The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1387: Magic tattoo

With the sound of this sound, the stone monument on the shoulder of Jiang Yun immediately became light and nothing, and no longer the slightest weight.

Obviously, just like the previous labyrinth of maze, the Xiao ethnic people directly told Jiang Yun the correct route. This is also the predecessor of the Mozu who laid the stone tablet that year, and the special care for his own people!

At the moment, Jiang Yun, if he wants, can finish this hundred steps at an extremely fast speed without any difficulty, but he certainly will not do so.

In addition to letting everyone think that they are also working hard, more importantly, there is a strong force of the Mozu in this stone tablet, pouring into his body.

Although two consecutive voices warned Jiang Yun, here is the Forbidden City of the Nine, but in fact, it is also a blessing for the Nine.

The predecessors of the nine ethnic groups who arranged these light cards in the past seemed to have expected the arrival of their own ethnic groups. In order to give them a greater chance of survival here, they also left their respective strengths.

Nowadays, these forces are all fulfilled by Jiang Yun who is not a tribe!

While absorbing these forces, Jiang Yun moved forward with a little bit of turtle speed.

However, always watching the people of Jiang Yun, but his face did not show the slightest contempt.

Because although Jiang Yun's speed is slow, he has even walked out fifty steps.

This naturally made everyone look at Jiang Yun's gaze, and all became dignified.

When they want to come, Jiang Yun’s physical strength is clearly beyond the strength of the war.

But on the face of Zhan Tianli, there was a hint of ridicule: "It’s an idiot. I’ll expose the strength early here, and come back, see what you do!”


Just as his voice fell, Jiang Yun’s mouth suddenly spurted a blood, and his body shook violently.

This made the face of Zhan Qiu suddenly change, and hurriedly exclaimed: "Quick, who will go to meet Jiang Daoyou, and never let the stone monument fall!"

Everyone in the room can see that Jiang Yun is clearly exhausted.

Zhan Tianli issued a sneer: "It's really not self-sufficient. After all, it's still too young, barely victorious. In the end, it's bad luck!"

Laughing and ridiculing, but Tian Tianli had to stand up and walk towards Jiang Yun's position.

Although he is eager to see Jiang Yun ugly, he even wants Jiang Yun to be directly crushed to death by the stone tablet. However, Jiang Yun’s death is small, but once the stone monument falls, things can be big.

After all, it’s up to him to take another shot, to carry the stone tablet, and to go back a hundred steps, which is not worth the candle.

After the interest rate, the war force came to Jiang Yun's side.

At this moment, Jiang Yun's feet, from the knees down, have all fallen into the earth, and the body is shaking more and more intense.

With a sneer, War Force reached out and put his hands on the stone tablet. In a flash, the sneer on his face suddenly solidified, and the redness of the face rose and suddenly screamed.

Seeing that he had already reached the body of Zhang, he once again swelled to more than three feet, and all his clothes were smashed by the high-pitched muscles.

Obviously, at this position, the stone tablet has reached an amazing weight, and this naturally makes it possible for War Tianli to understand why Jiang Yun is injured!

Even if you are yourself, you need to take some of the strength at the moment to bear the stone.

It can be imagined that Jiang Yun has suffered such a weight in the case of 50 consecutive steps, and naturally he is going to be injured.

As the stone tablet fell on the body of Zhan Tianli, the shaking of Jiang Yun’s body finally stopped, and he raised his eyes and looked at Zhan Tianli: “There are labor friends in the back.”

After that, Jiang Yun sat down on the ground directly, and seemed to have no strength at all.

The war force is not even able to say anything, carrying a stone tablet, clenching his teeth, and taking another step forward.

Looking at Jiang Yun, who was sitting there almost, everyone thought that Jiang Yun was brave and fighting. In order to compete with the war force, the power was not strong, but he had to go so far, and he was seriously injured.

Zhan Qiu suddenly confronted Ge Songdao: "G Daoyou, it is better to work harder, look at Jiang Daoyou's injury?"

Ge Song smiled slightly: "It is reasonable."

A few steps later, Ge Song came to Jiang Yun's side: "Jiang Daoyou, if you can trust it, let him help you see the injury."

"There is a crisis here. If the injury is not treated in time, if you are in danger, you will be in trouble."

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "There is work, but there are some secrets in my body. I am afraid that the knowledge of the Taoist friends cannot be viewed."

"No problem, the Taoist friends reach out!"

Jiang Yun no longer spoke, and his hand extended his palm, and Ge Song also extended **** and gently placed on Jiang Yun's wrist.

After a while, Ge Song took back his fingers and pulled out a jade bottle. He poured out two medicinal herbs and handed them to Jiang Yundao: "There are some internal injuries in the Taoist body, although they are not heavy, but they cannot be careless."

"I have two remedies here. After taking it, I will help the injury of my friend."

"Thank you!"

Jiang Yun took the medicinal herbs and glanced at them. Then he put it in his mouth.

Seeing Jiang Yun swallowing the medicinal herbs, Ge Song’s face flashed a hint of ridicule, but the mouth was concerned: "The Taoist friends are here to heal, I am here to protect the Taoist friends."

Jiang Yun seems to have no strength to speak, just closed his eyes and nodded.

While he closed his eyes, his heart was sneer.

In fact, he was not injured at all, and everything he did was only pretending.

After all, the stone tablet is on his body, and there is no weight at all.

Even if he only intended to go out of twenty steps, he would pretend to be unsupported.

However, I did not expect that the power of the Mozu contained in the stone tablet was extremely strong, which led him to continue to move, until after the completion of fifty steps, all the power of the Mozu was absorbed.

As a refining pharmacist, he can easily pass Gesong's inspection.

As for the two medicinal herbs, he certainly would not swallow.

Gesong is proficient in the drug tract. He gave the medicinal herbs. Jiang Yun would dare to take it. At the moment of the entrance, he was directly burned with flames to become nothingness.

At this moment, Jiang Yun is looking at his bones.

Because every bone is above, there is a black line of roads that are slowly spreading!

This is the benefit that he has absorbed the power of the Mozu, and he also knows that the Mozu's magic lines cover the surface of the body, just the first step!

Next, you must cover the bones and blood, until the inside and outside of the body, omnipresent, to be truly magic!

At that time, Jiang Yun’s physical strength would be strong, and even he himself was very much looking forward to it.

"The trip to the world of nine colors, for me, is simply a great creation."

"If I guess, I have the level of the nine ethnic groups. If I can absorb the power of the nine people smoothly, then as long as I leave this world and wait until my realm enters the realm, then my strength will be There is a huge change that has changed dramatically!"

"However, I still don't know what it is like here, and what is the purpose of Zhan Qiu? What is it?"

"He is not a nine-nation nationality. If he enters here, he will not get the power left by the nine ethnic groups. Then his purpose is obviously related to the secrets of this world."

Just in the contemplation of Jiang Yun, the crowd suddenly burst into a burst of cheers, and Jiang Yun opened his eyes.

It turned out that Zhan Tianli had carried the stone tablet. After a hundred steps, he shouted at the crowd: "Come, come over!"

The people naturally did not dare to neglect, and they all grew up and turned into a ray of light. They rushed along the one hundred land that had already been revealed to the place where the battle force was.

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