The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1347: Roaring restaurant

God knows to continue to listen to the dialogue between the two people, but Jiang Yun’s mind has already emerged from a building - the tower!

Although in the mouth of these two people, the name of this building is a weird building, but from the old man’s rumor about this building, an ancient monster that will sound like a baby crying, Jiang Yun Sufficient to conclude -

This is what they call the weird floor, the holy things of the Jiang people, the tower!

As for the ancient monster, it is not a rumor, but a real existence. Naturally, it is one of the nine ethnic groups. It is also the surviving tribe of the horror of the genie who was first destroyed by the Tao.

Genglou, Jiang Yun is certainly not strange.

It can even be said that apart from the people of the Ginger, he is probably the most familiar person in this world.

At that time, Dao Zun launched a great battle against the dead and the Nine. Only before the advent of the war, the Jiang people had already passed through the tower, and the family moved into the body of a ghostly beast and escaped the war.

With the end of the war, there are people in the Ginger who left the body of the beast.

I don't know what kind of agreement they reached with Dao Zun, but they did not let them go to them. They acquiesced to them to open up Jiang Yaotian. In this world, they survived again.

However, according to Jiang Yun's speculation, not all the Jiang people from the body of the Yinling world should still have a group of Jiang people, still living in the body of the ghost spirit.

Because, in the mountains and seas, every ten years, the tower will appear once, looking for their own people.

For the living beings in the mountains and seas, the emergence of the towers is a great opportunity.

Because the tower is connected to the body of the sacred beast, and the sacred beast eats the world, so there are countless worlds in it, naturally there are a lot of treasures, and various kinds of life. !

At that time, Jiang Yun also entered the Diaolou, and passed through the Yinling World and the Turbid Wasteland.

Especially in the clear and turbid wilderness, I even met the five avenue demon spirit and many friends.

Even there are many disciples who ask Daozong, such as Tang Yi, Lu Yourong, no injuries, etc. They may still be in the turbid wilderness.

However, when Jiang Yun left the tower and returned to the mountains and seas, he ushered in the catastrophe of the mountains and seas, and then the towers never appeared.

Jiang Yun did not know whether he had reappeared after he left the mountains and seas.

But he never thought that at this moment, he heard the news of the tower from the mouths of these two strangers.

Although the thin old man said that the demon of the demon sect had personally explained that the whole thing was out of nothing, but Jiang Yun did not think so!

Because Jiang Yun can already speculate, the towers will appear in the mountains and seas every ten years, but in fact, in the thousands of roads outside the mountains and seas, the towers will also appear.

Perhaps it appears very few times, but certainly someone has gone in and left.

Over time, there will be a variety of rumors about the towers, and many people are yearning for the towers.

Nowadays, the tower has appeared again in the demon.

With the strength of the demon sect, naturally there is a more detailed understanding of the squatter, and in order to avoid too many monks pouring into the demon sect, so its lord will show up that the news is out of nothing!

Although this does allow some people to give up to the demon, but there will still be monks who do not give up.

For example, this big man, as well as the moon in the restaurant and the young man!

Naturally, it also includes Jiang Yun!

However, the purpose of Jiang Yun is not to cherish the treasures in the sacred beasts connected to the towers, but to miss those friends within the turbid wilderness!

"No matter whether it is true or not, it seems that I may really want to go to the demon sect!"

Just when Jiang Yun’s heart turned this thought, his eyes suddenly flashed a cold mang, and the mouth spit out two words: “Not good!”

Not waiting for the sound to fall, Jiang Yun’s body shape has disappeared from the original place, and the display has been reduced to an inch!

The speed was so fast that everyone in the tea shop didn't even notice it.

The next moment, Jiang Yun's figure is already in front of the door of the restaurant.

The middle-aged man who had previously blocked him also appeared again. Jiang Yun, who was looking back and returning, had no smile on his face, his brow wrinkled, and his eyes showed an impatientness: "How is it again!"

"Get out!"

Compared with this person's intolerance, Jiang Yun's performance is even more crazy, even a direct punch.

Although Jiang Yun’s attitude gave the middle-aged man a slight glimpse, he even sneered: “I really don’t know how to die...”


Before he finished speaking, Jiang Yun’s fist had been slammed on him.

He also let his unfinished words turn into blood, and the whole person flew directly into the door behind him, hitting many valuable decorations in the first floor.

Lying there, although he is still not dead, his body is no longer able to move.

Because all the bones in his body, under the fist of Jiang Yun, all broke, so that he did not have the strength to crush a piece of communication jade that he had already held in his hand.

As for Jiang Yun, it was a figure, followed by the restaurant, and did not go to see the man who fell to the ground, but directly stepped on the stairs and rushed upstairs.

The restaurant is seven stories high, and the stairs on each floor are also covered with a ban.

The role of these formations is not to isolate, but to prevent people entering the area from unfolding.

If you want to go upstairs, you can only go these stairs, even if even Jiang Yun is no exception.

Fortunately, these forbidden formations do not have any effect on Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun didn't even need to use any of the aura of his technique. He relied on his own powerful body and easily broke through and came to the second floor.


Jiang Yun has just set foot on the second floor, and there has been a violent voice in his ear, and there is still a strong wind blowing toward him.


Jiang Yun did not look at the direction of the wind, but also a boxing out, the body shape did not stop at all, continue to embark on the stairs to the third floor.

When he stood on the third floor, he heard a loud bang, and he just shot someone who attacked him, and he fell to the ground.

In this way, after the counts have passed, Jiang Yun has come to the seventh floor of the restaurant, standing at the door of an elegant room.

At the moment, there were two old men in front of him, the two strong men next to the young man.

Although Jiang Yun has been here all the way, but because the entire restaurant is full of bans.

In addition, the two did not think that some people dared to marry this restaurant, so at this moment, seeing Jiang Yun is a slight glimpse, the old brow on the left frowned: "Who are you?"

Responding to him is still Jiang Yun’s fist.

However, at this time, Jiang Yun’s fist is already covered with diamonds.

The two bangs rang loudly at the same time, and the two old men’s bodies slammed into the door behind them.

Seeing countless ray flashes, the ban on the front of the gate was all touched, and suddenly there were several wounds on the body of the two, and the blood was constantly sprayed out.

Naturally, the gate was also directly knocked open, revealing the young man who was angry in the middle of the room, and -

The eyes are blurred, the mind is unclear, and even the clothes are torn open, revealing a half-snowy shoulders like a fire!

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