The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1344: Time ahead

The words of Dixing River are just like the same basin of cold water, which has ruined the joy that has just emerged in Jiang Yun’s heart. He asked inexplicably: "Why, is there something wrong?"

Dixing River Road: "Because I asked Daozong to compare the time, I don't know why it was ahead of schedule."

"According to the rules of the big ratio, if lost, the disciples will still be sent back to the original world."

"I didn't look at your disciples. I first talked with Daolian. In your disciples, the most powerful ones seem to have only the best of heaven. This kind of strength is only the bottom of the ratio. Share!"

Regarding the question of Zong Da Zong, Jiang Yun has already known it already, and he was originally prepared to go to the main sect to participate in Dabi, in order to be able to move the disciples of the mountains and seas to the main sect.

However, when he got the news at the time, he knew that Dabie’s time was at least ten years old, so he was not in a hurry.

But I did not expect that it was ahead of time.

Jiang Yun hurriedly asked: "How long is the big ratio ahead?"

Dixing River shook his head and said: "Then I don't know, but this kind of news, you can find a way to find out. In short, it is always right to go early!"

Jiang Yun solemnly clung to the two sides of the Earth Xinghe and the Linglingzi: "Thank you for the news told by the two!"

This news is really important for Jiang Yun.

If he really missed asking Zong Nai Dao of Dao Zong, then it is indeed impossible to get a good ranking in the big ratio by asking the strength of the Tao.

Once it fails, the 300,000 mountains and seas ask the disciples to be sent back to the mountains and seas!

The result is that Jiang Yun does not want to see it anyway.

The Earth Star River swings its hand: "Politely, when we ask Da Zongzhong to compare, maybe we will also go, see you later!"

"it is good!"

With the turn of the Earth Star River and the Lingzi, Wuyang and other five demons came to Jiang Yun again.

Wuyang straightforwardly said: "Jiang Yun, we have discussed five things. Since you have a relationship with us, and this time saved our lives, we are also ready to send you a small gift."

Jiang Yun hurriedly waved: "The older generations are heavy, you are my savior!"

If Wuyang did not appear in time, not only will their lives be lost here, but I am afraid that even Firebird and Xueqing will suffer with them, and they will be happy to ask for their gifts.

Wuyang smiled and said: "We are going to send you some lines again, are you sure?"


Jiang Yun’s firm heart was suddenly shaken by the words of Wuyang.

The five-line pattern, for yourself, means that you can break open the scars of the body and turn the seal again, thus attracting the power of the sorcerer!

In other words, it is equal to giving yourself a few chances to save your life.

Moreover, for Wuyang and others, sending out some lines, at most, it is to lose some strength, and it will take a long time to replenish it, with almost no loss.

"Haha, don't hesitate!"

Looking at Jiang Yun’s silent appearance, Wu Yang couldn’t help but smile. When he reached out and pointed his finger, he saw countless fire lines appearing from nothingness, condensing into a radiant embossed mark, and plunged into Jiang Yun. The body.

Jin Ge and Kun Long and others have also condensed a boulevard mark with the lines, and sent them into the body of Jiang Yun.

"I also know that these lines will only be used at critical moments, so when you need the lines, you can use the corresponding five elements to stimulate these lines!"

For the gift of the five Taoist demon, Jiang Yun did not know what to say, only to hold a fist and say: "Thank you!"

"Okay, let's go!"

" Take care!"

Jiang Yun stood in the darkness and watched Wuyang and others, especially the figure of the firebird gradually drifting away, and the heart could not help but raise a little guilty feeling again.

There are many other creatures in my body, such as Bai Ze, such as firebirds, such as Mu Shaofeng, but now they are all away from themselves.

However, their departure is a good thing for them, and it is better than being with them.

"Parting, not bitter!"

With the smile on his face, along with the four words that were gently spit out in the mouth, Jiang Yun finally took back the sneak squat and turned to walk deep into the darkness.

This piece of the confluence of almost ten humanities and isomorphisms has finally regained its calm, and the seams that were originally shattered by the breath of Wuyang have gradually re-healed.


After Jiang Yun left the battlefield, he immediately displayed the technique of shrinking the ground into a inch. While constantly walking through the boundaries, he looked at the map that Xiao Letian gave to himself with his knowledge. Ask where the sky is.

According to his original plan, he asked if he wanted to go, but he was put in the end as much as possible.

Because, I asked God that he has never been there, but in his heart, it is equivalent to his second home.

After all, there is a **** blessing there, and his own master also has a relationship with the main sect that he does not know, so he wants to wait for the completion of all the things, find the other eight keys, and then ask the Tao.

Just like going home, take a good rest.

However, now, since the time of asking Da Zong in the Zong Zong is ahead of schedule, although I don’t know how long it has been in advance, he naturally can’t delay any more, at least in the direction of asking the day.

However, after seeing the map, Jiang Yun couldn't help but breathe a sigh!

Because the position of the Heaven and the Medicine Day is just like the two ends of this world, the distance is extremely far away.

If you want to get there by shrinking, it is estimated that it will take at least a hundred years.

However, in addition to this, there is also a discovery that makes Jiang Yun a pleasant surprise. In the middle of asking Tiantian and Yaodaotian, it is the place where the demon days are.

"Today's plan, only to enter a realm, inquire about the specific route to ask the day and how much time is ahead of Zong Nai."

"If time is right, maybe you can go to a demon road, maybe you can get another key!"

"Don't be too late!"

Jiang Yun was more anxious, hurriedly spread his knowledge and searched for the nearest position to himself.

Although several roads were found in succession, Jiang Yun did not enter.

Because these boundaries are closer to the place where the previous fights were, Jiang Yun worried that the Five Elements would wait for themselves among these circles.

In this way, Jiang Yun continually rushed in the middle of the boundary, while also remembering the experience of these days.

This piece of heaven and earth is really a lot of things that I don't know.

Originally, I thought that I was ruined by the Nine, the Nine Avenues, and the Temple of the Tao. This is already the supreme being. However, I did not expect that there is still a saint, but also a moon from another world!

Especially the saints, this hidden group, the strength is so strong that it is beyond imagination.

The five-way demon is actually a tribe of the saints, and it is obviously not the most powerful existence of the saints to look at them.

At least above them, there is a saint!

The holy saints should be as powerful as the Taoist and the Moon, that is, beyond the three realms of the Three Kingdoms.

Thinking of the saints, suddenly let Jiang Yun think of a demon!

"The demon who only occupied the home of Bai Ze, he said that the Taikoo demon is something, it is not worthy to give him shoes, it is difficult, he is also from the saint?"

This idea made Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly bright: "Then, the old man who took him away, will it be the sage?"

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