going to choose?"

Kong Meng hesitated for a moment, suddenly loudly said: "We choose the first road!"

When you listen to Confucius, everyone can't help but glimpse.

Only when Kong was at the beginning of his life, he once again glanced at the wall of the hall, and his eyes flashed a faint color.

"Ha ha!" Guan Zhifei suddenly burst into a loud laugh: "Dream girl, do you choose the first road? It won't, do you want to do it with me?"

Kong Meng is nothing but the cultivation of the environment. It is impossible to be the opponent of Guan Zhifei.

Kong Xuehai hurriedly said again: "Dream, what are you talking about! Family things, where can you turn your way!"

"Confucius said this!"

Guan Peng smiled and took the words: "The tiger father has no dog girl. Since the dream girl dared to choose the first road, then she must have confidence in her own strength. How can you not even believe in your own daughter as a father? It!"

Then, Guan Peng’s words suddenly turned: “That’s it, time, we will, after three days, let Menger and Zhifei play one game.”

"As for the location, let the Confucius set it, so as not to be told by outsiders that we are deceiving the family!"

After that, Guan Peng had already stood up, apparently ready to leave, and Kong Meng suddenly said again: "Wait, I didn't say that I want to work with Guan Zhifei!"

“Oh?” Guan Peng stopped, and turned his head to look at Kong Mengdao: “Did you have a master in the younger generation of Kong’s family?”

However, before the opening of the dream, Zong Bai suddenly stood up and said coldly. "It was so fixed. The Confucius decided to send a notice to the family after the test."

"But the old man is ugly and said that in front of you, no matter who you send to Confucius and Zhifei, you must be the person of your Confucius!"

"If you dare to ask outsiders to help, don't blame the old man for being polite!"

After leaving this sentence, Zong Bai no longer talked, turned and strode out, and Guan Peng face stunned, Yin Yin smiled, holding a boxing fist against Kong Xuehai and Kong Benchu: "Two, leave!"

Guan Zhifei is staring at Kong Mengdao: "Dream, after three days, we will see you again!"

In this way, Zongbai three people swayed away from the Confucius, leaving the hole dreams in the hall, and the helpless Kong Benchu ​​and Kong Xuehai!

Kong Xuehai hated a slap in the face and pointed his finger at Kong Mengdao: "Dream, you, let me say what you are good for the father, this big event, what kind of excitement do you come out with, do you still think that our Confucius is not chaotic now?"

Kong Meng’s face was full of tears, standing there with his head low and his mouth open, but he couldn’t say a word.

Or Kong Ben first sighed: "In fact, the dream was originally kind, and she chose the first road, and it really has a chance of winning."

"But I didn't expect that the white was too powerful. It should have discovered the existence of Jiang Daoyou, so I would deliberately leave that sentence before leaving."

"Jiang Daoyou, don't hide it, come out!"

The words of Kong Benchu ​​made Kong Xuehai a fog, and did not understand what his ancestors were saying.

At this moment, there was another light in the hall, and in the light, a strange young man he had never seen before.

Naturally, it is Jiang Yun!

At the moment, Jiang Yun has no usual calm on his face, but with a hint of sly color, he is holding a fist in front of Kong Benchu ​​and Kong Xuehai: "Sorry!"

Kong Ben smiled and shook his head and said: "This is not a matter of Jiang Daoyou."

Speaking of this, Kong Benchu ​​turned to Confucius and Haidao: "Because we are in a hurry, we have not had time to tell you about our experience. This is Jiang Yun Jiang Daoyou."

"Thanks to Jiang Daoyou's help, otherwise, we are afraid we will not come back!"

Although Kong Xuehai has doubts in his heart, because Jiang Yun seems to be too young, but since Kong said at the beginning, he naturally dare not have any doubts. He hurriedly greeted Jiang Yun with a fist: "In the lower hole, the sea is a hole." Thank you, Jiang Daoyou for helping me."

Jiang Yun also said a courtesy: "The Confucian family is not polite. I have some connections with the Confucius family. I have to help each other and take care of it."

"Source?" Kong Xuehai can not help but be a glimpse.

Kong started at the beginning: "Jiang Daoyou, he and no injury, is the same door!"


At the beginning of the hole, Kong’s face suddenly changed. The whole person was like a lightning strike. He squatted back and stared at Jiang Yun.

After a long time, he only came back, and his voice trembled and asked: "No injury, no injury, he is still alive?"

Kong Benchu ​​said: "No injury is still alive, you should not be excited, this is not a place to chat, we change places, then I will tell you everything."


After listening to Kong Benchu’s remarks, Kong Xuehai’s face was really tearful. Although he had always believed that his son was still alive, it was only his hope.

Now from the mouth of Jiang Yun, his hope has finally become more real.

In particular, Jiang Yun is also convinced that he is alive and sure, and naturally makes him more happy.

However, after you are happy, you still have to return to reality.

Kong Benchu ​​told Jiang Yundao: "Jiang Daoyou, your kindness, we have received the Confucius, but this time, you must not be able to help us, and in order to avoid even friends, you should not show up anyway."

At the beginning of Kong, I wanted to come. The reason why Kong Meng chose the first road to challenge Guan Zhifei was inevitably from Jiang Yun’s idea. In fact, this is simply the idea of ​​Kong Meng’s own.

Although Jiang Yun promised to help Confucius, but such a major decision, as an outsider, of course, it is impossible to make a choice for Confucius.

However, Jiang Yun will not tell the truth, but smiled slightly: "Although I am not strong, but I want to win the Guan Zhifei, the problem is really not big."

Kong Benchu ​​shook his head and said: "It is not the meaning. Just now the Taoist friend also heard it. The white request was not allowed to help outsiders."


Jiang Yun smiled slightly, and suddenly there was a mist on the body, and when the fog spread out, he looked at the three people in front of him: "This is not an outsider!"

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