The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1262: Voice of the soul

Looking at the refining demon pen that has been restored to calm, Jiang Yun can not help but frown, and the gods explored it and found that the firebird is still in a state of sleep.

"Strange, it can't be my illusion. Just the Firebird really moved, how can it not move now!"

Since the **** eastward encounter in the **** world, the firebird was thrown into the refining pen by the bloodstream, and was always in a coma, without signs of waking up.

According to the requirements of the blood flow, it was originally for Jiang Yun to bring the firebird to his big brother.

In Jiang Yun’s thought, this person should be the first refining sorcerer born in this world.

However, I did not expect that in the ancient times of the Tao, the big brother of blood flow turned into a wilderness, or Xiao Letian.

Coupled with a series of accidents that occurred later, Jiang Yun eventually did not hand over the firebird to Xiao Letian.

Jiang Yun also tried to wake up the firebird, but there is no effect at all, so he can only let the firebird stay asleep in the refining pen, at least its life is worry-free.

However, just a moment ago, the Firebird would move inexplicably!

"There is nothing wrong with this flamingo, it is the mouth, it will not be dreaming of something delicious in the sleep!"

Shaking his head, Jiang Yun can't take care of what the firebird is doing. After all, there are more important things waiting for myself.

In the darkness that is about a few hundred thousand feet away from Jiang Yun, there is a shadow moving slowly.

It is Zongbai!

Although Zong Bai is the strong man of the five heavens, he did not master the rules of space, nor did he apply the technique of shrinking the ground. Therefore, it was easily caught up by Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun did not worry immediately, but with the power of the looting, he followed him far behind.

Because Jiang Yun needs to find a suitable place!

After leaving the Confucius family, Zong Bai’s face was always gloomy, so that when he passed through an unknown world, he did not care about the slap in the face of the world. It was obviously in his heart that he was still angry.

In his capacity, he has been humiliated by this, and he is still humiliated by his former disciples. The more he thinks, the more he is wronged.

But when I think of the strong person in Jiang Yun, he can only press this grievance deeply in the bottom of my heart!

In this way, when Zong Bai went out for tens of thousands of miles, and there was no world or creature around, Jiang Yun’s figure finally appeared behind him.

"Who!" Zong Bai turned and looked at Jiang Yun.

At this moment, Jiang Yun has turned into a Meng Guan.

Although he is not afraid of being chased by the five-way priests, but one thing is not as good as one thing. If it can be avoided, it is naturally avoided as much as possible.

In the face of Zong Bai's inquiry, Jiang Yun raised his sleeves with no expression, and with a wave of force, he saw a bright spot in the boundary between Zong Bai and his body.

These spots appear very fast, and are connected to each other, drawing a line of light that has been repeated one after another until it is a tripod with a radius of a hundred feet!

Zong Bai, I am in Dingzhong!

Looking at the moment that the ray of the net that I lived in is fascinating, Zong Bai’s face can’t help but change: “The power of space, who are you?”

Although he has not mastered the law of space, at least he can tell that this dignity is completely condensed by the power of the law.

Naturally, this is the means of looting!

Although Jiang Yun is not the master of the looting, he can't really control the squad, but it is okay to simply borrow some of its power.

Now with the advent of this light, Zong Bai and Jiang Yun are already in another space. Even if someone passes by them, if they are weaker, they will not be aware of their existence. .

Jiang Yun finally faintly said: "The person who killed you!"

"Want to kill me?"

Zong Bai was a glimpse, but then he sneered: "There are more people who want to kill me, but those people have become ghosts."

"I don't bother to know who you are. I have no place to smack the gas, you appear exactly!"

When the voice fell, Zong Bai suddenly raised his hand, and a vast aura emerged from his hand. In the air, he made a huge palm and shot it to Jiang Yun.

The five fingers of this palm are five different colors, which naturally makes it easy for Jiang Yun to distinguish. This white show is also the power of the Five Elements.

However, what makes Jiang Yun a bit strange is the power of the five elements. The feeling for himself is not pure, but extremely confusing, just like the water mixed with sand.

Especially the power of the fire that makes up the thumb, even the color is not bright enough, it looks dull.

This has led to the fact that although the power contained in this palm is indeed extremely large, this hugeness is completely accumulated by the aura, and it does not exert much of the power of the five elements.

You must know that the Five Elements can, on a certain level, be equivalent to the source of various avenues in the world. After all, the Five Elements are almost omnipresent.


Therefore, let alone know the Five Elements at the same time, as long as you can realize one of them and bring the power of this line to the fullest, it is absolutely powerful.

However, since this white is the same as the hole, it can simultaneously repair the power of the five elements, and it has been cultivated to the five worlds of heaven and earth. It is reasonable to say that the power of the five elements that he displayed should not be like this. .

Although it is strange, Jiang Yun naturally will not pursue these problems. In the face of the falling palm of the five elements, his body also stretched out a golden slender palm.


When the two palms collided, Zong Bai’s palm of the five elements collapsed with almost no resistance.

However, the golden palm was only slightly trembled, and the momentum went on, and continued to rush toward Zong Bai until it fell heavily on Zong Bai.


Zong Bai’s mouth suddenly made a scream, the blood in his mouth was mad, his body shape was receding, and after he finally stood firm, his face showed a faint color, and he pointed his finger at Jiang Yundao: "You are a hole!"

"No!" Zong Bai shook his head again and again: "You are not a hole, no harm, who are you!"

Although Jiang Yun has changed his face, this golden palm is derived from Lei, and the previous Zongbai has been injured by Lei, so it is easy to understand now.

The person standing in front of him is just the hole.

However, it is obvious that the hole is not the true identity of the other party.

Of course, Jiang Yun will not let Zong Bai know who he is. While he raises his foot and walks toward Zong Bai, he slowly said: "I still have two questions to ask you!"

"If your answer makes me happy, then I will make you a ghost opportunity!"

"But if you dare to perfuse me as before, then I promise you will make you fly away!"

Looking at Jiang Yun, who is getting closer and closer to himself, Zong Bai already knows that the other party will not let himself go anyway today, and he is not the opponent of the strong.

It’s just that I’m so reluctant to die like this. In my mind, the mind is flying, Zong Bai’s teeth are biting, and the palm is holding the force: “You must tell me who you are!”

At the same time as Zong Baishou grasped it, Jiang Yun did not know that within the far-reaching Five Elements Road, in the cave house belonging to Zongbai, there were more than a hundred disciples in shape.

Then, they suddenly grabbed their heads and opened their mouths, clearly showing the sound of screams.

Surprisingly, there is no sound in their mouths, but somewhere within the Five Elements, there is an old man who suddenly opened his eyes and said to himself: "This is the soul." The voice, Zong Bai was so willing to give up these souls, must be in danger!"

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