The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1401: Pity for you

Jiang Yun suddenly remembered, since entering the nine-color world, the people who have been captured by the monsters are not only Gesong one, but also long ions, war force, and their own chaotic road!

Since this fish-shaped monster is in a strange poisonous situation, it almost succeeded in killing the soul of Ge Song, then the three previous monsters, I am afraid they have successfully completed their respective souls.

Especially the ones that come from all directions, both human voices and beasts are the best proof!

Jiang Yun is more clearly remembering that the few buzzing from his rear are human voices!

And they are not too far away from themselves.

"No wonder I was disconnected from the chaotic road. It turned out to be the case!"

Understand the reasons for this, Jiang Yun's eyes can not help but perish.

The body that he cultivated himself was actually robbed by a monster, and this result made him really unwilling to accept it.

I don't know if there is any way to reverse this kind of soul-removing technique. If not, then I will really lose my chaotic path forever.

Like a vent, the fire of Jiang Yun, who was in the depths of the earth, slammed into the body of the monster.

And he himself was also a big sleeve, filled with a punch of the diamonds, and he slammed the body of Ge Song in front of him.

Although the beasts were extremely powerful during their lifetime, after they died, the body apparently did not have too strong defense power.

Watching the two bodies collapsing and breaking down, and turning into countless crumbs, Jiang Yun immediately turned around and continued to run outside the world without hesitation.

Although Jiang Yun would like to fight with the monsters who have already won, but he also knows that he is now alone, so he wants to find Wang Yuanzhong first.

Of course, it has been more than a month since I separated from them. It is very likely that in addition to Zhan Qiu, other people, even Wang Yuanzhong, have been treated as sacrifices and dedicated to a certain beast.

But in any case, Jiang Yun must first determine.

After all, they are all strong in the Taoist world. Even if one person is alive, it is a little more helpful for themselves.

When Jiang Yun’s figure just rushed out of this small world, watching a large golden tree that appeared in front of him, blocking the way, he also clearly felt behind him, and came a message. Strong breath fluctuations.

This made Jiang Yun have to give up the idea of ​​moving on, slowly turning around and looking at the long ion that is coming to him...

Still waiting for Jiang Yun to open, Long Ion has already smiled and said: "Jiang Daoyou, how do you see me escape from birth, you don't seem very happy?"

"And, you are so anxious, are you rushing to where?"

Hearing the clear words spit out from the long ion mouth, Jiang Yun’s heart can’t help but sink again!

If you are an unsuspecting person, seeing the long ions at this moment, you will inevitably think that he really escaped from the hands of the monster.

Because he has no flaws in appearance, demeanor, or tone, completely identical to long ions.

For Jiang Yun, who already knows the truth of the matter, naturally he will not be confused by the long ions in front of him.

In addition, he also felt a bit of power from the long ion!

Although the power of this silence is extremely weak, it is impossible for long ions!

At this moment, Jiang Yun’s heart has completely sunk into the bottom, because he has figured out one thing.

"The strength of the power of silence on him is roughly the same as that I felt from the Wei."

"Is it true that the Weijiu is actually a monster that was originally suppressed here, but has already been out of trouble!"

"And, he has even left the world of the nine colors, left the body of the ghostly beast, and went to the world where we lived."

At this time, the long ion again said: "Jiang Daoyou, why don't you talk? Isn't it scared by my appearance?"

Jiang Yun finally recovered, and all the shocks and worries were temporarily hidden in the bottom of my heart. I looked at the long ion with a blank expression: "I just feel sorry for you."

"What do you care about?" The long ion's face showed a color of interest.

"If you come early, you may still see the last side of your companion's body. Now, Jiang can only say sorry!"

With the words of Jiang Yun, the expression on the long ion face suddenly turned into a fury, and the mouth was filled with a scream of anger and anger: "Shut up!"

When the voice fell, the long ion suddenly emptied, and he saw that his body rushed out of two black and white gas, and quickly condensed into a black and white chess piece in the air!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yun could not help but secretly took a breath.

After completing the soul-hunting of the monks, these monsters not only occupy the body of the monk, but even the magical techniques of the monks can be mastered, and can even be easily displayed.

Now, Jiang Yun can finally understand why the Jiuzu wants to detain these monsters, why should we regard this nine-color world as the Forbidden City of the Nine!

Because these monsters are really powerful too much!


Hundreds of black and white chess pieces were intertwined into two black and white fish, and one left and one right went straight toward Jiang Yun.

In an instant, Jiang Yun clearly felt that the space around her body had been bound by a powerful force.

Naturally, this is the power of the array, and it is also the attack method that long ions are best at.

If you change to someone else, just face this blow, I am afraid it is already helpless.

However, Jiang Yun is not only well versed in the way of the law, but also the power of looting, so when the black and white fish came to him, his body shape was not trapped, but became transparent. It’s up.

Then, Jiang Yun was a cold smile, step by step, and his body shape disappeared completely, hiding in nothingness.

"The power of robbery!"

In the eyes of long ions, the murderous tumbling, recognizing the power of Jiang Yun, could not help but sneer: "I didn't expect that you are not a descendant of the Nine, but you can use the power of the Xiao people, very good, very good!"

"However, even the true Xiao ethnic group can't kill me. I can only suppress me. The power of the occupant of your foreigner can help me!"

The voice fell, and the long ions reached out again.

The hundreds of black and white chess pieces turned wildly, making each piece a sharp blade, revealing a horrible force of destruction, cutting the surrounding space at an extremely fast speed.

In the twinkling of an eye, the space inside the square of the long ion body has become like a sieve, and it is covered with countless holes.

However, the long ion brow is slightly wrinkled, because even if the space here has been cut, it is impossible to hide, but he still can't see Jiang Yun's figure.

"Damn, is it to escape!"

This made a long anger in the air of the long ion.

When he wants to come, Jiang Yun's figure is hidden in the void, certainly to secretly attack himself, but now that he does not, it can only be escaped.

Despite this, the shape of the long ion is not moving, but it looks at the golden tree standing in front of itself, with a hint of hesitation on the surface.

It seems that he can't cross this big tree.

However, he did not need to cross it, because in his ear, the voice of Jiang Yun suddenly sounded: "To deal with you, Jiang will not escape without fighting, fall!"

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