The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1264: Rayon Road

The words of Leimu let Jiang Yun can not help but eat again and again: "Thunder mother, you know?"

Jiang Yun once saw the experience of the mother of Lei, knowing that the mother was always a person at the beginning, swimming in the seam.

Moreover, she will only observe things as a bystander and never actively intervene in anything.

It was not until the appearance of Dao Zun that she was accompanied by someone, but in the end she was also enshrined in Leiyuan Mountain by Tao Zun and completely lost her freedom.

Therefore, when Jiang Yun wants to come, the Thunder mother should not know about this kind of thing and the fruit.

However, Jiang Yun’s heart is suddenly moving, revealing the faint color, blurting out and debut: “Dao Zun!”

The only way for Ray's mother to know this kind of thing is through the Taoist!

Sure enough, Lei mother sighed: "Yes, not only that, but there is also a fruit in my soul, but it has been taken away by him!"

Hearing here, Jiang Yun’s body suddenly trembled!

Because of this sentence of the mother, I finally verified my original guess about the relationship between the mother and the Tao.

If the situation is not bad, then the Taoist deliberately approached the mother of the same year, and accompanied her around the world, the fundamental purpose is to seek the way of mine.

And the way he seeks, naturally, is to plant the next kind in the soul of the mother!

Leimu is not a monk, but the first thunder born between heaven and earth. Therefore, the time and process she needs from being planted to forming a fruit will certainly not be the same as other monks.

In short, after the mature of the mother of the mother, Dao Zun not only took away her fruit, but also finally tore off the hypocrisy, and sealed the mine into the Leiyuan Mountain!

After trying to understand this, Jiang Yun’s mind suddenly came up with a thought that made him feel even more incredible and even feel trembled.

"The reason why Dao Zun will become a Taoist and control the way, is it his way, which is obtained by planting seeds for others and then taking the fruits of others?"

"If this is the case, then what the lord's actions are, it is simply unreasonable, and people are angry!"

At this time, Lei also said again: "I know what you are thinking, I don't know anyone else, but I volunteered to plant it!"

For this sentence, Jiang Yun was not surprised. After a moment of silence, he continued: "Don't you know the consequences of being planted?"

Lei Madao: "In fact, this person is cheating on you, or he does not know the true usage of the species."

"The result of the formation, whether it is taken out or not taken out, can not cause any harm to those who have been planted."

"This is why I agreed in the past."

"Not to mention, I really want to give him my feelings about Lei Zhi."


Jiang Yun did not know what to say. In fact, he could have seen it for a long time. Lei has a special feeling for Tao Zun. Even now, this kind of sentiment still exists!

After all, when Raymy was the most lonely, she suddenly met someone who could see her and be able to accompany her. Naturally, she would be very happy, and under this joy, naturally there would be a feeling.

In addition, the Lei mother does not look at the age of unimaginable, but it is precisely because she has no contact with other creatures besides the Tao, so her character is also very simple.

Therefore, for Dao Zun, she doesn't even have any strong hate, let alone just give her own way to the Tao.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yun then asked: "Predecessors, then if I kill this person now, is there no impact on my friend?"


"I know! Seniors, let's rest, the rest of the things I can do myself!"

Jiang Yun did not go to the mother to ask how to take it out.

Because he felt that the mother had just suffered a serious injury to the white, the breath has become a lot weaker, obviously can no longer be shot, and now need rest.

Anyway, as long as the mother is at her side, she can know at any time.

Lei mother sighed again: "I will give you a Thunder again, otherwise you can't kill him!"

Zong Bai can also guess that Jiang Yun is talking to Lei, but he does not know that the content of the two talks is about the species and the fruit.

However, this is what he is willing to see, because he is now just spending time with Jiang Yun.

I have just destroyed all the species planted in my own house, and the seeds are destroyed. The souls of those who have been planted will make a sound of screaming, and the sovereign will inevitably be able to sense it. People come to find themselves.

Even he can guess that the lord sent to find himself must be one of the five elders of the sect.

The five elements of the Taoist sect, although there are many elders, but the most powerful elders, but only five people, by the outsiders become the five elements of the elders, that is, the five people who have mastered the five elements!

These five people, each person's strength has reached the peak of the five people's robbery, everyone is only one step to enter the humane isomorphism.

As long as they insist that they find themselves, then their lives will be saved.

When he wants to come, the soul of the strong man in Jiang Yun is even stronger, even if the five elements of the elders are not his opponents, but as long as someone knows the things here, then the entire five elements will be dispatched.

At that time, don't say that there is a strong person in Jiang Yun, even if there are two, there are five, it is impossible to escape.

Jiang Yun revisited Zong Baidao: "I will ask you the last question!"

Zong Bai deliberately pretended to be afraid: "What problem do you have?"

"Who is this kind of technique, who taught you?"

Zong Baiyi said: "Why, do you want to learn? If you want to learn, I can teach you, but the premise is that you must let me go!"

Jiang Yun looked at him coldly: "Who taught you the Tao of the Tao? Is it Taoism?"

"Of course it is not a Taoist!" Zong Bai shook his head and said: "It was given to me by the Patriarch!"

"The lord of the Five Elements of the Taoist dynasty?" Jiang Yun's brow wrinkled: "That is, your lord also relies on Taoism to cultivate?"

"Then I don't know!" Zong Bai shook his head again.

"Okay, then you can die!"

When the voice fell, I didn’t wait for Zong Bai to return to God. In the hands of Jiang Yun, there was a slap-sized thunder ball. I used all my strength and shot it on Zongbai’s head!


Zong Bai’s body burst into a dull thunder, and his face still carries an incredible color, watching Jiang Yun.

He couldn't believe it when he died. He would have died here and died in the hands of a monk who didn't know who it was.

Jiang Yun stood silently, watching Zong Bai's body under the power of the Thunder, gradually turned into dust, only a small storage ring quietly suspended in the air.

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Just in the moment of Zong Bai’s death, a red figure suddenly stopped in the boundary of Jiang Yun’s probably several million miles away. The hoarse voice sounded: “Zong Bai is dead!”

"Although you are just a waste, you are also a person of my five-way sect. Don't worry, even if you die, I will avenge you!"

"In addition, I am also very curious, who killed you!"

As the voice fell, the figure of the red figure disappeared from the place and rushed toward the position where Jiang Yun was.

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