The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1322: Unexpected joy

Jiang Yun agrees with what he said after the woman.

Since the other party can catch up with themselves when they leave first, this shows that from the speed point of view, the other party is faster than himself, so even if he hides in the void, he can't get rid of it.

However, Jiang Yun did not slow down his body shape, and is still rushing forward.

This made the blue woman who was always behind him, with a taunting color on his face. He once again said: "You can kill the fire for thousands of nights and get the approval of Dan Dao. I thought you were a smart person, but I thought you were a smart person. It seems that you make me a little disappointed!"

"This kind of futile escape, in addition to allowing you to delay and stay for a while, is there any other meaning?"

"But even if I haven't even given this moment, I won't give it to you!"

"With the sea as the boundary!"

With the fall of the voice, the blue woman volley pointed out at the back of Jiang Yun.


In an instant, Jiang Yun’s ear rang the sound of water and waves, and in front of him, there really appeared a sea!

A piece of squatting in this seam, you can't see the end, you can't see the sea on the other side!

Originally, this woman thought that her own technique could at least stop Jiang Yun.

But what she didn't think of was that Jiang Yun didn't hesitate to go straight into the sea...

I have to say that Jiang Yun’s abnormal behavior makes the blue-dressed woman can’t help but be stunned.

She believes that with Jiang Yun's strength, she should not be unaware of this piece of sea. It is because she is condensed by the power of water. When she enters the sea, she is equal to her own palm.

However, she quickly returned, and the ridicule on her face made a smile: "I just wanted to force you to stop, but I didn't expect you to cast a net, then you can't bet me!"


The open palm of the beautiful woman collapsed, and the nearly endless sea was as close as a big net.

Jiang Yun seems to have become a fish in the net, there is no way to escape.

However, the smile on the face of the beautiful woman is a sudden condensate, because she suddenly found out that Jiang Yun disappeared!

Jiang Yun jumped into the sea with his own eyes, but now he has lost the trace of Jiang Yun in this sea.

"How is this possible! Scatter!"


The endless sea water blasts directly, and the strange thing is that Jiang Yun, who has disappeared, appears again in the sight of the beautiful woman.

"How is this going?"

At this moment, the beautiful woman is really stunned.

She is an elder of water, and she pursues the avenue of water throughout her life. Like the fire, she is now the strongest of the five peaks of heaven and earth. I can only ask one step at a time.

But now, she didn't even know how Jiang Yun disappeared, and how did it appear inexplicably?

If she can see Jiang Yun’s eyes at the moment, she may understand.

Because at this moment, Jiang Yun’s left eye has turned into blue.

Although Jiang Yun is a human race, although he is a refining demon, he is able to take possession of the demon's talent.

Coincidentally, among the demon talents he already possesses, he has the talent of the sea, so that he can integrate with the water.

Just when the sea appeared, Jiang Yunming knew that this was the magical power of the beautiful woman, but still did not hesitate to get into the sea, that is to rely on this point.

Even if the beautiful woman controls the water avenue, it is impossible to find a specific drop in the endless water!

"No matter how you do it, I will see how you run this time!"

The beauty of the woman suddenly became cold, and the huge aura directly turned into a giant palm, and she grabbed the past toward Jiang Yun.

When I saw that the giant palm was about to touch Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun, who was advancing rapidly, suddenly stopped.

"Hey, I know I can't escape!"

The beautiful woman smiled coldly.

However, Jiang Yun did not go to see the giant palm at all, but looked at the beautiful woman with a blank expression: "If you face the four of you, I really don't have the power to counter, but if it's just you, maybe I have a battle!"

Just after the words, Jiang Yun’s body, two huge incomparable air masses, slammed into the huge palm of the beautiful woman who grabbed him.


Under the impact of the two, the direct shock of the entire seam has been accompanied by a crazy vibration, the release of the horrible power, but also directly caused the surrounding space to begin a wide-scale collapse.

The giant palm of the beautiful woman disappeared directly in this collision, and the two air masses were only weakened by a third.

The rest of the situation, the castration unchanged, even rushed directly toward the beautiful woman.

Looking at the two air masses, the beautiful woman's face could not help but change again, and even the heart shook slightly.

Because she can clearly feel that the breath contained in the two air masses is not weaker than herself, and even stronger than herself.

"I understand that this Jiang Yun's body does not hide a fire demon, but hides a number of powerful and powerful!"

With the turning of this thought, the blue woman immediately turned around and ran, and there was also a message in the hands of Yu Jian, who was ready to inform the Tumen from three people.

According to the plan they had discussed before, no matter who they are, as long as they found Jiang Yun, they should immediately notify the other three people in case there is an accident.

However, the beautiful woman saw that Jiang Yun had only one person, and she must have taken the precious medicinal herbs that Dan Dao sent. So she moved her selfish heart and wanted to kill Jiang Yun with her own speed.

In this way, the good things in Jiang Yun’s body are all owned by her.

Now, I realize that Jiang Yun’s body hides more than one strong person. She still dares to have a single-minded idea. After all, there are so many good things, and I must have life and enjoyment.

However, when the beautiful woman’s palm was about to crush the jade, her eyes suddenly turned.

"If this Jiang Yun really has so many strong people in his body, why should he escape?"

"No, this is a weird thing!"

Thinking of this, the beautiful woman hurriedly regained her jade in her hand and reached out to her own eyebrows. She saw that she was out of her body and walked out with a beautiful woman who was exactly like her. .

At the same time, she also turned around, and joined the Tao Ling, clenched her teeth, and took a shot of the two air masses chased after him.


With two loud noises coming out, the beautiful woman and the body of the body retired several times at the same time, and the two air groups suddenly exploded.

The powerful atmosphere that made her feel the tremors of the millet, and then spread away in all directions.

"I understand that your body is not hidden by the strong, but the power left by the strong!" This situation makes the beautiful woman's eyes shine.

The speculation of the beautiful woman is not all right, but it is almost the same.

These two air masses that were blasted by her were derived from the two scars on Jiang Yun’s body, which is the power of the two generations of Jiang’s spirit.

When Dan Daozi summoned the power of the avenue, many lines poured into the body of Jiang Yun. After the blast, the power of the road turned into a reincarnation seal.

The reason why Jiang Yun was still desperate to flee when the beautiful woman had already appeared was because he felt that the power of the road was about to break through several scars again.

For Jiang Yun, this is really an unexpected big day!

A scar represents the cultivation of the **** family.

Although Jiang Yun knows that he can't absorb the power of his cultivation, he can control them to attack!

Therefore, his escape is to fight for time for himself!

Watching the two air masses were destroyed by the beautiful woman, and the beautiful woman has once again turned around and rushed toward herself. There is no slight change in the face of Jiang Yun.

Because the scars of the road of Dan Daozi broke open, there are not only two!

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