The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1411: Last one

For Jiang Yun’s decision, Zhan Qiu was not surprised.

Because when he wants to come, Jiang Yun has no other choices at the moment, only to cooperate with himself.

Zhan Qiu smiled slightly and looked at Jiang Yun up and down: "You don't seem to be hurt, just a lot of vitality. I have some medicines that can add vitality."

While speaking, Zhan Qiu has already thrown a hand to Jiang Yun a bottle of remedy.

After Jiang Yun took over, the gods swept through it. Although it was judged that it was indeed a rejuvenating remedy, Jiang Yun returned the bottle to Zhan Qiu. It was straightforward: "I believe you!"

Zhan Qiu does not care: "Do you need some time to recover?"

"You have been waiting for so long, you should not care too much for this moment!"

After dropping this sentence, Jiang Yun sat down on his knees, closed his eyes and began to recover his vitality. It seems that he did not worry that Zhan Qiu would take the opportunity to shoot himself.

Zhan Qiu looked at Jiang Yun with a cold eyes and sat down in the same place.

However, his gaze was moved to the round stone behind Jiang Yun, and his face was indulged.

This stone monument, although Jiang Yun was the first time I saw it, but Zhan Qiu had already encountered it when I first entered here, and I know more than one.

I only studied for a long time, and he didn't know what it was and what it did.

However, just now he saw Jiang Yun put his palm on the stone tablet and stood still, and saw the rune above the stone tablet, it seems to have flashed a light!

"Do you know, this Jiang Yun knows the role of this stone tablet?"

For Jiang Yun, Zhan Qiu’s heart is always full of doubts.

From the beginning of seeing Jiang Yun, until now, with more and more understanding of Jiang Yun, his suspicion has not decreased, but has become larger and larger.

One is only a small monk who is cultivated in the heavenly blessings. It is not only a refining demon, but also a force in the flesh, and it is also a sword repair.

Especially in this nine-color world, even the long ion, the celestial force and other powerful ones who are stronger than him have been robbed by the monsters, but he can return to the present safely.

Even he killed a monster!

The horror of these monsters, no one is more clear than Zhan Qiu.

Because the last time their brothers entered here, they have already handed over the beasts. No, it should be said that they have handed over the body of the beast!

The end result is that Zhan’s grievances are being robbed of the soul, and he himself has to pretend that he does not know what to sell for the beast!

However, Jiang Yun was able to kill a monster, which made Zhan Qiu really unable to imagine how Jiang Yun did it.

"Damn, it’s all here. The vigilance is still so high that even my remedy is not taken! However, if you can really kill those monsters by then, then I naturally have a way to deal with you!"

Zhan Qiu took back the look of the stone tablet, and once again glanced at Jiang Yun, and at this moment, his ear suddenly sounded the voice of Wei Jiu.

After listening to the voice of Wei Jiu, this made him have to stand up and face Jiang Yundao: "Jiang Daoyou, I need to leave for a while, you are waiting for me for a while!"

After that, Zhan Qiu stood up and turned and went straight to the depths of the white fog.

With the departure of Zhan Qiu, Jiang Yun opened his eyes and glanced at the direction of Zhan Qiu’s departure. His eyes showed a touch of joy.

In fact, the reason why Jiang Yun will be here to restore vitality, the real purpose is to wait until the vitality is enough, then to light up the last stone.

Because for Zhan Qiu, he could not believe in all.

He must look at the center of the nine-color world with his own eyes. What kind of situation is there, how many monsters there are, so that you can know what you are doing.

However, he did not want Zhan Qiu to know that he knew the secret of the stone, so he was also considering how to light the stone in the case of Zhai Qiu.

Unexpectedly, Zhan Qiu now took the initiative to leave.

Although Jiang Yun does not know what Zhan Qiu is going to do, it is really help.

With a lot of vitality pouring into the body, just a moment later, Jiang Yun's vitality has been restored to half, and he has turned his head again, looking at the stone behind him.

Now Jiang Yun is only a little uncertain, that is, if he once again applies the technique of worshiping the heavens, will he still need to light the remaining eight stone monuments first, and then light up the last stone monument.

If that is the case, then it will never be possible to light up the last stone unless it is exhausted.

But now Jiang Yun can't take it anymore, and Zhan Qiu is likely to come back at any time. Before he returns, he must try it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun did not hesitate to reach out to the palm of his hand and put it on the stone tablet. The vitality of the recovery has once again poured into it.

With the runes in turn, the light covered the body of Jiang Yun, and his knowledge once again entered the stone.

Moreover, there is still a feeling on the stone tablet, but it is no longer a desire, but a kind of excitement.

It seems that this altar of heaven and earth has become familiar with the atmosphere of Jiang Yun.

This made Jiang Yun unable to move in the heart, thinking that there is no possibility, this heaven and earth altar is like a smashing dang, and it has already produced a spirit.

Therefore, Jiang Yun also rushed to communicate with the other party: "Can you light up the last stone monument?"

Sure enough, a response came quickly from the altar.

However, this response is a bit fuzzy.

In this regard, Jiang Yun, who is a refiner, immediately realized that the spirit was born in this altar, but it has not really grown up, just a simple consciousness.

Just like those black shadows.

Because of its response, Jiang Yun felt a bit of anxious emotions, and his own eyes turned out to be in an uncontrolled direction.

In a white mist, there is a figure that is constantly hitting the ground.

Jiang Yun recognized that the figure was just Zhan Qiu who had just left before, and also let him be puzzled by Zhan Qiu’s behavior: "What is he doing?"

Under the gaze of Jiang Yun's gaze, Zhan Qiu, who was attacking the ground, seemed to feel the same. He stopped the attack and looked up. He looked around and frowned.

Jiang Yun did not pay attention to him, but continued to look at the ground in front of Zhan Qiu, his eyes turned directly through and saw the depths of the earth.

Until I saw a spider with a hundred feet in size, and a voluptuous figure sitting on the top of the spider's head - Zizhu!

At this moment, the purple bamboo eyes are closed, and the good face has a painful color.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yun naturally understands it.

This spider is the monster that is being held here, and now it is clearly capturing the soul of Zizhu.

And Zhan Qiu attacked the earth, it should be to release it in advance.

This is also the reason why the altar has an anxious mood.

"Spider, Zizhu!"

Jiang Yun suddenly realized that he had always ignored one thing.

"The monsters being held here do not seem to be able to capture the soul of any monk at will. If they want to succeed in the soul, the monks who have been robbed of the soul must have certain characteristics!"

"And, they do not necessarily have to be human beings, just like this purple bamboo, she is also a spider, but it is a human form, but it has also become the object of being robbed!"

"That is to say, the reason why Zhan Qiu will find long ions and Zizhu, they are not just looking for them, but meet their requirements!"

"Then, what are their demands for the soul?"

Just when Jiang Yun is grinding this problem -

In the distance, the last stone tablet suddenly turned on!

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