The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1384: Black stone tablet


A loud bang suddenly came from the darkness where the long ions were, so that everyone who was hanging on the heart could not help but startled.

The long ions are even more horrifying, and they have to be windless and automatic. The clothes are high and the drums are high and the hands are swaying. The black and white chess pieces are constantly flying out of their hands, forming two at very fast speed. The black and white fish of the long Zhang is surrounded by his side.

With the appearance of these two fish, the horror of the long ion face gradually receded, and stepping on the foot several times, finally stepping into a world again, this took a breath.

Although everyone can't see what the long ion has experienced in the dark, it is not difficult to guess that the process must be extremely dangerous.

Naturally, this also makes their hearts all mention the eyes of the blind.

If the company's long ions can't find the right route, then they don't even have to think about it. At that time, it is the real dilemma.

Only Jiang Yun has turned a blind eye to everything that long ions have experienced.

However, his mouth also grew a sigh of relief, and even a flash of unnoticeable color in his eyes.

Because at this moment, he not only knew the correct route to the opposite land, but also verified his guess before entering the world.

The world of nine colors, it really is related to the silence of the nine people!

Because just now, when he tried to explore the darkness and emptiness in front of him with the power of looting, his voice suddenly sounded a vicissitude in his mind!

The voice spoke to him in a very harsh tone.

"The Xiao ethnic group, no matter what you enter because of this, immediately leave at a speed, and the mainland on the front has a way to leave this world!"

"Once you leave, remember to tell all the nine people, here is my forbidden land for the nine people, absolutely not to step into the half, remember to remember!"

Then, in Jiang Yun’s mind, there was a route leading to the opposite mainland!

Although Jiang Yun did not know who the voice of this vicissitudes was, at least he knew that he must be a Xiao ethnic group.

When the Xiao ethnic group laid the maze, it was obviously to prevent their own people from entering the place, so they left a god.

Once this **** knows that there is a Xiao ethnic group, it will immediately sound a warning!

However, when I heard the warning from the Xiao ethnic group, the doubts in Jiang Yun’s heart were deeper.

What kind of place is this nine-color world, why is it a forbidden place for the nine ethnic groups?

Naturally, Jiang Yun can't really leave, and now his curiosity has been hooked up. In any case, he must figure out the secrets of the world.

Since he knows the correct route, Jiang Yun’s heart has already been fixed, but now he will not say it. After all, the long ion’s rumor is still not weak. Now it’s only a few hours, and it has already found three. One of the routes.

Although it took a step back and made the long ions more cautious, the speed of the break was slowed down, but even so, it took a long time to find the complete route.

However, at this time, suddenly there was a voice next to everyone: "Long friends, let me try it!"

When the voice fell, a figure had already taken one step, and everyone looked at it by sound, and it was discovered that it was Wei Jiu!

At this moment, Wei Jiu, standing on the first world, has come to the long ion side of the fifteen correct worlds that the long ions have found before.

With a smile on the long ion, Wei Jiu took another step and appeared on the next world.

Then, the long ion is not stopping at the foot, just like a light car, and it has gone unimpeded all the way, until finally standing on the opposite side of the mainland, waving to everyone!

This scene, so that everyone can not help but all eyes wide open, long ions are even more eyeballs are coming out of the eye.

He made a very high self-defense, but now that this Wei Jiu is so much faster than himself, he broke the formation and found the correct route!

The blow to him is a bit big.

Others naturally have the same feeling. Gesong turned his head and looked at Zhan Qiudao: "What is the origin of this Weijiu? How do I feel that he seems to have been here?"

Zhan Qiu’s face also had an unexpected joy. He shook his head and said: "I can’t say his origins, but you can rest assured that he is like you, for the first time."

Only Jiang Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, and looked at the opposite Wei Jiu. His heart flashed a thought: “He is not a master of the martial arts, but should be like me, I heard the vicissitudes of the vicissitudes!”

"That is to say, either his power of silence is also the power of the Xiao people's looting, or this place, as long as the power of silence is introduced, it can be perceived by the voice master, and thus it is recognized as the nine people. Later generations will also give warnings and correct routes."

"In any case, the origin of this Weijiu is indeed suspicious!"

At this time, Zhan Qiu once again said: "You, since the Weidaoyou have found the correct route, then we will set off quickly."

"In addition, I have already said that Weidaoyou is a key figure in the success of our trip, so in any case, we must protect his safety at all costs!"

If there were people who didn't believe it before, now everyone witnessed the process of Wei Ji finding the right route, everyone just nodded slightly.

So the crowd no longer talked, stepping forward, and finding the route along Wei Jiu, extremely fast toward the mainland on the other side.

Jiang Yun is still at the end, although his speed is not slow, but if you look carefully, you will find that in every world, his body shape will have a sudden stagnation.

After a while, everyone has come to the world where long ions stand.

Looking at the look of some gloomy long ions, Zhan Qiu smiled slightly: "The long road friend has worked hard, now you have a good rest, and the rest of the things will be handed over to us!"

Despite the unpleasantness of Chang’s heart, he couldn’t say anything. He could only nod silently and walked behind the crowd.

Finally, everyone was safely standing on the land. Everyone looked back and looked at the imaginary labyrinth behind them. They couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief and looked back.

Just as they regained their gaze, in the darkness of nothingness, there was a sudden sigh of sorrow, and it disappeared, and everyone did not see it.

Although everyone has stood on this land, but in front of them, in addition to a huge stone monument, no more things can be seen.

This stone monument is as high as a hundred feet wide and hundreds of feet wide. It is dark and smooth like a mirror. There is no text on the top of the monument. It stands quietly there, like a mountain, blocking the way of the people.

"How is this going?"

Zhantianxing looked at the stone monument: "With the exception of this stone monument, there is no other land. Is it necessary to climb the stone tablet to move on?"

Zhan Qiu shook his head and said: "It is not to climb this stone tablet, but to carry this stone monument, go all the way forward, and walk out of the hundred steps, so you need the war friends to show your power!"

"What!" Zhan Tianli suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the stone monument: "Take it a hundred steps?"

“Not bad!” Zhan Qiu nodded. “The whole process, the stone monument cannot be landed. Once it has landed, it has to start again. Moreover, as you go further, the weight of the stone tablet will become heavier and heavier.”

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