The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1390: It’s my turn.

Although these shadows can't talk, when Jiang Yun finished this sentence, he immediately realized that they had a cheerful mood to themselves.

And, there is a shadow that has left his body and flew directly into the valley to see how it looks. It seems to be looking for Jiang Ying.

This discovery naturally makes Jiang Yun’s heart once again happy. Could it be that Jiang Ying is also in this nine-color world?

Jiang Yun continued to communicate with them through the gods: "We have to enter the depths of the valley. Can you let us go in the future, but you don't have to disappear, just open a road."

With the words of Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun clearly felt that these shadows in the body exude an anxious mood, like stopping himself from moving on.

"You want to tell me that there is danger in the valley, it is best not to go, right?"

The mood of the shadow immediately became active again.

The concern of the shadow makes Jiang Yun unable to help but feel warm. Don't look at them, even the intellect does not have it, but such concern is the most sincere, the same as their instinct.

"I know there is danger in it, but I have a reason to go inside, but you can rest assured that there is danger here, but it does not hurt me."

However, the emotions that emerged from the shadows began to become messy, anxious, excited, fearful, and happy.

It seems that their opinions are also inconsistent with each other, so there is a quarrel.

This makes Jiang Yun can not help but smile, if they can speak, then there will be countless embarrassing voices in their minds.

In desperation, Jiang Yun can only say once again: "Well, you don't have to fight, your kindness is my heart, but I really have to enter the valley."

"Right, are you gathered here, are you arranged by others, or are you spontaneously here?"

This issue is very important for Jiang Yun.

Because the front of the virtual labyrinth and black stone monument, if it is two levels, from the layout of the Xiao and the Mozu, then it is reasonable to say that the valley of the valley is the third level.

And the shadow of guarding here should also be derived from the arrangement of one of the nine ethnic groups.

However, according to Jiang Yun, there is no one of the nine ethnic groups whose ability is related to the manipulation of the shadow.

It is a pity that although the shadows clearly know the answer, they can only respond with emotions. It is impossible to give a clearer answer to Jiang Yun’s understanding.

Once again, I felt the various emotions that were conveyed by the shadows. Jiang Yun once again showed a smile.

Originally, he still wanted to continue to ask them about the secrets of this colorful world. Since these shadows are in this valley, they are clearly protecting the valley. Then the secrets of this nine-color world are inevitable. Know one or two.

But now, he still gave up the intention to continue to ask, and then said: "Okay, my question is over, now you are bothering to let the road open, let us go!"

As Jiang Yun’s voice fell, another shadow flew out of his body and rushed into the shadows that gathered around the mouth of the valley.

Just counting the past, these shadows immediately spread out to the sides, revealing a size-sized entrance.

Zhan Qiu and others who are outside the mouth of the valley, seeing this scene is a joy in the heart.

They were all waiting for their hearts, because the time spent capturing the memories of Jiang Yun was not short.

During that time, the shadows that gathered in Taniguchi simply did not change at all, so when they wanted to come, I am afraid that Jiang Yun could not completely surrender these shadows after all.

But now the facts prove that Jiang Yun has succeeded.

Perhaps Jiang Yun still has no way to solve so many shadows, but as long as there is a way, they can enter the valley.

However, Jiang Yun at the moment was surprised.

Because although the shadows have already given way, the few shadows that have entered his body are still in his body, apparently not willing to come out.

This makes Jiang Yun think of the situation of Zhan Qiu, it is not that they also want to settle in their own body?

Although there is some confusion in the mind, Jiang Yun did not take the initiative to drive away these shadows, but let them stay in their own bodies.

With the spread of the shadows, Jiang Yun can finally see the scene in front, a valley surrounded by mountains, with a huge area, just seems to be a dead end.

To leave the valley, only the mountains are turned over.

Turning around, Jiang Yun looked at the rear of those who still dare not pass, such as Zhan Qiu and others: "You can pass now!"

After that, when Jiang Yun turned around again and prepared to go ahead, his body was shocked, and his eyes flashed a ray of light.

Because, unintentionally, he saw in the shadows still standing on the left side of the valley, a faintly revealing black round object.

All the shadows are surrounded by this circular object, so that the whole picture of the object cannot be seen clearly.

However, Jiang Yun realized that he had seen this black object.

At this moment, the voice of Zhan Qiu has already sounded in his ear: "There is a loyal friend, if there is no Taoist friend, we must not enter this valley."

Jiang Yun did not care about him, still standing in the same place, looking up and silently watching the black object, and Zhan Qiu also appeared beside him, his face full of laughter: "Jiang Daoyou, right, just what you said What does it mean?"

Jiang Yun took back his gaze and glanced at him with a faint look: "What?"

Zhan Qiu smiled and said: "I just said that before you entered the valley, what you said to yourself, what shadow can get into the soul, I don't know, can you take them out?"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "If I can leave here alive, maybe I will tell you the answer!"

Jiang Yun’s answer, let Zhan Qiu’s eyes flash a sly color, and want to say something, but watching Zizhu and others have passed by the two of them and walked toward the depths of the valley. At that time, he could only smile with a smile: "Jiang Daoyou will definitely be able to leave alive."

When the voice fell, he also walked, so that although Jiang Yun broke the shadow of the guardian, but now he is in the final position.

At the moment, Jiang Yun, all of his aura has been madly stirred up, and his knowledge has been magnified to the strongest. He has quietly grasped the refining pen, and even secretly bite his tongue and contain a blood.

Previously, he guessed that every first person who cracked the checkpoint will be taken away by the inexplicable monster.

Now, he naturally has to verify that his guess is correct.

Keeping in a state of being ready to go, Jiang Yun did not hesitate to follow the crowd and walked toward the front.

At this moment, his **** clearly captured a demon, and also made him sneer: "Sure enough, it is my turn!"

Sure enough, I saw the black object surrounded by many shadows in the upper left of the valley, and suddenly a green tail, like a whip, swept toward Jiang Yun.

Just as Jiang Yun was preparing to squirt blood and draw a seal, he suddenly discovered that with the appearance of this green tail, the shadows that had always gathered outside were swarming, and they all fell into the tail.

Naturally, this is the speed at which the tail falls, and suddenly there is a moment of pause.

Even the shadows in their own bodies exude an angry mood.

And this also makes Jiang Yun realize that these shadows are clearly protecting themselves.

"Thank you, but I want to try the strength of this monster!"

At the same time that Jiang Yun’s knowledge conveyed the news, he had already raised the refining pen in his hand.

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