The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1330: The oriole is behind

For the sudden appearance of Wuyang, Tumen was a little unexpected from the four people, but there was not much shock.

Because they suspected that they killed the fire for thousands of nights, it is Wuyang!

In particular, the blue-dressed woman is looking at Wuyang with the same grievance.

There is enmity between her and Wuyang. If it is not because of Wuyang, maybe she has now entered the realm of humanity and isomorphism.

Finally, Tumen also said from the sound of silence: "Wuyang, between our five elements and you, it is always the well water does not make the river, if it is other things, we naturally do not want to fight with you."

"But, this time things are different, Jiang Yun behind you, he killed the fire for thousands of nights, so even if you come forward to protect him, we must take him away!"

From the words of Tumen, Wuyang and Dixing River can not help but be a glimpse.

Previously, they thought that Tumen was invited by Dan Dao to chase Jiang Yun from four people, but until now they realized that it was because Jiang Yun killed the fire for thousands of nights!

After understanding this point, Wuyang also understands that today's business is impossible.

If Jiang Yun kills only the ordinary disciples of the Five Elements, then the five-way Taoist will definitely give up.

However, since Jiang Yun’s killing is an elder of the fire, then if you want to protect Jiang Yun today, you must fight the four.

Although Wuyang did not want to protect Jiang Yun, but Jiang Yun actually had his own breath, but it also changed her mind.

Therefore, Wuyang said coldly: "If this is the case, then there is no need to talk nonsense, I will teach you the strength of the five elements of the elders, especially you!"

While talking, Wu Yang’s gaze also looked at the blue woman.

The blue-dressed woman is the gnashing of the teeth: "Wuyang, new hatred and old grievances, today we will count together."

Wuyang shook his head and said: "The flesh is gone, and I dare to talk to me with a big deal. You, there is no such qualification!"


The blue-dressed woman was so angry that she couldn’t speak at all. She simply stopped talking nonsense. She reached out to her own eyebrows and squeezed out four words from the teeth that were bitten: "Complement, the way of water!"


The emptiness of the surrounding air suddenly sounded the sound of water waves rolling, and a stream of water emerged from nothingness, pouring into the mark of water droplets in the blue eye of the beautiful woman.

At the same time, Tumen also spoke from three people.

"Complement, the golden way!"

"Supplement, the road to wood!"

"Supplement, the way of the earth!"

In an instant, the entire seam trembled. Except for the power of fire, the other four lines of power came out in madness, rushing toward the mark of the three elements in the eyebrows of the three of them.

Although Jiang Yun once saw such a remedy in the body of the fire, but now he looks at the four people in front of him, both the momentum and the scene are spectacular several times, making his heart extremely shocking.

Naturally, this reminds him of the regret that he can't understand. He thinks of the technique of farming, and even associates with the method of making up the road. Perhaps it also comes from the technique of farming.

"If you can really escape this robbery today, then I have to find a way to see this kind of Tao."

"Although the power of silence is as powerful as it is, this piece of heaven and earth is still the world of the Tao!"

After only counting the interest, the eyebrows of each of them, the mark of the avenue, gradually became complete.

Naturally, the breath that each of them radiates is gradually becoming tyrannical, and each one is like a road to the corresponding!

This is the fact that although the four of them did not enter the realm of humanity, they dared to fight against Wuyang!

If the fire does not die for thousands of nights, then the five of them will use the technique of making up the road, and at the same time, they will even kill the Wuyang.

As the four completed the surgery, they heard the crisp sound of “咔咔咔”.

A crack in the middle of the boundary of the sound source.

Nowadays, within this area, there have been five strong people in the context of humanitarian homology, which has caused space to be unable to withstand the pressure of their own release and began to collapse rapidly.

Although Wuyang’s face has not changed in the slightest, but the heart has also raised the meaning of dignity.

Because this is the first time she has seen such a magical remedy.

Although these four people are not truly humane and isomorphic, one of the four, even the two of them will not be afraid, but they will join forces, and the four of them will happen to be the four elements. .

The five elements are in harmony with each other, and their own fire avenues are likely to be suppressed under their joint efforts.

Thinking of this, Wuyang passed to Jiang Yundao: "Jiang Yun, is there a fire demon just now, besides you?"

Wuyang did not feel that Jiang Yun and Tumen came from their fight. She came here because she felt the second awakening of the tribe, so she specially attracted her own people.

However, I did not expect that I did not find the trace of the fire demon, but I met Jiang Yun, so I asked.

Jiang Yun nodded. "There is indeed, but it seems to be enlightening, so I hid it."

Wu Yang’s eyes flashed a bit of surprise again. I don’t know what method Jiang Yun used, so that I didn’t feel the atmosphere of the fire demon around here.

"What is your relationship with it?"


Wuyang nodded and did not ask again.

It is not difficult for her to imagine that the relationship between Jiang Yun and the fire demon is not an ordinary friend.

Otherwise, Jiang Yun will hide the other side, but he is arrogant and wants to succumb to them.

After confirming that his own tribe was innocent, Wu Yang’s gaze revisited the four gates of the Tumen Gate.

"I didn't expect that this battle is really dangerous today, but you four can join hands and I have companions!"

Jin Ge, who is still in the medical day, because it is too far away from here, should not hear the cicada sound of the second awakening of the tribe. Otherwise, he should have arrived with his cultivation.

Wuyang originally did not think about telling Jin Ge. After all, with her strength, she actually had the confidence to kill Tumen from four people.

However, seeing the four-man remedy, it was for her to change her mind, so she reached out and shredded a piece of jade in her hand to inform Jin Ge.

However, just as the jade was crumbling, Wuyang’s face that had never changed was suddenly changed.

Because she was surprised to find that this area was invisibly sealed by another powerful force.

More importantly, I didn’t even feel that this seal appeared before I arrived, or after I arrived.

But in any case, the seal that can not be perceived by oneself is enough to show the strength of the person who applies the seal, which is stronger than himself!

"Which friend is here, why not show up!"


A calm voice emerged from nothingness, and an old man emerged from within.

Although the old man seems to be ugly, but standing there, the whole person seems to be integrated with the surrounding boundaries.

"Five elements!"


Seeing this old man, Wuyang and Tumen couldn't help but speak out at the same time.

Only Wuyang’s voice was dignified, and Tumen’s voice was revealed from the voices of the four.

The Five Elements, naturally the lord of the Five Elements, is not his real name, but the unique title of each lord!

Jiang Yun also looked at the five elements with a shocked look. Although he had never seen each other, he heard the names of the people and could not understand the identity of the other party.

And he did not even think that the lords of the five-way Taoist sect would appear here at this time!

The five elements looked calmly at Wuyang Road: "Without the effort, I have blocked this area, Jin Ge, will not come!"

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