The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1340: Keep talking

Looked at this is only a hundred feet in size, the dark palms that are slowly protruding from the whirlpool, everyone is a big change, even Jiang Yun is also shocked.

You know, although Jiang Yun has borrowed the power of the sorcerer's image twice, but it is just a finger.

However, now, it has become a complete palm!

Naturally, compared with the palm and the fingers, the power contained in it is also several times!


With the appearance of this dark palm, the sound of thunderous sounds suddenly sounded in the seams, and the whole seam was trembled violently, shaking everyone's heart to be beating wildly. .

There is also a vast pressure, coming out of the whirlpool, with the palm that has already reached half of it slowly falling down.

Under the pressure of this pressure, the boundaries of at least a few million feet begin to be distorted!

Numerous huge cracks emerged from all directions, making this seam seem to be a broken mottled mirror.

Everyone in the room felt that there were countless heavy mountains on their bodies, and they could hardly move.

Repaired to a slightly weaker, such as the blue woman, not only the body that is running away has stopped, but the body is slightly curved, the legs tremble fiercely.

There was no trace of blood on the beautiful face, and the deepest eyes were filled with deep fear.

As for the look of other people, it is better than her.

Even the face of the five elements showed a horrible color. His eyes did not look at the palm of his hand, but he tried his best to look inside the whirlpool.

Because what he fears is not the power of this power, but the source of this power!

As a strong person in the same humanitarian environment, although it can not be said that it is truly invincible in the world, there are not many people who can overcome him in this world.

But now, the pressure from the palm of one hand has such a terrible power. How strong will the strength of this palm master be?

Although the Five Elements did not see the real shot of Dao Zun, but when he wanted to come, the power of Tao Zun could only be equal to the master of this hand!

This also made him clearly aware that even if he was practised by the palm of his hand, although he would not die, serious injuries are inevitable.

As for the five demon, although they are equally shocked, they are slightly better than the five elements.

Because they know that this palm is summoned by Jiang Yun, even if the pressure from the moment is overwhelming, they will not be hurt at least.

Naturally, they also have the same doubt, which is the powerful existence of the master of this palm!

Jiang Yun’s gaze has been moved from the palm of his hand. After sweeping the five elements and Tumen from five people, his eyes are exposed!

Under the gaze of everyone's nervousness, the palm of the hand finally swayed out of the whirlpool, and continued to fall from the trio to the Tumen at an unhurried speed.

At this moment, everyone understands the purpose of Jiang Yun, and Jiang Yun will use this palm to attack the Tumen from three people!

Because the strength of the Five Elements is too high, especially the five avatars that were previously revealed, Jiang Yun worried that this power could not kill him.

Now, as long as one of the five elements is resolved, the whole battle will be reversed instantly, so he chose Tumen from the three for the sake of insurance.

Although Jiang Yun also wanted to kill the beautiful woman, but the distance between the beautiful woman and the three people is too far, beyond the coverage of the palm, so she can only temporarily let her go.

Seeing that the palm of his hand had fallen toward himself and others, the face of the Tumen immediately became pale as paper.

The faces of the two fairy tales, the singers and the Shuichuan, who are entangled in the three, are also changing, because they are also under the cover of the palm of their hands.

Fortunately at this time, they felt that the body was light, and they did not want to rush to retreat, escaped the cover of the palm, and looked at the Tumen from three people.

If you are photographed by this palm, then there is absolutely no life in the three!

It’s a pity that although the three people are desperately trying to move their bodies away from the range covered by the palms, they are like a huge mountain-like pressure on their bodies, but they are simply unable to Move, you can only wear the color of despair, watching the palm of your hand and getting closer and closer to yourself!

Of course, the three people are not willing to die, they can only run their own strength to compete with the palm of their hand, while the voice of the cry for help: "Sovereign, save me!"

The clear five-line appearance of this scene, the color of the face is cloudy and uncertain, and the light in the eyes flashes.

Of course, he also wants to save his three men, but he is also very clear that even if he is fully committed, even if he can save the Tumen from three people, he will suffer a minor injury and lose the power of fighting again. .

In this case, if you don't have the power to shoot, there is no difference between waiting for death.

Thinking of this, the five elements of the teeth close a bite, suddenly opened: "Jiang Yun, let them, your two conditions, I promised!"

When he heard the five elements, Jiang Yun looked at him coldly, and spit out two words in his mouth: "It’s late!"


As the voice of Jiang Yun fell, the huge palm suddenly speeded up, and instantly fell down and was shot in the Tumen from the three people.


This piece of the original has been covered with numerous cracks, and there is a gap of a hundred square feet. Under the force of this palm, it suddenly collapsed.

While the palm of the hand is falling, it gradually becomes solid and imaginary, and finally becomes transparent and illusory, completely dissipating, as if it was attributed to nothingness.

As the palm disappeared together, there was naturally a three-way elder who was still there, from the three-way five-way sect.

Although the palm of the hand has disappeared, and the boundary is also calm, but everyone is still standing in the same place, motionless, watching the seam where the hundred squares are re-healing.

Everyone's heart is completely filled with huge shocks.

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, who can believe that a palm is so easy to kill three peaks of the three people who are in the state of pleading?

Don't say Wuyang, they don't even have the confidence to do this.

After a long silence, a loud laugh sounded and broke the silence around.

"Haha, good, kill, kill!"

The person who laughs is naturally the five elements.

Although he was laughing, there was no slight smile on his face. Some were just endless resentment. They stared at Jiang Yun with both eyes and couldn’t wait to directly kill Jiang Yun.

In the face of his lord, Jiang Yun actually killed his three elders.

Coupled with the fire that has been dead for thousands of nights, and fortunately not dead, it is the blue woman who lost her body.

So far, the five elements of the five-way elders who have become famous for countless years, almost all destroyed in the hands of Jiang Yun!

For the Five Elements, this is definitely not a **** of hatred.

Moreover, the death of Tumen from the three people also made the five elements fall into a weak position again.

Although Dan Daozi is there, he will pin his hopes on Dan Daozi.

After laughing, the five elements of the face with a gloomy color, staring coldly at Jiang Yundao: "Now, do you want to kill me?"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "No, now, we can continue to talk about the conditions for letting you go!"

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