The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1269: Not allowed to leave

Jiang Yun left the body of the body in the land of the boundary, and had two purposes.

One is to let yourself have one more way to live;

The second is to let the body of the body absorb the power of the sun all the time. When the physical body returns to the deity, it is possible to make its own cultivation into a realm of heaven.

However, now that he has broken through to the heavenly environment, he can also absorb the power of the yang in the nine places without hindrance. Naturally, he no longer needs the help of the physical body.

Moreover, this time, he can't, don't dare to die!

Every time before he was ready to die, he would have a backhand in advance.

After all, he is not alone, and he has Mu Xiaofeng, Xue Qing and Xiao Fu in the refining pen.

Even if his deity is really degraded, at least he will guarantee that Xue Qing will continue to live.

However, this time the first robbery of the heavens, the coming is too abrupt, so that he did not have time to make any preparations.

If his deity dies under this robbery, then he is worried that he will be tired of Xueqing and Leimu and they will die with themselves.

Plus, he is not willing to miss this opportunity to enlighten!

Being able to usher in the first robbery of Heaven and Man, if it passes smoothly, it will naturally increase his chances of finally succeeding in enlightenment.

Enlightenment is something that all monks dream of.

Therefore, under such considerations, he can only summon his own physical body to return to the deity!

Although the strength of the physical body is not strong, but the diamond pattern, originally carved on the road.

Once the physical body returns to the deity, at least the body of the deity can be strengthened and the destruction of the power of this avenue can be withstood.

However, just as Jiang Yun’s body opened his eyes, in front of him, there was a sky!

The sky fell silently and stared at the flesh and said: "Sorry, you, can't leave!"

In the eyes of the physical body, the coldness suddenly rose: "Why?"

"Because your deity and I have a hundred years of covenant!"

"In a hundred years, he has to take me home. If you leave, then this agreement will become a dead talk!"

Indeed, Jiang Yun and Tian Luo have such an agreement.

Within a hundred years, he will become the master of the nine places, control the sacred objects of the Nine, and then return to the land of the world, with the sky and fall to another world.

In exchange, Jiang Yun needs to continue to guard the boundaries of the world and protect his physical body.

Naturally, the body of the body is equivalent to the hostage that Jiang Yun left for the sky.

The sky is obviously worried that once the physical body is gone, he will not be able to balance Jiang Yun.

The look of the physical body became more and more icy: "My deity is experiencing the first robbery of heaven and earth. If you do not let me leave, my deity is likely to fall."

"The deity is dead, even if I am still alive, but as with your agreement, it is impossible to achieve."

The sky shook his head and said: "Then I don't care, that's what your deity needs to consider, nothing to do with me!"

"In short, within a hundred years, unless you return to the land of the deity, I will never let you leave."

"Of course, you can rest assured that I am here, even if the Tao is coming, I will guarantee your safety!"

Hearing the sky, this completely inhuman and unreasonable discourse, the physical body can't wait to directly hit the face of the sky.

Unfortunately, he knew that he was not an opponent in the sky.

A detachment of the sky is comparable to that of the Tao, and the strength of his deity is even more powerful.

Therefore, the physical body can only clench the teeth: "Would you like to help me with my deity, or let me share his pain at the moment!"

After a slight silence, the sky shook again and shook his head: "No!"

The anger in the body and mind of the body can no longer be contained. Just when he is ready to disregard the shots of the sky, the sky is followed by the following: "However, I can give you a little advice!"


"For the ‘道’ in this world, I have also studied it for a long time. It is indeed a powerful force, but in my opinion, it is better to kill the power of the Nine!”

The words of the sky, Jiang Yun’s deity can only report the helpless smile!

I also know that the power of the Nine Tribes is extremely strong, but now the purpose of my own robbery is to realize the avenue of Lei.

If you use other forces to stop the power of the avenue, then even if you can compete and even defeat the power of the avenue, the final consequences should make you unable to understand, so the advice of the heavens is equal to nothing.

What's more, nowadays, there are still the wild, the demon and the Xiao tribes, but they still can't stop the first robbery of this day.

This is enough to show that, at least in this world, the power of the Nine is even stronger than the power of the Avenue, but it cannot interfere with the power of the Avenue.

Nowadays, since the sky is not letting the body come, Jiang Yun can only find his own way!

Forcing the huge pain in the body, above Jiang Yun's eyebrows, the Leimu imprint emerged, and the words were squeezed out in the teeth.

"Ray, get together!"

Although Jiang Yun’s voice was extremely slight, with the fall of these two words, I heard the darkness of the seam, and the sound of thunder suddenly began to sound!


The monks who were on the sidelines had already lost interest in Jiang Yun’s robbing, because they wanted to come, Jiang Yun could not have successfully robbed, so many people are ready to turn and leave.

But the sudden thunder of the sound, but they let them temporarily dismissed the idea.

Within the radius of Jiang Yun’s center, there is a golden light that starts to shine.

Even, there is a cloud that doesn't know where it was born.

Every golden light is a law of mine;

Every black cloud will give birth to a thunder!

In the face of these golden light and dark clouds, all people's faces are full of incomprehensible and curious, and the color of shock.

You know, the place where they are now is in the seams, not a world!

Although there are indeed various forces in the seams, the most is the power of yin and yang, which is why it is only through cultivation to the heavens that we can have the ability to walk through the boundaries.

However, now, Jiang Yun is in the midst of the seams, and the hard-sounding summons the law of thunder and even summons the dark clouds. This is really unbelievable.

To be able to do this, it can only explain that Jiang Yun’s accomplishments and sentiments on the road to Lei have definitely reached a very high level.

But this also makes them even more confused, why the power of Jiang Yundu is not too big, the first person will be so difficult!


After the emergence of all the laws of Lei, they immediately rushed toward Jiang Yun’s place and rushed into his body, turning into a thunderous force.

The dark clouds in the boundary are also gathering more and more, the golden light in it, the electric snake swimming, the same kind of thunder surges to Jiang Yun's body to help Jiang Yun fight against the power of the road!

Between just the number of interest, the power of the Thunder in Jiang Yun’s body has been greatly supplemented.

However, Jiang Yun did not immediately attack the power of the avenue. His mouth still muttered: "Not enough, not enough, I need more thunder, more thunder, more thunder..."

In such a whisper, Jiang Yun’s voice suddenly grew stronger, and like the Thunder, in the seam, it rang.

"Take the name of the thunder mother, summon the thunder in this heaven and earth with the order of my thunder!"

The sound is like a thunder, the sound is like a wave, and it is rolling in all directions!

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